File diff r18696:f76cf734ff74 → r18697:3f6407c66420
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@@ -14,24 +14,24 @@

/** Widgets of the WC_SMALLMAP. */
enum SmallMapWidgets {
	WID_SM_CAPTION,           ///< Caption of the window.
	WID_SM_MAP_BORDER,        ///< Border around the smallmap.
	WID_SM_MAP,               ///< Panel containing the smallmap.
	WID_SM_LEGEND,            ///< Bottom panel to display smallmap legends.
	WID_SM_ZOOM_IN,           ///< Button to zoom in one step.
	WID_SM_ZOOM_OUT,          ///< Button to zoom out one step.
	WID_SM_CONTOUR,           ///< Button to select the contour view (height map).
	WID_SM_VEHICLES,          ///< Button to select the vehicles view.
	WID_SM_INDUSTRIES,        ///< Button to select the industries view.
	WID_SM_ROUTES,            ///< Button to select the routes view.
	WID_SM_VEGETATION,        ///< Button to select the vegetation view.
	WID_SM_OWNERS,            ///< Button to select the owners view.
	WID_SM_CENTERMAP,         ///< Button to move smallmap center to main window center.
	WID_SM_TOGGLETOWNNAME,    ///< Toggle button to display town names.
	WID_SM_SELECT_BUTTONS,    ///< Selection widget for the buttons present in some smallmap modes.
	WID_SM_ENABLE_ALL,        ///< Button to enable display of all legend entries.
	WID_SM_DISABLE_ALL,       ///< Button to disable display of all legend entries.
	WID_SM_SHOW_HEIGHT,       ///< Show heightmap toggle button.
	WID_SM_CAPTION,        ///< Caption of the window.
	WID_SM_MAP_BORDER,     ///< Border around the smallmap.
	WID_SM_MAP,            ///< Panel containing the smallmap.
	WID_SM_LEGEND,         ///< Bottom panel to display smallmap legends.
	WID_SM_ZOOM_IN,        ///< Button to zoom in one step.
	WID_SM_ZOOM_OUT,       ///< Button to zoom out one step.
	WID_SM_CONTOUR,        ///< Button to select the contour view (height map).
	WID_SM_VEHICLES,       ///< Button to select the vehicles view.
	WID_SM_INDUSTRIES,     ///< Button to select the industries view.
	WID_SM_ROUTES,         ///< Button to select the routes view.
	WID_SM_VEGETATION,     ///< Button to select the vegetation view.
	WID_SM_OWNERS,         ///< Button to select the owners view.
	WID_SM_CENTERMAP,      ///< Button to move smallmap center to main window center.
	WID_SM_TOGGLETOWNNAME, ///< Toggle button to display town names.
	WID_SM_SELECT_BUTTONS, ///< Selection widget for the buttons present in some smallmap modes.
	WID_SM_ENABLE_ALL,     ///< Button to enable display of all legend entries.
	WID_SM_DISABLE_ALL,    ///< Button to disable display of all legend entries.
	WID_SM_SHOW_HEIGHT,    ///< Show heightmap toggle button.