/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file linkgraph_gui.cpp Implementation of linkgraph overlay GUI. */ #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../window_gui.h" #include "../window_func.h" #include "../company_base.h" #include "../company_gui.h" #include "../date_func.h" #include "../viewport_func.h" #include "../zoom_func.h" #include "../smallmap_gui.h" #include "../core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "../widgets/link_graph_legend_widget.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "../safeguards.h" /** * Colours for the various "load" states of links. Ordered from "unused" to * "overloaded". */ const uint8 LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[][12] = { { 0x0f, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0x57, 0x55, 0x53, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0xba, 0xb9, 0xb7, 0xb5 }, { 0x0f, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0x57, 0x55, 0x53, 0x96, 0x95, 0x94, 0x93, 0x92, 0x91 }, { 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x09, 0x07, 0x05, 0x03, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0xba, 0xb9, 0xb7, 0xb5 }, { 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 } }; /** * Get a DPI for the widget we will be drawing to. * @param dpi DrawPixelInfo to fill with the desired dimensions. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::GetWidgetDpi(DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const { const NWidgetBase *wi = this->window->GetWidget(this->widget_id); dpi->left = dpi->top = 0; dpi->width = wi->current_x; dpi->height = wi->current_y; } /** * Rebuild the cache and recalculate which links and stations to be shown. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::RebuildCache() { this->cached_links.clear(); this->cached_stations.clear(); if (this->company_mask == 0) return; DrawPixelInfo dpi; this->GetWidgetDpi(&dpi); for (const Station *sta : Station::Iterate()) { if (sta->rect.IsEmpty()) continue; Point pta = this->GetStationMiddle(sta); StationID from = sta->index; StationLinkMap &seen_links = this->cached_links[from]; uint supply = 0; for (CargoID c : SetCargoBitIterator(this->cargo_mask)) { if (!CargoSpec::Get(c)->IsValid()) continue; if (!LinkGraph::IsValidID(sta->goods[c].link_graph)) continue; const LinkGraph &lg = *LinkGraph::Get(sta->goods[c].link_graph); ConstNode from_node = lg[sta->goods[c].node]; supply += lg.Monthly(from_node.Supply()); for (ConstEdgeIterator i = from_node.Begin(); i != from_node.End(); ++i) { StationID to = lg[i->first].Station(); assert(from != to); if (!Station::IsValidID(to) || seen_links.find(to) != seen_links.end()) { continue; } const Station *stb = Station::Get(to); assert(sta != stb); /* Show links between stations of selected companies or "neutral" ones like oilrigs. */ if (stb->owner != OWNER_NONE && sta->owner != OWNER_NONE && !HasBit(this->company_mask, stb->owner)) continue; if (stb->rect.IsEmpty()) continue; if (!this->IsLinkVisible(pta, this->GetStationMiddle(stb), &dpi)) continue; this->AddLinks(sta, stb); seen_links[to]; // make sure it is created and marked as seen } } if (this->IsPointVisible(pta, &dpi)) { this->cached_stations.push_back(std::make_pair(from, supply)); } } } /** * Determine if a certain point is inside the given DPI, with some lee way. * @param pt Point we are looking for. * @param dpi Visible area. * @param padding Extent of the point. * @return If the point or any of its 'extent' is inside the dpi. */ inline bool LinkGraphOverlay::IsPointVisible(Point pt, const DrawPixelInfo *dpi, int padding) const { return pt.x > dpi->left - padding && pt.y > dpi->top - padding && pt.x < dpi->left + dpi->width + padding && pt.y < dpi->top + dpi->height + padding; } /** * Determine if a certain link crosses through the area given by the dpi with some lee way. * @param pta First end of the link. * @param ptb Second end of the link. * @param dpi Visible area. * @param padding Width or thickness of the link. * @return If the link or any of its "thickness" is visible. This may return false positives. */ inline bool LinkGraphOverlay::IsLinkVisible(Point pta, Point ptb, const DrawPixelInfo *dpi, int padding) const { const int left = dpi->left - padding; const int right = dpi->left + dpi->width + padding; const int top = dpi->top - padding; const int bottom = dpi->top + dpi->height + padding; /* * This method is an implementation of the Cohen-Sutherland line-clipping algorithm. * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen%E2%80%93Sutherland_algorithm */ const uint8 INSIDE = 0; // 0000 const uint8 LEFT = 1; // 0001 const uint8 RIGHT = 2; // 0010 const uint8 BOTTOM = 4; // 0100 const uint8 TOP = 8; // 1000 int x0 = pta.x; int y0 = pta.y; int x1 = ptb.x; int y1 = ptb.y; auto out_code = [&](int x, int y) -> uint8 { uint8 out = INSIDE; if (x < left) { out |= LEFT; } else if (x > right) { out |= RIGHT; } if (y < top) { out |= TOP; } else if (y > bottom) { out |= BOTTOM; } return out; }; uint8 c0 = out_code(x0, y0); uint8 c1 = out_code(x1, y1); while (true) { if (c0 == 0 || c1 == 0) return true; if ((c0 & c1) != 0) return false; if (c0 & TOP) { // point 0 is above the clip window x0 = x0 + (int)(((int64) (x1 - x0)) * ((int64) (top - y0)) / ((int64) (y1 - y0))); y0 = top; } else if (c0 & BOTTOM) { // point 0 is below the clip window x0 = x0 + (int)(((int64) (x1 - x0)) * ((int64) (bottom - y0)) / ((int64) (y1 - y0))); y0 = bottom; } else if (c0 & RIGHT) { // point 0 is to the right of clip window y0 = y0 + (int)(((int64) (y1 - y0)) * ((int64) (right - x0)) / ((int64) (x1 - x0))); x0 = right; } else if (c0 & LEFT) { // point 0 is to the left of clip window y0 = y0 + (int)(((int64) (y1 - y0)) * ((int64) (left - x0)) / ((int64) (x1 - x0))); x0 = left; } c0 = out_code(x0, y0); } NOT_REACHED(); } /** * Add all "interesting" links between the given stations to the cache. * @param from The source station. * @param to The destination station. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::AddLinks(const Station *from, const Station *to) { for (CargoID c : SetCargoBitIterator(this->cargo_mask)) { if (!CargoSpec::Get(c)->IsValid()) continue; const GoodsEntry &ge = from->goods[c]; if (!LinkGraph::IsValidID(ge.link_graph) || ge.link_graph != to->goods[c].link_graph) { continue; } const LinkGraph &lg = *LinkGraph::Get(ge.link_graph); ConstEdge edge = lg[ge.node][to->goods[c].node]; if (edge.Capacity() > 0) { this->AddStats(c, lg.Monthly(edge.Capacity()), lg.Monthly(edge.Usage()), ge.flows.GetFlowVia(to->index), edge.TravelTime() / DAY_TICKS, from->owner == OWNER_NONE || to->owner == OWNER_NONE, this->cached_links[from->index][to->index]); } } } /** * Add information from a given pair of link stat and flow stat to the given * link properties. The shown usage or plan is always the maximum of all link * stats involved. * @param new_cap Capacity of the new link. * @param new_usg Usage of the new link. * @param new_plan Planned flow for the new link. * @param new_shared If the new link is shared. * @param cargo LinkProperties to write the information to. */ /* static */ void LinkGraphOverlay::AddStats(CargoID new_cargo, uint new_cap, uint new_usg, uint new_plan, uint32 time, bool new_shared, LinkProperties &cargo) { /* multiply the numbers by 32 in order to avoid comparing to 0 too often. */ if (cargo.capacity == 0 || cargo.Usage() * 32 / (cargo.capacity + 1) < std::max(new_usg, new_plan) * 32 / (new_cap + 1)) { cargo.cargo = new_cargo; cargo.capacity = new_cap; cargo.usage = new_usg; cargo.planned = new_plan; cargo.time = time; } if (new_shared) cargo.shared = true; } /** * Draw the linkgraph overlay or some part of it, in the area given. * @param dpi Area to be drawn to. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::Draw(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi) { if (this->dirty) { this->RebuildCache(); this->dirty = false; } this->DrawLinks(dpi); this->DrawStationDots(dpi); } /** * Draw the cached links or part of them into the given area. * @param dpi Area to be drawn to. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::DrawLinks(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const { int width = ScaleGUITrad(this->scale); for (LinkMap::const_iterator i(this->cached_links.begin()); i != this->cached_links.end(); ++i) { if (!Station::IsValidID(i->first)) continue; Point pta = this->GetStationMiddle(Station::Get(i->first)); for (StationLinkMap::const_iterator j(i->second.begin()); j != i->second.end(); ++j) { if (!Station::IsValidID(j->first)) continue; Point ptb = this->GetStationMiddle(Station::Get(j->first)); if (!this->IsLinkVisible(pta, ptb, dpi, width + 2)) continue; this->DrawContent(pta, ptb, j->second); } } } /** * Draw one specific link. * @param pta Source of the link. * @param ptb Destination of the link. * @param cargo Properties of the link. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::DrawContent(Point pta, Point ptb, const LinkProperties &cargo) const { uint usage_or_plan = std::min(cargo.capacity * 2 + 1, cargo.Usage()); int colour = LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[_settings_client.gui.linkgraph_colours][usage_or_plan * lengthof(LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[0]) / (cargo.capacity * 2 + 2)]; int width = ScaleGUITrad(this->scale); int dash = cargo.shared ? width * 4 : 0; /* Move line a bit 90° against its dominant direction to prevent it from * being hidden below the grey line. */ int side = _settings_game.vehicle.road_side ? 1 : -1; if (abs(pta.x - ptb.x) < abs(pta.y - ptb.y)) { int offset_x = (pta.y > ptb.y ? 1 : -1) * side * width; GfxDrawLine(pta.x + offset_x, pta.y, ptb.x + offset_x, ptb.y, colour, width, dash); } else { int offset_y = (pta.x < ptb.x ? 1 : -1) * side * width; GfxDrawLine(pta.x, pta.y + offset_y, ptb.x, ptb.y + offset_y, colour, width, dash); } GfxDrawLine(pta.x, pta.y, ptb.x, ptb.y, _colour_gradient[COLOUR_GREY][1], width); } /** * Draw dots for stations into the smallmap. The dots' sizes are determined by the amount of * cargo produced there, their colours by the type of cargo produced. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::DrawStationDots(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const { int width = ScaleGUITrad(this->scale); for (StationSupplyList::const_iterator i(this->cached_stations.begin()); i != this->cached_stations.end(); ++i) { const Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(i->first); if (st == nullptr) continue; Point pt = this->GetStationMiddle(st); if (!this->IsPointVisible(pt, dpi, 3 * width)) continue; uint r = width * 2 + width * 2 * std::min(200U, i->second) / 200; LinkGraphOverlay::DrawVertex(pt.x, pt.y, r, _colour_gradient[st->owner != OWNER_NONE ? (Colours)Company::Get(st->owner)->colour : COLOUR_GREY][5], _colour_gradient[COLOUR_GREY][1]); } } /** * Draw a square symbolizing a producer of cargo. * @param x X coordinate of the middle of the vertex. * @param y Y coordinate of the middle of the vertex. * @param size Y and y extend of the vertex. * @param colour Colour with which the vertex will be filled. * @param border_colour Colour for the border of the vertex. */ /* static */ void LinkGraphOverlay::DrawVertex(int x, int y, int size, int colour, int border_colour) { size--; int w1 = size / 2; int w2 = size / 2 + size % 2; GfxFillRect(x - w1, y - w1, x + w2, y + w2, colour); w1++; w2++; GfxDrawLine(x - w1, y - w1, x + w2, y - w1, border_colour); GfxDrawLine(x - w1, y + w2, x + w2, y + w2, border_colour); GfxDrawLine(x - w1, y - w1, x - w1, y + w2, border_colour); GfxDrawLine(x + w2, y - w1, x + w2, y + w2, border_colour); } bool LinkGraphOverlay::ShowTooltip(Point pt, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond) { for (auto i(this->cached_links.crbegin()); i != this->cached_links.crend(); ++i) { if (!Station::IsValidID(i->first)) continue; Point pta = this->GetStationMiddle(Station::Get(i->first)); for (auto j(i->second.crbegin()); j != i->second.crend(); ++j) { if (!Station::IsValidID(j->first)) continue; if (i->first == j->first) continue; /* Check the distance from the cursor to the line defined by the two stations. */ Point ptb = this->GetStationMiddle(Station::Get(j->first)); float dist = std::abs((ptb.x - pta.x) * (pta.y - pt.y) - (pta.x - pt.x) * (ptb.y - pta.y)) / std::sqrt((ptb.x - pta.x) * (ptb.x - pta.x) + (ptb.y - pta.y) * (ptb.y - pta.y)); const auto &link = j->second; if (dist <= 4 && link.Usage() > 0 && pt.x >= std::min(pta.x, ptb.x) && pt.x <= std::max(pta.x, ptb.x)) { static char buf[1024]; char *buf_end = buf; buf[0] = 0; /* Fill buf with more information if this is a bidirectional link. */ uint32 back_time = 0; auto k = this->cached_links[j->first].find(i->first); if (k != this->cached_links[j->first].end()) { const auto &back = k->second; back_time = back.time; if (back.Usage() > 0) { SetDParam(0, back.cargo); SetDParam(1, back.Usage()); SetDParam(2, back.Usage() * 100 / (back.capacity + 1)); buf_end = GetString(buf, STR_LINKGRAPH_STATS_TOOLTIP_RETURN_EXTENSION, lastof(buf)); } } /* Add information about the travel time if known. */ const auto time = link.time ? back_time ? ((link.time + back_time) / 2) : link.time : back_time; if (time > 0) { SetDParam(0, time); buf_end = GetString(buf_end, STR_LINKGRAPH_STATS_TOOLTIP_TIME_EXTENSION, lastof(buf)); } SetDParam(0, link.cargo); SetDParam(1, link.Usage()); SetDParam(2, i->first); SetDParam(3, j->first); SetDParam(4, link.Usage() * 100 / (link.capacity + 1)); SetDParamStr(5, buf); GuiShowTooltips(this->window, STR_LINKGRAPH_STATS_TOOLTIP, 7, nullptr, close_cond); return true; } } } GuiShowTooltips(this->window, STR_NULL, 0, nullptr, close_cond); return false; } /** * Determine the middle of a station in the current window. * @param st The station we're looking for. * @return Middle point of the station in the current window. */ Point LinkGraphOverlay::GetStationMiddle(const Station *st) const { if (this->window->viewport != nullptr) { return GetViewportStationMiddle(this->window->viewport, st); } else { /* assume this is a smallmap */ return static_cast(this->window)->GetStationMiddle(st); } } /** * Set a new cargo mask and rebuild the cache. * @param cargo_mask New cargo mask. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::SetCargoMask(CargoTypes cargo_mask) { this->cargo_mask = cargo_mask; this->RebuildCache(); this->window->GetWidget(this->widget_id)->SetDirty(this->window); } /** * Set a new company mask and rebuild the cache. * @param company_mask New company mask. */ void LinkGraphOverlay::SetCompanyMask(uint32 company_mask) { this->company_mask = company_mask; this->RebuildCache(); this->window->GetWidget(this->widget_id)->SetDirty(this->window); } /** Make a number of rows with buttons for each company for the linkgraph legend window. */ NWidgetBase *MakeCompanyButtonRowsLinkGraphGUI(int *biggest_index) { return MakeCompanyButtonRows(biggest_index, WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST, WID_LGL_COMPANY_LAST, COLOUR_GREY, 3, STR_NULL); } NWidgetBase *MakeSaturationLegendLinkGraphGUI(int *biggest_index) { NWidgetVertical *panel = new NWidgetVertical(NC_EQUALSIZE); for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[0]); ++i) { NWidgetBackground * wid = new NWidgetBackground(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, i + WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST); wid->SetMinimalSize(50, 0); wid->SetMinimalTextLines(1, 0, FS_SMALL); wid->SetFill(1, 1); wid->SetResize(0, 0); panel->Add(wid); } *biggest_index = WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST; return panel; } NWidgetBase *MakeCargoesLegendLinkGraphGUI(int *biggest_index) { static const uint ENTRIES_PER_ROW = CeilDiv(NUM_CARGO, 5); NWidgetVertical *panel = new NWidgetVertical(NC_EQUALSIZE); NWidgetHorizontal *row = nullptr; for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; ++i) { if (i % ENTRIES_PER_ROW == 0) { if (row) panel->Add(row); row = new NWidgetHorizontal(NC_EQUALSIZE); } NWidgetBackground * wid = new NWidgetBackground(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, i + WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST); wid->SetMinimalSize(25, 0); wid->SetMinimalTextLines(1, 0, FS_SMALL); wid->SetFill(1, 1); wid->SetResize(0, 0); row->Add(wid); } /* Fill up last row */ for (uint i = 0; i < 4 - (NUM_CARGO - 1) % 5; ++i) { NWidgetSpacer *spc = new NWidgetSpacer(25, 0); spc->SetMinimalTextLines(1, 0, FS_SMALL); spc->SetFill(1, 1); spc->SetResize(0, 0); row->Add(spc); } panel->Add(row); *biggest_index = WID_LGL_CARGO_LAST; return panel; } static const NWidgetPart _nested_linkgraph_legend_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_LGL_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPadding(WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect), SetPIP(0, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect.Horizontal(), 0), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_LGL_SATURATION), NWidgetFunction(MakeSaturationLegendLinkGraphGUI), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_LGL_COMPANIES), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), NWidgetFunction(MakeCompanyButtonRowsLinkGraphGUI), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_LGL_COMPANIES_ALL), SetDataTip(STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_ALL, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_LGL_COMPANIES_NONE), SetDataTip(STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_NONE, STR_NULL), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, WID_LGL_CARGOES), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), NWidgetFunction(MakeCargoesLegendLinkGraphGUI), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_LGL_CARGOES_ALL), SetDataTip(STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_ALL, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_LGL_CARGOES_NONE), SetDataTip(STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_NONE, STR_NULL), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), EndContainer() }; static_assert(WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST - WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST == lengthof(LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[0]) - 1); static WindowDesc _linkgraph_legend_desc( WDP_AUTO, "toolbar_linkgraph", 0, 0, WC_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND, WC_NONE, 0, _nested_linkgraph_legend_widgets, lengthof(_nested_linkgraph_legend_widgets) ); /** * Open a link graph legend window. */ void ShowLinkGraphLegend() { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_linkgraph_legend_desc, 0); } LinkGraphLegendWindow::LinkGraphLegendWindow(WindowDesc *desc, int window_number) : Window(desc) { this->InitNested(window_number); this->InvalidateData(0); this->SetOverlay(GetMainWindow()->viewport->overlay); } /** * Set the overlay belonging to this menu and import its company/cargo settings. * @param overlay New overlay for this menu. */ void LinkGraphLegendWindow::SetOverlay(LinkGraphOverlay *overlay) { this->overlay = overlay; uint32 companies = this->overlay->GetCompanyMask(); for (uint c = 0; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) { if (!this->IsWidgetDisabled(WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST + c)) { this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST + c, HasBit(companies, c)); } } CargoTypes cargoes = this->overlay->GetCargoMask(); for (uint c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) { if (!this->IsWidgetDisabled(WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST + c)) { this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST + c, HasBit(cargoes, c)); } } } void LinkGraphLegendWindow::UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) { if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST, WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST + 1)) { StringID str = STR_NULL; if (widget == WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST) { str = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_UNUSED; } else if (widget == WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST) { str = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_OVERLOADED; } else if (widget == (WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST + WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST) / 2) { str = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_SATURATED; } if (str != STR_NULL) { Dimension dim = GetStringBoundingBox(str); dim.width += padding.width; dim.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, dim); } } if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST, WID_LGL_CARGO_LAST + 1)) { CargoSpec *cargo = CargoSpec::Get(widget - WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST); if (cargo->IsValid()) { Dimension dim = GetStringBoundingBox(cargo->abbrev); dim.width += padding.width; dim.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, dim); } } } void LinkGraphLegendWindow::DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const { Rect br = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.bevel); if (this->IsWidgetLowered(widget)) br = br.Translate(WidgetDimensions::scaled.pressed, WidgetDimensions::scaled.pressed); if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST, WID_LGL_COMPANY_LAST + 1)) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) return; CompanyID cid = (CompanyID)(widget - WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST); Dimension sprite_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON); DrawCompanyIcon(cid, CenterBounds(br.left, br.right, sprite_size.width), CenterBounds(br.top, br.bottom, sprite_size.height)); } if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST, WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST + 1)) { uint8 colour = LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[_settings_client.gui.linkgraph_colours][widget - WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST]; GfxFillRect(br, colour); StringID str = STR_NULL; if (widget == WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST) { str = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_UNUSED; } else if (widget == WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST) { str = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_OVERLOADED; } else if (widget == (WID_LGL_SATURATION_LAST + WID_LGL_SATURATION_FIRST) / 2) { str = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_SATURATED; } if (str != STR_NULL) { DrawString(br.left, br.right, CenterBounds(br.top, br.bottom, FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL), str, GetContrastColour(colour) | TC_FORCED, SA_HOR_CENTER); } } if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST, WID_LGL_CARGO_LAST + 1)) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) return; CargoSpec *cargo = CargoSpec::Get(widget - WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST); GfxFillRect(br, cargo->legend_colour); DrawString(br.left, br.right, CenterBounds(br.top, br.bottom, FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL), cargo->abbrev, GetContrastColour(cargo->legend_colour, 73), SA_HOR_CENTER); } } bool LinkGraphLegendWindow::OnTooltip(Point pt, int widget, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond) { if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST, WID_LGL_COMPANY_LAST + 1)) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) { GuiShowTooltips(this, STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_SELECT_COMPANIES, 0, nullptr, close_cond); } else { uint64 params[2]; CompanyID cid = (CompanyID)(widget - WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST); params[0] = STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_SELECT_COMPANIES; params[1] = cid; GuiShowTooltips(this, STR_LINKGRAPH_LEGEND_COMPANY_TOOLTIP, 2, params, close_cond); } return true; } if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST, WID_LGL_CARGO_LAST + 1)) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) return false; CargoSpec *cargo = CargoSpec::Get(widget - WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST); uint64 params[1]; params[0] = cargo->name; GuiShowTooltips(this, STR_BLACK_STRING, 1, params, close_cond); return true; } return false; } /** * Update the overlay with the new company selection. */ void LinkGraphLegendWindow::UpdateOverlayCompanies() { uint32 mask = 0; for (uint c = 0; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(c + WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST)) continue; if (!this->IsWidgetLowered(c + WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST)) continue; SetBit(mask, c); } this->overlay->SetCompanyMask(mask); } /** * Update the overlay with the new cargo selection. */ void LinkGraphLegendWindow::UpdateOverlayCargoes() { CargoTypes mask = 0; for (uint c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(c + WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST)) continue; if (!this->IsWidgetLowered(c + WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST)) continue; SetBit(mask, c); } this->overlay->SetCargoMask(mask); } void LinkGraphLegendWindow::OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { /* Check which button is clicked */ if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST, WID_LGL_COMPANY_LAST + 1)) { if (!this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(widget); this->UpdateOverlayCompanies(); } } else if (widget == WID_LGL_COMPANIES_ALL || widget == WID_LGL_COMPANIES_NONE) { for (uint c = 0; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(c + WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST)) continue; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST + c, widget == WID_LGL_COMPANIES_ALL); } this->UpdateOverlayCompanies(); this->SetDirty(); } else if (IsInsideMM(widget, WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST, WID_LGL_CARGO_LAST + 1)) { if (!this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) { this->ToggleWidgetLoweredState(widget); this->UpdateOverlayCargoes(); } } else if (widget == WID_LGL_CARGOES_ALL || widget == WID_LGL_CARGOES_NONE) { for (uint c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) { if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(c + WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST)) continue; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST + c, widget == WID_LGL_CARGOES_ALL); } this->UpdateOverlayCargoes(); } this->SetDirty(); } /** * Invalidate the data of this window if the cargoes or companies have changed. * @param data ignored * @param gui_scope ignored */ void LinkGraphLegendWindow::OnInvalidateData(int data, bool gui_scope) { /* Disable the companies who are not active */ for (CompanyID i = COMPANY_FIRST; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) { this->SetWidgetDisabledState(i + WID_LGL_COMPANY_FIRST, !Company::IsValidID(i)); } for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) { this->SetWidgetDisabledState(i + WID_LGL_CARGO_FIRST, !CargoSpec::Get(i)->IsValid()); } }