File diff r24884:75b20bf9a7fd → r24885:dcf8db660b78
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@@ -31,25 +31,30 @@ public:

	void AcquireBlitterLock() override;

	void ReleaseBlitterLock() override;

	bool ClaimMousePointer() override;

	void EditBoxLostFocus() override;

	HWND main_wnd;          ///< Handle to system window.
	bool fullscreen;        ///< Whether to use (true) fullscreen mode.
	bool has_focus = false; ///< Does our window have system focus?
	Rect dirty_rect;        ///< Region of the screen that needs redrawing.
	int width = 0;          ///< Width in pixels of our display surface.
	int height = 0;         ///< Height in pixels of our display surface.
	int width_org = 0;      ///< Original monitor resolution width, before we changed it.
	int height_org = 0;     ///< Original monitor resolution height, before we changed it.

	bool draw_threaded;          ///< Whether the drawing is/may be done in a separate thread.
	bool buffer_locked;          ///< Video buffer was locked by the main thread.
	volatile bool draw_continue; ///< Should we keep continue drawing?

	std::recursive_mutex *draw_mutex;         ///< Mutex to keep the access to the shared memory controlled.
	std::condition_variable_any *draw_signal; ///< Signal to draw the next frame.

	Dimension GetScreenSize() const override;
	float GetDPIScale() override;
	void InputLoop() override;
	bool LockVideoBuffer() override;