File diff r23537:f6a6d4ce4bd5 → r23538:8df50944b27a
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@@ -621,14 +621,14 @@ int strnatcmp(const char *s1, const char
/** String iterator using ICU as a backend. */
class IcuStringIterator : public StringIterator
	icu::BreakIterator *char_itr; ///< ICU iterator for characters.
	icu::BreakIterator *word_itr; ///< ICU iterator for words.

	SmallVector<UChar, 32> utf16_str;      ///< UTF-16 copy of the string.
	SmallVector<size_t, 32> utf16_to_utf8; ///< Mapping from UTF-16 code point position to index in the UTF-8 source string.
	std::vector<UChar> utf16_str;      ///< UTF-16 copy of the string.
	std::vector<size_t> utf16_to_utf8; ///< Mapping from UTF-16 code point position to index in the UTF-8 source string.

	IcuStringIterator() : char_itr(NULL), word_itr(NULL)
		UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		this->char_itr = icu::BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(icu::Locale(_current_language != NULL ? _current_language->isocode : "en"), status);