File diff r17965:9f3dbe788a7e → r17966:0c023b07072a
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@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ void HandleKeypress(uint32 raw_key)
	/* World generation is multithreaded and messes with companies.
	 * But there is no company related window open anyway, so _current_company is not used. */
	assert(IsGeneratingWorld() || IsLocalCompany());
	assert(HasModalProgress() || IsLocalCompany());

	/* Setup event */
	uint16 key     = GB(raw_key,  0, 16);
@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ static int _input_events_this_tick = 0;
static void HandleAutoscroll()
	if (_settings_client.gui.autoscroll && _game_mode != GM_MENU && !IsGeneratingWorld()) {
	if (_settings_client.gui.autoscroll && _game_mode != GM_MENU && !HasModalProgress()) {
		int x = _cursor.pos.x;
		int y = _cursor.pos.y;
		Window *w = FindWindowFromPt(x, y);
@@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ static void MouseLoop(MouseClick click, 
	/* World generation is multithreaded and messes with companies.
	 * But there is no company related window open anyway, so _current_company is not used. */
	assert(IsGeneratingWorld() || IsLocalCompany());
	assert(HasModalProgress() || IsLocalCompany());

@@ -2182,8 +2182,8 @@ static void MouseLoop(MouseClick click, 
	if (click != MC_HOVER && !MaybeBringWindowToFront(w)) return;
	ViewPort *vp = IsPtInWindowViewport(w, x, y);

	/* Don't allow any action in a viewport if either in menu of in generating world */
	if (vp != NULL && (_game_mode == GM_MENU || IsGeneratingWorld())) return;
	/* Don't allow any action in a viewport if either in menu or when having a modal progress window */
	if (vp != NULL && (_game_mode == GM_MENU || HasModalProgress())) return;

	if (mousewheel != 0) {
		/* Send mousewheel event to window */
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ void HandleMouseEvents()
	/* World generation is multithreaded and messes with companies.
	 * But there is no company related window open anyway, so _current_company is not used. */
	assert(IsGeneratingWorld() || IsLocalCompany());
	assert(HasModalProgress() || IsLocalCompany());

	static int double_click_time = 0;
	static Point double_click_pos = {0, 0};
@@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ void InputLoop()
	/* World generation is multithreaded and messes with companies.
	 * But there is no company related window open anyway, so _current_company is not used. */
	assert(IsGeneratingWorld() || IsLocalCompany());
	assert(HasModalProgress() || IsLocalCompany());
