File diff r25154:b4a9d3c7eca0 → r25155:07046ed36b62
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@@ -56,24 +56,30 @@ private:

	GLuint sprite_program;    ///< Shader program for blending and rendering a sprite to the video buffer.
	GLint  sprite_sprite_loc; ///< Uniform location for sprite parameters.
	GLint  sprite_screen_loc; ///< Uniform location for screen size;
	GLint  sprite_zoom_loc;   ///< Uniform location for sprite zoom;
	GLint  sprite_rgb_loc;    ///< Uniform location for RGB mode flag;
	GLint  sprite_crash_loc;  ///< Uniform location for crash remap mode flag;

	LRUCache<SpriteID, Sprite> cursor_cache;   ///< Cache of encoded cursor sprites.
	PaletteID last_sprite_pal = (PaletteID)-1; ///< Last uploaded remap palette.
	bool clear_cursor_cache = false;           ///< A clear of the cursor cache is pending.

	Point cursor_pos;                    ///< Cursor position
	bool cursor_in_window;               ///< Cursor inside this window
	PalSpriteID cursor_sprite_seq[16];   ///< Current image of cursor
	Point cursor_sprite_pos[16];         ///< Relative position of individual cursor sprites
	uint cursor_sprite_count;            ///< Number of cursor sprites to draw


	const char *Init();
	bool InitShaders();

	void RenderOglSprite(OpenGLSprite *gl_sprite, PaletteID pal, int x, int y, ZoomLevel zoom);

	/** Get singleton instance of this class. */
	static inline OpenGLBackend *Get()