File diff r25119:4f0f715fe0f7 → r25120:2de578840f52
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@@ -41,12 +41,13 @@ enum GameSettingsWidgets {
	WID_GS_FILTER,             ///< Text filter.
	WID_GS_OPTIONSPANEL,       ///< Panel widget containing the option lists.
	WID_GS_SCROLLBAR,          ///< Scrollbar.
	WID_GS_HELP_TEXT,          ///< Information area to display help text of the selected option.
	WID_GS_EXPAND_ALL,         ///< Expand all button.
	WID_GS_COLLAPSE_ALL,       ///< Collapse all button.
	WID_GS_RESET_ALL,          ///< Reset all button.
	WID_GS_RESTRICT_CATEGORY,  ///< Label upfront to the category drop-down box to restrict the list of settings to show
	WID_GS_RESTRICT_TYPE,      ///< Label upfront to the type drop-down box to restrict the list of settings to show
	WID_GS_RESTRICT_DROPDOWN,  ///< The drop down box to restrict the list of settings
	WID_GS_TYPE_DROPDOWN,      ///< The drop down box to choose client/game/company/all settings