File diff r5115:7edde0aba70e → r5116:6ab72109f482
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@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ typedef struct Patches {
	bool no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns; // dont send vehicles to depot when breakdowns are disabled
	bool link_terraform_toolbar;        // display terraform toolbar when displaying rail, road, water and airport toolbars
	bool reverse_scroll;                // Right-Click-Scrolling scrolls in the opposite direction
	bool disable_elrails;               // when true, the elrails are disabled
	bool measure_tooltip;               // Show a permanent tooltip when dragging tools
	byte liveries;                      // Options for displaying company liveries, 0=none, 1=self, 2=all
	bool prefer_teamchat;               // Choose the chat message target with <ENTER>, true=all players, false=your team
@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ typedef struct Cheats {
	Cheat switch_climate;
	Cheat change_date;      // changes date ingame
	Cheat setup_prod;       // setup raw-material production in game
	Cheat elrail;           // allow electric engines to be powered on conventional rail
	Cheat dummy;            // empty cheat (enable running el-engines on normal rail)
} Cheats;

VARDEF Cheats _cheats;