File diff r24850:df6b081a960b → r24851:a41e925d9dc7
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@@ -456,28 +456,28 @@ void VideoDriver_Cocoa::BlitIndexedToVie
	uint32       *dst   = (uint32*)this->window_buffer;
	uint          width = this->window_width;
	uint          pitch = this->window_pitch;

	for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
		for (int x = left; x < right; x++) {
			dst[y * pitch + x] = pal[src[y * width + x]];

 * Draw window.
 * Paint window.
 * @param force_update Whether to redraw unconditionally
void VideoDriver_Cocoa::Draw(bool force_update)
void VideoDriver_Cocoa::Paint()
	PerformanceMeasurer framerate(PFE_VIDEO);

	/* Check if we need to do anything */
	if (this->num_dirty_rects == 0 || [ this->window isMiniaturized ]) return;

	if (this->num_dirty_rects >= lengthof(this->dirty_rects)) {
		this->num_dirty_rects = 1;
		this->dirty_rects[0].left = 0;
		this->dirty_rects[0].top = 0;
		this->dirty_rects[0].right = this->window_width;
		this->dirty_rects[0].bottom = this->window_height;
@@ -493,27 +493,26 @@ void VideoDriver_Cocoa::Draw(bool force_

		NSRect dirtyrect;
		dirtyrect.origin.x = this->dirty_rects[i].left;
		dirtyrect.origin.y = this->window_height - this->dirty_rects[i].bottom;
		dirtyrect.size.width = this->dirty_rects[i].right - this->dirty_rects[i].left;
		dirtyrect.size.height = this->dirty_rects[i].bottom - this->dirty_rects[i].top;

		/* Normally drawRect will be automatically called by Mac OS X during next update cycle,
		 * and then blitting will occur. If force_update is true, it will be done right now. */
		 * and then blitting will occur. */
		[ this->cocoaview setNeedsDisplayInRect:[ this->cocoaview getVirtualRect:dirtyrect ] ];
		if (force_update) [ this->cocoaview displayIfNeeded ];

	this->num_dirty_rects = 0;

/** Update the palette. */
void VideoDriver_Cocoa::UpdatePalette(uint first_color, uint num_colors)
	if (this->buffer_depth != 8) return;

	for (uint i = first_color; i < first_color + num_colors; i++) {
		uint32 clr = 0xff000000;
@@ -699,25 +698,25 @@ void VideoDriver_Cocoa::GameLoop()

			/* Prevent drawing when switching mode, as windows can be removed when they should still appear. */
			if (cur_ticks >= next_draw_tick && (_switch_mode == SM_NONE || HasModalProgress())) {
				next_draw_tick += this->GetDrawInterval();
				/* Avoid next_draw_tick getting behind more and more if it cannot keep up. */
				if (next_draw_tick < cur_ticks - ALLOWED_DRIFT * this->GetDrawInterval()) next_draw_tick = cur_ticks;



			/* If we are not in fast-forward, create some time between calls to ease up CPU usage. */
			if (!_fast_forward || _pause_mode) {
				/* See how much time there is till we have to process the next event, and try to hit that as close as possible. */
				auto next_tick = std::min(next_draw_tick, next_game_tick);
				auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

				if (next_tick > now) {
					std::this_thread::sleep_for(next_tick - now);