File diff r9081:ef978dca9443 → r9082:63eb44b1f81c
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@@ -282,41 +282,46 @@ struct ResizeInfo {
 * @see SendWindowMessageW()
struct WindowMessage {
	int msg;
	int wparam;
	int lparam;

 * Data structure for an opened window
struct Window : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
	WindowProc *wndproc;   ///< Event handler function for the window. Do not use directly, call HandleWindowEvent() instead.

	Window(WindowProc *proc) : wndproc(proc) {}

	uint16 flags4;              ///< Window flags, @see WindowFlags
	WindowClass window_class;   ///< Window class
	WindowNumber window_number; ///< Window number within the window class

	int left;   ///< x position of left edge of the window
	int top;    ///< y position of top edge of the window
	int width;  ///< width of the window (number of pixels to the right in x direction)
	int height; ///< Height of the window (number of pixels down in y direction)

	Scrollbar hscroll;  ///< Horizontal scroll bar
	Scrollbar vscroll;  ///< First vertical scroll bar
	Scrollbar vscroll2; ///< Second vertical scroll bar
	ResizeInfo resize;  ///< Resize information

	byte caption_color; ///< Background color of the window caption, contains PlayerID

	WindowProc *wndproc;   ///< Event handler function for the window
	ViewPort *viewport;    ///< Pointer to viewport, if present
	const Widget *original_widget; ///< Original widget layout, copied from WindowDesc
	Widget *widget;        ///< Widgets of the window
	uint widget_count;     ///< Number of widgets of the window
	uint32 desc_flags;     ///< Window/widgets default flags setting, @see WindowDefaultFlag

	WindowMessage message; ///< Buffer for storing received messages (for communication between different window events)
	Window *parent;        ///< Parent window
	byte custom[WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE]; ///< Additional data depending on window type

	void HandleButtonClick(byte widget);

@@ -330,24 +335,26 @@ struct Window : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
	bool IsWidgetHidden(byte widget_index) const;
	void SetWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index, bool lowered_stat);
	void ToggleWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index);
	void LowerWidget(byte widget_index);
	void RaiseWidget(byte widget_index);
	bool IsWidgetLowered(byte widget_index) const;

	void RaiseButtons();
	void CDECL SetWidgetsDisabledState(bool disab_stat, int widgets, ...);
	void CDECL SetWidgetsHiddenState(bool hidden_stat, int widgets, ...);
	void CDECL SetWidgetsLoweredState(bool lowered_stat, int widgets, ...);
	void InvalidateWidget(byte widget_index) const;

	virtual void HandleWindowEvent(WindowEvent *e);

struct menu_d {
	byte item_count;      ///< follow_vehicle
	byte sel_index;       ///< scrollpos_x
	byte main_button;     ///< scrollpos_y
	byte action_id;
	StringID string_id;   ///< unk30
	uint16 checked_items; ///< unk32
	byte disabled_items;
assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(menu_d));