File diff r27049:913f3ce60451 → r27050:d85c65824c1e
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@@ -700,16 +700,17 @@ struct UnitsLong {
	StringID s;       ///< String for the short variant of the unit
	StringID l;       ///< String for the long variant of the unit

/** Unit conversions for velocity. */
static const Units _units_velocity[] = {
	{ {    1,  0}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL,     0 },
	{ {  103,  6}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC,       0 },
	{ { 1831, 12}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI,           0 },
	{ {37888, 16}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_GAMEUNITS,    1 },
	{ {       1,  0}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL,     0 },
	{ {     103,  6}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC,       0 },
	{ {    1831, 12}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI,           0 },
	{ {   37888, 16}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_GAMEUNITS,    1 },
	{ { 7289499, 23}, STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_KNOTS,        0 },

/** Unit conversions for power. */
static const Units _units_power[] = {
	{ {   1,  0}, STR_UNITS_POWER_IMPERIAL, 0 },
	{ {4153, 12}, STR_UNITS_POWER_METRIC,   0 },
@@ -755,52 +756,64 @@ static const Units _units_height[] = {
	{ {   3,  0}, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_IMPERIAL, 0 }, // "Wrong" conversion factor for more nicer GUI values
	{ {   1,  0}, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_METRIC,   0 },
	{ {   1,  0}, STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_SI,       0 },

 * Get index for velocity conversion units for a vehicle type.
 * @param type VehicleType to convert velocity for.
 * @return Index within velocity conversion units for vehicle type.
static byte GetVelocityUnits(VehicleType type)
	if (type == VEH_SHIP || type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) return _settings_game.locale.units_velocity_nautical;

	return _settings_game.locale.units_velocity;

 * Convert the given (internal) speed to the display speed.
 * @param speed the speed to convert
 * @return the converted speed.
uint ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed(uint speed)
uint ConvertSpeedToDisplaySpeed(uint speed, VehicleType type)
	/* For historical reasons we don't want to mess with the
	 * conversion for speed. So, don't round it and keep the
	 * original conversion factors instead of the real ones. */
	return _units_velocity[_settings_game.locale.units_velocity].c.ToDisplay(speed, false);
	return _units_velocity[GetVelocityUnits(type)].c.ToDisplay(speed, false);

 * Convert the given display speed to the (internal) speed.
 * @param speed the speed to convert
 * @return the converted speed.
uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed(uint speed)
uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToSpeed(uint speed, VehicleType type)
	return _units_velocity[_settings_game.locale.units_velocity].c.FromDisplay(speed);
	return _units_velocity[GetVelocityUnits(type)].c.FromDisplay(speed);

 * Convert the given km/h-ish speed to the display speed.
 * @param speed the speed to convert
 * @return the converted speed.
uint ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed(uint speed)
uint ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed(uint speed, VehicleType type)
	return _units_velocity[_settings_game.locale.units_velocity].c.ToDisplay(speed * 10, false) / 16;
	return _units_velocity[GetVelocityUnits(type)].c.ToDisplay(speed * 10, false) / 16;

 * Convert the given display speed to the km/h-ish speed.
 * @param speed the speed to convert
 * @return the converted speed.
uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed(uint speed)
uint ConvertDisplaySpeedToKmhishSpeed(uint speed, VehicleType type)
	return _units_velocity[_settings_game.locale.units_velocity].c.FromDisplay(speed * 16, true, 10);
	return _units_velocity[GetVelocityUnits(type)].c.FromDisplay(speed * 16, true, 10);

static std::vector<const char *> _game_script_raw_strings;

 * Parse most format codes within a string and write the result to a buffer.
@@ -1288,17 +1301,21 @@ static char *FormatString(char *buff, co
				StringParameters tmp_params(args_array);
				buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(x.s), &tmp_params, last);

				assert(_settings_game.locale.units_velocity < lengthof(_units_velocity));
				unsigned int decimal_places = _units_velocity[_settings_game.locale.units_velocity].decimal_places;
				uint64 args_array[] = {ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed(args->GetInt64(SCC_VELOCITY)), decimal_places};
				int64 arg = args->GetInt64(SCC_VELOCITY);
				// Unpack vehicle type from packed argument to get desired units.
				VehicleType vt = static_cast<VehicleType>(GB(arg, 56, 8));
				byte units = GetVelocityUnits(vt);
				assert(units < lengthof(_units_velocity));
				unsigned int decimal_places = _units_velocity[units].decimal_places;
				uint64 args_array[] = {ConvertKmhishSpeedToDisplaySpeed(GB(arg, 0, 56), vt), decimal_places};
				StringParameters tmp_params(args_array, decimal_places ? 2 : 1, nullptr);
				buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units_velocity[_settings_game.locale.units_velocity].s), &tmp_params, last);
				buff = FormatString(buff, GetStringPtr(_units_velocity[units].s), &tmp_params, last);

				assert(_settings_game.locale.units_volume < lengthof(_units_volume));
				int64 args_array[1] = {_units_volume[_settings_game.locale.units_volume].c.ToDisplay(args->GetInt64())};