File diff r26828:fa6e2fa4b68c → r26829:f1ebd010c392
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@@ -82,33 +82,33 @@ static bool CanDetermineTimeTaken(const 
 * @param v Vehicle which must have at least 2 orders.
 * @param start order index to start at
 * @param travelling Are we still in the travelling part of the start order
 * @param table Fill in arrival and departures including intermediate orders
 * @param offset Add this value to result and all arrivals and departures
static void FillTimetableArrivalDepartureTable(const Vehicle *v, VehicleOrderID start, bool travelling, TimetableArrivalDeparture *table, Ticks offset)
	assert(table != nullptr);
	assert(v->GetNumOrders() >= 2);
	assert(start < v->GetNumOrders());

	Ticks sum = offset;
	VehicleOrderID i = start;
	const Order *order = v->GetOrder(i);

	/* Pre-initialize with unknown time */
	for (int i = 0; i < v->GetNumOrders(); ++i) {
		table[i].arrival = table[i].departure = INVALID_TICKS;

	Ticks sum = offset;
	VehicleOrderID i = start;
	const Order *order = v->GetOrder(i);

	/* Cyclically loop over all orders until we reach the current one again.
	 * As we may start at the current order, do a post-checking loop */
	do {
		/* Automatic orders don't influence the overall timetable;
		 * they just add some untimetabled entries, but the time till
		 * the next non-implicit order can still be known. */
		if (!order->IsType(OT_IMPLICIT)) {
			if (travelling || i != start) {
				if (!CanDetermineTimeTaken(order, true)) return;
				sum += order->GetTimetabledTravel();
				table[i].arrival = sum;