File diff r18781:e1de9a06f7cd → r18782:6453522c2154
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@@ -125,25 +125,25 @@ struct Train FINAL : public GroundVehicl
	int GetCurrentMaxSpeed() const;

	 * Get the next real (non-articulated part and non rear part of dualheaded engine) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Next vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Train *GetNextUnit() const
	inline Train *GetNextUnit() const
		Train *v = this->GetNextVehicle();
		if (v != NULL && v->IsRearDualheaded()) v = v->GetNextVehicle();

		return v;

	 * Get the previous real (non-articulated part and non rear part of dualheaded engine) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Train *GetPrevUnit()
	inline Train *GetPrevUnit()
		Train *v = this->GetPrevVehicle();
		if (v != NULL && v->IsRearDualheaded()) v = v->GetPrevVehicle();

		return v;
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ struct Train FINAL : public GroundVehicl
protected: // These functions should not be called outside acceleration code.

	 * Allows to know the power value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Power value from the engine in HP, or zero if the vehicle is not powered.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPower() const
	inline uint16 GetPower() const
		/* Power is not added for articulated parts */
		if (!this->IsArticulatedPart() && HasPowerOnRail(this->railtype, GetRailType(this->tile))) {
			uint16 power = GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_TRAIN_POWER, RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->power);
			/* Halve power for multiheaded parts */
			if (this->IsMultiheaded()) power /= 2;
@@ -181,13 +181,13 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Returns a value if this articulated part is powered.
	 * @return Power value from the articulated part in HP, or zero if it is not powered.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPoweredPartPower(const Train *head) const
	inline uint16 GetPoweredPartPower(const Train *head) const
		/* For powered wagons the engine defines the type of engine (i.e. railtype) */
		if (HasBit(this->flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON) && HasPowerOnRail(head->railtype, GetRailType(this->tile))) {
			return RailVehInfo(this->gcache.first_engine)->pow_wag_power;

@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Allows to know the weight value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Weight value from the engine in tonnes.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetWeight() const
	inline uint16 GetWeight() const
		uint16 weight = (CargoSpec::Get(this->cargo_type)->weight * this->cargo.Count() * FreightWagonMult(this->cargo_type)) / 16;

		/* Vehicle weight is not added for articulated parts. */
		if (!this->IsArticulatedPart()) {
			weight += GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_TRAIN_WEIGHT, RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->weight);
@@ -216,109 +216,109 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Allows to know the tractive effort value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Tractive effort value from the engine.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetTractiveEffort() const
	inline byte GetTractiveEffort() const
		return GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_TRAIN_TRACTIVE_EFFORT, RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->tractive_effort);

	 * Gets the area used for calculating air drag.
	 * @return Area of the engine in m^2.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetAirDragArea() const
	inline byte GetAirDragArea() const
		/* Air drag is higher in tunnels due to the limited cross-section. */
		return (this->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE && this->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) ? 28 : 14;

	 * Gets the air drag coefficient of this vehicle.
	 * @return Air drag value from the engine.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetAirDrag() const
	inline byte GetAirDrag() const
		return RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->air_drag;

	 * Checks the current acceleration status of this vehicle.
	 * @return Acceleration status.
	FORCEINLINE AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const
	inline AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const
		return (this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) || HasBit(this->flags, VRF_REVERSING) || HasBit(this->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK) ? AS_BRAKE : AS_ACCEL;

	 * Calculates the current speed of this vehicle.
	 * @return Current speed in km/h-ish.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetCurrentSpeed() const
	inline uint16 GetCurrentSpeed() const
		return this->cur_speed;

	 * Returns the rolling friction coefficient of this vehicle.
	 * @return Rolling friction coefficient in [1e-4].
	FORCEINLINE uint32 GetRollingFriction() const
	inline uint32 GetRollingFriction() const
		/* Rolling friction for steel on steel is between 0.1% and 0.2%.
		 * The friction coefficient increases with speed in a way that
		 * it doubles at 512 km/h, triples at 1024 km/h and so on. */
		return 15 * (512 + this->GetCurrentSpeed()) / 512;

	 * Allows to know the acceleration type of a vehicle.
	 * @return Acceleration type of the vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE int GetAccelerationType() const
	inline int GetAccelerationType() const
		return GetRailTypeInfo(this->railtype)->acceleration_type;

	 * Returns the slope steepness used by this vehicle.
	 * @return Slope steepness used by the vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE uint32 GetSlopeSteepness() const
	inline uint32 GetSlopeSteepness() const
		return _settings_game.vehicle.train_slope_steepness;

	 * Gets the maximum speed allowed by the track for this vehicle.
	 * @return Maximum speed allowed.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetMaxTrackSpeed() const
	inline uint16 GetMaxTrackSpeed() const
		return GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(this->tile))->max_speed;

	 * Checks if the vehicle is at a tile that can be sloped.
	 * @return True if the tile can be sloped.
	FORCEINLINE bool TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const
	inline bool TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const
		/* Any track that isn't TRACK_BIT_X or TRACK_BIT_Y cannot be sloped. */
		return this->track == TRACK_BIT_X || this->track == TRACK_BIT_Y;

	 * Trains can always use the faster algorithm because they
	 * have always the same direction as the track under them.
	 * @return false
	FORCEINLINE bool HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()
	inline bool HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()
		return false;