File diff r6515:fea178a6deef → r6516:0c4e03193684
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@@ -2467,26 +2467,13 @@ UnitID GetFreeUnitNumber(byte type)
	return unit;

static SpriteID GetEngineColourMap(EngineID engine_type, PlayerID player, EngineID parent_engine_type, const Vehicle *v)

const Livery *GetEngineLivery(EngineID engine_type, PlayerID player, EngineID parent_engine_type, const Vehicle *v)
	SpriteID map = PAL_NONE;
	const Player *p = GetPlayer(player);
	LiveryScheme scheme = LS_DEFAULT;
	CargoID cargo_type = v == NULL ? (CargoID)CT_INVALID : v->cargo_type;

	/* Check if we should use the colour map callback */
	if (HASBIT(EngInfo(engine_type)->callbackmask, CBM_COLOUR_REMAP)) {
		uint16 callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_COLOUR_MAPPING, 0, 0, engine_type, v);
		/* A return value of 0xC000 is stated to "use the default two-color
		 * maps" which happens to be the failure action too... */
		if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED && callback != 0xC000) {
			map = GB(callback, 0, 14);
			/* If bit 14 is set, then the company colours are applied to the
			 * map else it's returned as-is. */
			if (!HASBIT(callback, 14)) return map;

	/* The default livery is always available for use, but its in_use flag determines
	 * whether any _other_ liveries are in use. */
	if (p->livery[LS_DEFAULT].in_use && (_patches.liveries == 2 || (_patches.liveries == 1 && player == _local_player))) {
@@ -2563,12 +2550,35 @@ static SpriteID GetEngineColourMap(Engin
		if (!p->livery[scheme].in_use) scheme = LS_DEFAULT;

	return &p->livery[scheme];


static SpriteID GetEngineColourMap(EngineID engine_type, PlayerID player, EngineID parent_engine_type, const Vehicle *v)
	SpriteID map = PAL_NONE;

	/* Check if we should use the colour map callback */
	if (HASBIT(EngInfo(engine_type)->callbackmask, CBM_COLOUR_REMAP)) {
		uint16 callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_COLOUR_MAPPING, 0, 0, engine_type, v);
		/* A return value of 0xC000 is stated to "use the default two-color
		 * maps" which happens to be the failure action too... */
		if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED && callback != 0xC000) {
			map = GB(callback, 0, 14);
			/* If bit 14 is set, then the company colours are applied to the
			 * map else it's returned as-is. */
			if (!HASBIT(callback, 14)) return map;

	bool twocc = HASBIT(EngInfo(engine_type)->misc_flags, EF_USES_2CC);

	if (map == PAL_NONE) map = twocc ? (SpriteID)SPR_2CCMAP_BASE : (SpriteID)PALETTE_RECOLOR_START;

	map += p->livery[scheme].colour1;
	if (twocc) map += p->livery[scheme].colour2 * 16;
	const Livery *livery = GetEngineLivery(engine_type, player, parent_engine_type, v);

	map += livery->colour1;
	if (twocc) map += livery->colour2 * 16;

	return map;