File diff r7169:b87d36998a2d → r7170:38b143754b40
Show inline comments
@@ -56,28 +56,30 @@ extern "C" void HideMenuBar();
#undef ALIGN
/* Defined in stdbool.h */
#ifndef __cplusplus
# ifndef __BEOS__
#  undef bool
#  undef false
#  undef true
# endif


#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../openttd.h"
#include "../debug.h"
#include "../macros.h"
#include "../os/macosx/splash.h"
#include "../variables.h"
#include "../gfx.h"
#include "cocoa_v.h"
#include "cocoa_keys.h"
#include "../blitter/factory.hpp"
#include "../fileio.h"

#undef Point
#undef Rect

/* Subclass of NSWindow to fix genie effect and support resize events  */
@interface OTTD_QuartzWindow : NSWindow
- (void)miniaturize:(id)sender;
- (void)display;
@@ -122,32 +124,31 @@ struct OTTD_QuartzGammaTable {
	_frame = frame;


static void QZ_Draw();
static void QZ_UnsetVideoMode();
static void QZ_UpdatePalette(uint start, uint count);
static void QZ_WarpCursor(int x, int y);
static void QZ_ShowMouse();
static void QZ_HideMouse();
static void CocoaVideoFullScreen(bool full_screen);


static NSAutoreleasePool *_ottd_autorelease_pool;
static OTTDMain *_ottd_main;


static struct CocoaVideoData {
static struct VideoDriver_Cocoa::Data {
	bool isset;
	bool issetting;

	CGDirectDisplayID  display_id;         /* 0 == main display (only support single display) */
	CFDictionaryRef    mode;               /* current mode of the display */
	CFDictionaryRef    save_mode;          /* original mode of the display */
	CFArrayRef         mode_list;          /* list of available fullscreen modes */
	CGDirectPaletteRef palette;            /* palette of an 8-bit display */

	uint32 device_width;
	uint32 device_height;
	uint32 device_bpp;
@@ -357,25 +358,25 @@ static void QZ_KeyEvent(unsigned short k
	switch (keycode) {
		case QZ_UP:    SB(_dirkeys, 1, 1, down); break;
		case QZ_DOWN:  SB(_dirkeys, 3, 1, down); break;
		case QZ_LEFT:  SB(_dirkeys, 0, 1, down); break;
		case QZ_RIGHT: SB(_dirkeys, 2, 1, down); break;

		case QZ_TAB: _cocoa_video_data.tab_is_down = down; break;

		case QZ_RETURN:
		case QZ_f:
			if (down && (_cocoa_video_data.current_mods & NSCommandKeyMask)) {

	if (down) {
		uint32 pressed_key = QZ_MapKey(keycode) | unicode;
		DEBUG(driver, 2, "cocoa_v: QZ_KeyEvent: %x (%x), down, mapping: %x", keycode, unicode, pressed_key);
	} else {
		DEBUG(driver, 2, "cocoa_v: QZ_KeyEvent: %x (%x), up", keycode, unicode);
@@ -1310,27 +1311,27 @@ static uint32 QZ_FadeGammaIn(const OTTD_
					redTable, greenTable, blueTable
				) != CGDisplayNoErr) {
			return 1;


	return 0;

static const char* QZ_SetVideoFullScreen(int width, int height)
static const char* QZ_SetVideoToggleFullscreen(int width, int height)
	const char* errstr = "QZ_SetVideoFullScreen error";
	const char* errstr = "QZ_SetVideoToggleFullscreen error";
	int exact_match;
	CFNumberRef number;
	int bpp;
	int gamma_error;
	OTTD_QuartzGammaTable gamma_table;
	NSRect screen_rect;
	CGError error;
	NSPoint pt;

	/* Destroy any previous mode */
	if (_cocoa_video_data.isset) QZ_UnsetVideoMode();

@@ -1698,25 +1699,25 @@ static void QZ_UnsetVideoMode()



static const char* QZ_SetVideoMode(uint width, uint height, bool fullscreen)
	const char *ret;

	_cocoa_video_data.issetting = true;
	if (fullscreen) {
		/* Setup full screen video */
		ret = QZ_SetVideoFullScreen(width, height);
		ret = QZ_SetVideoToggleFullscreen(width, height);
	} else {
		/* Setup windowed video */
		ret = QZ_SetVideoWindowed(width, height);
	_cocoa_video_data.issetting = false;
	if (ret != NULL) return ret;

	/* Signal successful completion (used internally) */
	_cocoa_video_data.isset = true;

	/* Tell the game that the resolution has changed */
	_screen.width = _cocoa_video_data.width;
@@ -1961,120 +1962,113 @@ static void setupApplication()

	/* Create OTTDMain and make it the app delegate */
	_ottd_main = [[OTTDMain alloc] init];
	[NSApp setDelegate:_ottd_main];


 *                             Video driver interface                         *

static void CocoaVideoStop()
static FVideoDriver_Cocoa iFVideoDriver_Cocoa;

void VideoDriver_Cocoa::Stop()
	if (!_cocoa_video_started) return;

	if (_cocoa_video_data.isset) QZ_UnsetVideoMode();

	[_ottd_main release];

	_cocoa_video_started = false;

static const char *CocoaVideoStart(const char * const *parm)
const char *VideoDriver_Cocoa::Start(const char * const *parm)
	const char *ret;

	if (_cocoa_video_started) return "Already started";
	_cocoa_video_started = true;

	memset(&_cocoa_video_data, 0, sizeof(_cocoa_video_data));


	/* Don't create a window or enter fullscreen if we're just going to show a dialog. */
	if (_cocoa_video_dialog) return NULL;


	ret = QZ_SetVideoMode(_cur_resolution[0], _cur_resolution[1], _fullscreen);
	if (ret != NULL) CocoaVideoStop();
	if (ret != NULL) VideoDriver_Cocoa::Stop();

	return ret;

static void CocoaVideoMakeDirty(int left, int top, int width, int height)
void VideoDriver_Cocoa::MakeDirty(int left, int top, int width, int height)
	if (_cocoa_video_data.num_dirty_rects < MAX_DIRTY_RECTS) {
		_cocoa_video_data.dirty_rects[_cocoa_video_data.num_dirty_rects].left = left;
		_cocoa_video_data.dirty_rects[_cocoa_video_data.num_dirty_rects].top = top;
		_cocoa_video_data.dirty_rects[_cocoa_video_data.num_dirty_rects].right = left + width;
		_cocoa_video_data.dirty_rects[_cocoa_video_data.num_dirty_rects].bottom = top + height;

static void CocoaVideoMainLoop()
void VideoDriver_Cocoa::MainLoop()
	/* Start the main event loop */
	[NSApp run];

static bool CocoaVideoChangeRes(int w, int h)
bool VideoDriver_Cocoa::ChangeResolution(int w, int h)
	const char *ret = QZ_SetVideoModeAndRestoreOnFailure((uint)w, (uint)h, _cocoa_video_data.fullscreen);
	if (ret != NULL) {
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_v: CocoaVideoChangeRes failed with message: %s", ret);
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_v: VideoDriver_Cocoa::ChangeResolution failed with message: %s", ret);

	return ret == NULL;

static void CocoaVideoFullScreen(bool full_screen)
void VideoDriver_Cocoa::ToggleFullscreen(bool full_screen)
	const char *ret = QZ_SetVideoModeAndRestoreOnFailure(_cocoa_video_data.width, _cocoa_video_data.height, full_screen);
	if (ret != NULL) {
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_v: CocoaVideoFullScreen failed with message: %s", ret);
		DEBUG(driver, 0, "cocoa_v: VideoDriver_Cocoa::ToggleFullscreen failed with message: %s", ret);

	_fullscreen = _cocoa_video_data.fullscreen;

const HalVideoDriver _cocoa_video_driver = {


/* This is needed since sometimes assert is called before the videodriver is initialized */
void CocoaDialog(const char* title, const char* message, const char* buttonLabel)
	bool wasstarted;

	_cocoa_video_dialog = true;

	wasstarted = _cocoa_video_started;
	if (!_cocoa_video_started && CocoaVideoStart(NULL) != NULL) {
	if (!_cocoa_video_started && VideoDriver_Cocoa::Start(NULL) != NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", title, message);

	NSRunAlertPanel([NSString stringWithCString: title], [NSString stringWithCString: message], [NSString stringWithCString: buttonLabel], nil, nil);

	if (!wasstarted) CocoaVideoStop();
	if (!wasstarted) VideoDriver_Cocoa::Stop();

	_cocoa_video_dialog = false;

/* This is needed since OS X application bundles do not have a
 * current directory and the data files are 'somewhere' in the bundle */
void cocoaSetApplicationBundleDir()
	char tmp[MAXPATHLEN];
	CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
	if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, true, (unsigned char*)tmp, MAXPATHLEN)) {
		AppendPathSeparator(tmp, lengthof(tmp));