File diff r18781:e1de9a06f7cd → r18782:6453522c2154
Show inline comments
@@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ public:
	 * However, this method is slightly wrong in corners, as the leftover progress is not scaled correctly
	 * when changing movement direction. #GetAdvanceSpeed() and #GetAdvanceDistance() are better wrt. this.
	 * @param speed Direction-independent unscaled speed.
	 * @return speed scaled by movement direction. 256 units are required for each movement step.
	FORCEINLINE uint GetOldAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
	inline uint GetOldAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
		return (this->direction & 1) ? speed : speed * 3 / 4;

	 * Determines the effective vehicle movement speed.
@@ -309,25 +309,25 @@ public:
	 * However different amounts of "progress" are needed for moving a step in a specific direction.
	 * That way the leftover progress does not need any adaption when changing movement direction.
	 * @param speed Direction-independent unscaled speed.
	 * @return speed, scaled to match #GetAdvanceDistance().
	static FORCEINLINE uint GetAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
	static inline uint GetAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
		return speed * 3 / 4;

	 * Determines the vehicle "progress" needed for moving a step.
	 * Together with #GetAdvanceSpeed() this function is a replacement for #GetOldAdvanceSpeed().
	 * @return distance to drive for a movement step on the map.
	FORCEINLINE uint GetAdvanceDistance()
	inline uint GetAdvanceDistance()
		return (this->direction & 1) ? 192 : 256;

	 * Sets the expense type associated to this vehicle type
@@ -358,33 +358,33 @@ public:
	uint32 GetGRFID() const;

	 * Invalidates cached NewGRF variables
	 * @see InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain
	FORCEINLINE void InvalidateNewGRFCache()
	inline void InvalidateNewGRFCache()
		this->grf_cache.cache_valid = 0;

	 * Invalidates cached NewGRF variables of all vehicles in the chain (after the current vehicle)
	 * @see InvalidateNewGRFCache
	FORCEINLINE void InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain()
	inline void InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain()
		for (Vehicle *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {

	 * Check if the vehicle is a ground vehicle.
	 * @return True iff the vehicle is a train or a road vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsGroundVehicle() const
	inline bool IsGroundVehicle() const
		return this->type == VEH_TRAIN || this->type == VEH_ROAD;

	 * Gets the speed in km-ish/h that can be sent into SetDParam for string processing.
@@ -736,97 +736,97 @@ public:
	void HandlePathfindingResult(bool path_found);

	 * Check if the vehicle is a front engine.
	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is a front engine.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFrontEngine() const
	inline bool IsFrontEngine() const
		return this->IsGroundVehicle() && HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT);

	 * Check if the vehicle is an articulated part of an engine.
	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is an articulated part.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsArticulatedPart() const
	inline bool IsArticulatedPart() const
		return this->IsGroundVehicle() && HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART);

	 * Check if an engine has an articulated part.
	 * @return True if the engine has an articulated part.
	FORCEINLINE bool HasArticulatedPart() const
	inline bool HasArticulatedPart() const
		return this->Next() != NULL && this->Next()->IsArticulatedPart();

	 * Get the next part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Next part of the articulated engine.
	 * @pre The vehicle is an articulated engine.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetNextArticulatedPart() const
	inline Vehicle *GetNextArticulatedPart() const
		return this->Next();

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart()
	inline Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart()
		Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
		return v;

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE const Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart() const
	inline const Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart() const
		const Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
		return v;

	 * Get the last part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Last part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetLastEnginePart()
	inline Vehicle *GetLastEnginePart()
		Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->HasArticulatedPart()) v = v->GetNextArticulatedPart();
		return v;

	 * Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Next vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetNextVehicle() const
	inline Vehicle *GetNextVehicle() const
		const Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->HasArticulatedPart()) v = v->GetNextArticulatedPart();

		/* v now contains the last articulated part in the engine */
		return v->Next();

	 * Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetPrevVehicle() const
	inline Vehicle *GetPrevVehicle() const
		Vehicle *v = this->Previous();
		while (v != NULL && v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();

		return v;
@@ -855,144 +855,144 @@ struct SpecializedVehicle : public Vehic

	typedef SpecializedVehicle<T, Type> SpecializedVehicleBase; ///< Our type

	 * Set vehicle type correctly
	FORCEINLINE SpecializedVehicle<T, Type>() : Vehicle(Type) { }
	inline SpecializedVehicle<T, Type>() : Vehicle(Type) { }

	 * Get the first vehicle in the chain
	 * @return first vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *First() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::First(); }
	inline T *First() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::First(); }

	 * Get the last vehicle in the chain
	 * @return last vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *Last() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }
	inline T *Last() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }

	 * Get the last vehicle in the chain
	 * @return last vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE const T *Last() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }
	inline const T *Last() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }

	 * Get next vehicle in the chain
	 * @return next vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *Next() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Next(); }
	inline T *Next() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Next(); }

	 * Get previous vehicle in the chain
	 * @return previous vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *Previous() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Previous(); }
	inline T *Previous() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Previous(); }

	 * Get the next part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Next part of the articulated engine.
	 * @pre The vehicle is an articulated engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetNextArticulatedPart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }
	inline T *GetNextArticulatedPart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }

	 * Get the next part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Next part of the articulated engine.
	 * @pre The vehicle is an articulated engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetNextArticulatedPart() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }
	inline T *GetNextArticulatedPart() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetFirstEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }
	inline T *GetFirstEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE const T *GetFirstEnginePart() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }
	inline const T *GetFirstEnginePart() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }

	 * Get the last part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Last part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetLastEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetLastEnginePart(); }
	inline T *GetLastEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetLastEnginePart(); }

	 * Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Next vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetNextVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextVehicle(); }
	inline T *GetNextVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextVehicle(); }

	 * Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetPrevVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetPrevVehicle(); }
	inline T *GetPrevVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetPrevVehicle(); }

	 * Tests whether given index is a valid index for vehicle of this type
	 * @param index tested index
	 * @return is this index valid index of T?
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
	static inline bool IsValidID(size_t index)
		return Vehicle::IsValidID(index) && Vehicle::Get(index)->type == Type;

	 * Gets vehicle with given index
	 * @return pointer to vehicle with given index casted to T *
	static FORCEINLINE T *Get(size_t index)
	static inline T *Get(size_t index)
		return (T *)Vehicle::Get(index);

	 * Returns vehicle if the index is a valid index for this vehicle type
	 * @return pointer to vehicle with given index if it's a vehicle of this type
	static FORCEINLINE T *GetIfValid(size_t index)
	static inline T *GetIfValid(size_t index)
		return IsValidID(index) ? Get(index) : NULL;

	 * Converts a Vehicle to SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
	 * @param v Vehicle pointer
	 * @return pointer to SpecializedVehicle
	static FORCEINLINE T *From(Vehicle *v)
	static inline T *From(Vehicle *v)
		assert(v->type == Type);
		return (T *)v;

	 * Converts a const Vehicle to const SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
	 * @param v Vehicle pointer
	 * @return pointer to SpecializedVehicle
	static FORCEINLINE const T *From(const Vehicle *v)
	static inline const T *From(const Vehicle *v)
		assert(v->type == Type);
		return (const T *)v;

	 * Update vehicle sprite- and position caches
	 * @param moved Was the vehicle moved?
	 * @param turned Did the vehicle direction change?
	FORCEINLINE void UpdateViewport(bool moved, bool turned)
	inline void UpdateViewport(bool moved, bool turned)
		extern void VehicleMove(Vehicle *v, bool update_viewport);

		/* Explicitly choose method to call to prevent vtable dereference -
		 * it gives ~3% runtime improvements in games with many vehicles */
		if (turned) ((T *)this)->T::UpdateDeltaXY(this->direction);