File diff r23537:f6a6d4ce4bd5 → r23538:8df50944b27a
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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct TextfileWindow : public Window, M
	Scrollbar *vscroll;                  ///< Vertical scrollbar.
	Scrollbar *hscroll;                  ///< Horizontal scrollbar.
	char *text;                          ///< Lines of text from the NewGRF's textfile.
	SmallVector<const char *, 64> lines; ///< #text, split into lines in a table with lines.
	std::vector<const char *> lines; ///< #text, split into lines in a table with lines.
	uint search_iterator;                ///< Iterator for the font check search.

	static const int TOP_SPACING    = WD_FRAMETEXT_TOP;    ///< Additional spacing at the top of the #WID_TF_BACKGROUND widget.