File diff r23537:f6a6d4ce4bd5 → r23538:8df50944b27a
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@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ struct Filtering {
 * List template of 'things' \p T to sort in a GUI.
 * @tparam T Type of data stored in the list to represent each item.
 * @tparam F Type of data fed as additional value to the filter function. @see FilterFunction
template <typename T, typename F = const char*>
class GUIList : public SmallVector<T, 32> {
class GUIList : public std::vector<T> {
	typedef int CDECL SortFunction(const T*, const T*); ///< Signature of sort function.
	typedef bool CDECL FilterFunction(const T*, F);     ///< Signature of filter function.

	SortFunction * const *sort_func_list;     ///< the sort criteria functions