File diff r9263:b067427e0ad3 → r9264:9a1e01bab338
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@@ -114,10 +114,6 @@ enum WindowEventCodes {
	WE_PAINT,        ///< Repaint the window contents
	WE_KEYPRESS,     ///< Key pressed
	WE_CLICK,        ///< Left mouse button click
	WE_DOUBLE_CLICK, ///< Left mouse button double click
	WE_RCLICK,       ///< Right mouse button click
	WE_MOUSELOOP,    ///< Event for each mouse event in the game (at least once every game tick)
	WE_TICK,         ///< Regularly occurring event (every game tick)
	WE_100_TICKS,    ///< Regularly occurring event (every 100 game ticks, approximatelly 3 seconds)
@@ -125,13 +121,11 @@ enum WindowEventCodes {
	WE_RESIZE,          ///< Request to resize the window, @see WindowEvent.we.resize
	WE_INVALIDATE_DATA, ///< Notification that data displayed by the window is obsolete
	WE_CTRL_CHANGED,    ///< CTRL key has changed state
@@ -176,11 +170,6 @@ struct WindowEvent {
		} dropdown;

		struct {
			Point pt;
			int widget;
		} mouseover;

		struct {
			bool cont;      ///< continue the search? (default true)
			uint16 key;     ///< 16-bit Unicode value of the key
			uint16 keycode; ///< untranslated key (including shift-state)
@@ -191,14 +180,6 @@ struct WindowEvent {
		} invalidate;

		struct {
			Point delta;   ///< delta position against position of last call
		} scroll;

		struct {
			int wheel;     ///< how much was 'wheel'd'
		} wheel;

		struct {
			bool cont;     ///< continue the search? (default true)
		} ctrl;
	} we;
@@ -380,27 +361,27 @@ public:
	 * @param pt     the point inside the window that has been clicked.
	 * @param widget the clicked widget.
	virtual void OnDoubleClick(Point pt, int widget);
	virtual void OnDoubleClick(Point pt, int widget) {}

	 * A click with the right mouse button has been made on the window.
	 * @param pt     the point inside the window that has been clicked.
	 * @param widget the clicked widget.
	virtual void OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget);
	virtual void OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget) {}

	 * A dragged 'object' has been released.
	 * @param pt     the point inside the window where the release took place.
	 * @param widget the widget where the release took place.
	virtual void OnDragDrop(Point pt, int widget);
	virtual void OnDragDrop(Point pt, int widget) {}

	 * Handle the request for (viewport) scrolling.
	 * @param delta the amount the viewport must be scrolled.
	virtual void OnScroll(Point delta);
	virtual void OnScroll(Point delta) {}

	 * The mouse is currently moving over the window or has just moved outside
@@ -408,13 +389,13 @@ public:
	 * @param pt     the point inside the window that the mouse hovers over.
	 * @param widget the widget the mouse hovers over.
	virtual void OnMouseOver(Point pt, int widget);
	virtual void OnMouseOver(Point pt, int widget) {}

	 * The mouse wheel has been turned.
	 * @param wheel the amount of movement of the mouse wheel.
	virtual void OnMouseWheel(int wheel);
	virtual void OnMouseWheel(int wheel) {}

