File diff r7576:a927e2079d63 → r7577:37dc0fd4f87e
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@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ struct DrawIndustryCoordinates {
 * @param dz virtual height of the sprite
 * @param p this allows to specify a special drawing procedure.
 * @see DrawBuildingsTileStruct */
#define M(s1, p1, s2, p2, sx, sy, w, h, dz, p) { { s1, p1 }, { s2, p2 }, sx, sy, w - 1, h - 1, dz, p }
#define M(s1, p1, s2, p2, sx, sy, w, h, dz, p) { { s1, p1 }, { s2, p2 }, sx, sy, w, h, dz, p }

/** Structure for industry tiles drawing */
static const DrawBuildingsTileStruct _industry_draw_tile_data[NEW_INDUSTRYTILEOFFSET * 4] = {