File diff r24778:ede24664c30a → r24779:e3830561ecd1
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@@ -521,26 +521,29 @@ void CocoaDialog(const char *title, cons

	return pt;

- (void)internalMouseMoveEvent:(NSEvent *)event
	if (_cursor.fix_at) {
		_cursor.UpdateCursorPositionRelative(event.deltaX, event.deltaY);
	} else {
	NSPoint pt = [ self mousePositionFromEvent:event ];
		_cursor.UpdateCursorPosition(pt.x, pt.y, false);

	if (_cursor.UpdateCursorPosition(pt.x, pt.y, false) && [ NSApp isActive ]) {
		/* Warping cursor when in foreground */
		NSPoint warp = [ self convertPoint:NSMakePoint(_cursor.pos.x, self.bounds.size.height - _cursor.pos.y) toView:nil ];
		warp = [ self.window convertRectToScreen:NSMakeRect(warp.x, warp.y, 0, 0) ].origin;
		warp.y = NSScreen.screens[0].frame.size.height - warp.y;

		/* Do the actual warp */
		/* this is the magic call that fixes cursor "freezing" after warp */
- (void)internalMouseButtonEvent
	bool cur_fix = _cursor.fix_at;

	/* Cursor fix mode was changed, synchronize with OS. */
	if (cur_fix != _cursor.fix_at) CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(!_cursor.fix_at);

- (BOOL)emulateRightButton:(NSEvent *)event
	uint32 keymask = 0;
	if (_settings_client.gui.right_mouse_btn_emulation == RMBE_COMMAND) keymask |= NSCommandKeyMask;
@@ -561,40 +564,40 @@ void CocoaDialog(const char *title, cons
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
	if ([ self emulateRightButton:event ]) {
		[ self rightMouseDown:event ];
	} else {
		_left_button_down = true;
		[ self internalMouseMoveEvent:event ];
		[ self internalMouseButtonEvent ];
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)event
	if ([ self emulateRightButton:event ]) {
		[ self rightMouseUp:event ];
	} else {
		_left_button_down = false;
		_left_button_clicked = false;
		[ self internalMouseMoveEvent:event ];
		[ self internalMouseButtonEvent ];

- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event
	[ self internalMouseMoveEvent:event ];
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
	_right_button_down = true;
	_right_button_clicked = true;
	[ self internalMouseMoveEvent:event ];
	[ self internalMouseButtonEvent ];
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event
	_right_button_down = false;
	[ self internalMouseMoveEvent:event ];
	[ self internalMouseButtonEvent ];

- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)event
	if ([ event deltaY ] > 0.0) { /* Scroll up */