File diff r4548:6a33e364fba5 → r4549:76b9213799ac
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@@ -1262,27 +1262,27 @@ static void SendWindowMessageW(Window *w
 * @param lparam Specifies additional message-specific information
void SendWindowMessage(WindowClass wnd_class, WindowNumber wnd_num, uint msg, uint wparam, uint lparam)
	Window *w = FindWindowById(wnd_class, wnd_num);
	if (w != NULL) SendWindowMessageW(w, msg, wparam, lparam);

static void HandleKeypress(uint32 key)
	Window *w;
	WindowEvent we;
 /* Stores if a window with a textfield for typing is open
  * If this is the case, keypress events are only passed to windows with text fields and
	* to thein this main toolbar. */
	/* Stores if a window with a textfield for typing is open
	 * If this is the case, keypress events are only passed to windows with text fields and
	 * to thein this main toolbar. */
	bool query_open = false;

	// Setup event
	we.keypress.event = WE_KEYPRESS;
	we.keypress.ascii = key & 0xFF;
	we.keypress.keycode = key >> 16;
	we.keypress.cont = true;

	// check if we have a query string window open before allowing hotkeys
	if (FindWindowById(WC_QUERY_STRING,       0) != NULL ||
			FindWindowById(WC_SEND_NETWORK_MSG,   0) != NULL ||
			FindWindowById(WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE, 0) != NULL ||