File diff r14726:e42b5d6d3c6a → r14727:9ddd9a15dd3b
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@@ -377,28 +377,28 @@ static AirportTileTable *_tile_table_hel
#undef MKEND

/** General AirportSpec definition. */
#define AS_GENERIC(att, depot_tbl, num_depots, size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type) \
	{att, depot_tbl, num_depots, size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type}
#define AS_GENERIC(att, depot_tbl, num_depots, size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type, class_id) \
	{att, depot_tbl, num_depots, size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type, class_id}

/** AirportSpec definition for airports without any depot. */
#define AS_ND(ap_name, size_x, size_y, min_year, max_year, catchment, noise, ttdpatch_type) \
	AS_GENERIC(_tile_table_##ap_name, NULL, 0, size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type)
#define AS_ND(ap_name, size_x, size_y, min_year, max_year, catchment, noise, ttdpatch_type, class_id) \
	AS_GENERIC(_tile_table_##ap_name, NULL, 0, size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type, class_id)

/** AirportSpec definition for airports with at least one depot. */
#define AS(ap_name, size_x, size_y, min_year, max_year, catchment, noise, ttdpatch_type) \
	AS_GENERIC(_tile_table_##ap_name, _airport_depots_##ap_name, lengthof(_airport_depots_##ap_name), size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type)
#define AS(ap_name, size_x, size_y, min_year, max_year, catchment, noise, ttdpatch_type, class_id) \
	AS_GENERIC(_tile_table_##ap_name, _airport_depots_##ap_name, lengthof(_airport_depots_##ap_name), size_x, size_y, noise, catchment, min_year, max_year, ttdpatch_type, class_id)

/* The helidepot and helistation have ATP_TTDP_SMALL because they are at ground level */
extern const AirportSpec _origin_airport_specs[] = {
	AS(country, 4, 3, 0, 1959, 4, 3, ATP_TTDP_SMALL),
	AS(city, 6, 6, 1955, MAX_YEAR, 5, 5, ATP_TTDP_LARGE),
	AS_ND(heliport, 1, 1, 1963, MAX_YEAR, 4, 1, ATP_TTDP_HELIPORT),
	AS(metropolitan, 6, 6, 1980, MAX_YEAR, 6, 8, ATP_TTDP_LARGE),
	AS(international, 7, 7, 1990, MAX_YEAR, 8, 17, ATP_TTDP_LARGE),
	AS(commuter, 5, 4, 1983, MAX_YEAR, 4, 4, ATP_TTDP_SMALL),
	AS(helidepot, 2, 2, 1976, MAX_YEAR, 4, 2, ATP_TTDP_SMALL),
	AS(intercontinental, 9, 11, 2002, MAX_YEAR, 10, 25, ATP_TTDP_LARGE),
	AS(helistation, 4, 2, 1980, MAX_YEAR, 4, 3, ATP_TTDP_SMALL),
	AS(country, 4, 3, 0, 1959, 4, 3, ATP_TTDP_SMALL, APC_SMALL),
	AS(city, 6, 6, 1955, MAX_YEAR, 5, 5, ATP_TTDP_LARGE, APC_LARGE),
	AS_ND(heliport, 1, 1, 1963, MAX_YEAR, 4, 1, ATP_TTDP_HELIPORT, APC_HELIPORT),
	AS(metropolitan, 6, 6, 1980, MAX_YEAR, 6, 8, ATP_TTDP_LARGE, APC_LARGE),
	AS(international, 7, 7, 1990, MAX_YEAR, 8, 17, ATP_TTDP_LARGE, APC_HUB),
	AS(commuter, 5, 4, 1983, MAX_YEAR, 4, 4, ATP_TTDP_SMALL, APC_SMALL),
	AS(helidepot, 2, 2, 1976, MAX_YEAR, 4, 2, ATP_TTDP_SMALL, APC_HELIPORT),
	AS(intercontinental, 9, 11, 2002, MAX_YEAR, 10, 25, ATP_TTDP_LARGE, APC_HUB),
	AS(helistation, 4, 2, 1980, MAX_YEAR, 4, 3, ATP_TTDP_SMALL, APC_HELIPORT),

assert_compile(NUM_AIRPORTS == lengthof(_origin_airport_specs));