/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file geometry_type.hpp All geometry types in OpenTTD. */ #ifndef GEOMETRY_TYPE_HPP #define GEOMETRY_TYPE_HPP #if defined(__APPLE__) /* Mac OS X already has both Rect and Point declared */ # define Rect OTTD_Rect # define Point OTTD_Point #endif /* __APPLE__ */ /** Coordinates of a point in 2D */ struct Point { int x; int y; }; /** Dimensions (a width and height) of a rectangle in 2D */ struct Dimension { uint width; uint height; Dimension(uint w = 0, uint h = 0) : width(w), height(h) {}; bool operator< (const Dimension &other) const { int x = (*this).width - other.width; if (x != 0) return x < 0; return (*this).height < other.height; } bool operator== (const Dimension &other) const { return (*this).width == other.width && (*this).height == other.height; } }; /** Padding dimensions to apply to each side of a Rect. */ struct RectPadding { uint8 left; uint8 top; uint8 right; uint8 bottom; static const RectPadding zero; /** * Get total horizontal padding of RectPadding. * @return total horizontal padding. */ inline uint Horizontal() const { return this->left + this->right; } /** * Get total vertical padding of RectPadding. * @return total vertical padding. */ inline uint Vertical() const { return this->top + this->bottom; } }; /** Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges */ struct Rect { int left; int top; int right; int bottom; /** * Get width of Rect. * @return width of Rect. */ inline int Width() const { return this->right - this->left + 1; } /** * Get height of Rect. * @return height of Rect. */ inline int Height() const { return this->bottom - this->top + 1; } /** * Copy and shrink Rect by s pixels. * @param s number of pixels to remove from each side of Rect. * @return the new smaller Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Shrink(int s) const { return {this->left + s, this->top + s, this->right - s, this->bottom - s}; } /** * Copy and shrink Rect by h horizontal and v vertical pixels. * @param h number of pixels to remove from left and right sides. * @param v number of pixels to remove from top and bottom sides. * @return the new smaller Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Shrink(int h, int v) const { return {this->left + h, this->top + v, this->right - h, this->bottom - v}; } /** * Copy and shrink Rect by pixels. * @param left number of pixels to remove from left side. * @param top number of pixels to remove from top side. * @param right number of pixels to remove from right side. * @param bottom number of pixels to remove from bottom side. * @return the new smaller Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Shrink(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) const { return {this->left + left, this->top + top, this->right - right, this->bottom - bottom}; } /** * Copy and shrink Rect by a RectPadding. * @param other RectPadding to remove from each side of Rect. * @return the new smaller Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Shrink(const RectPadding &other) const { return {this->left + other.left, this->top + other.top, this->right - other.right, this->bottom - other.bottom}; } /** * Copy and shrink Rect by a different horizontal and vertical RectPadding. * @param horz RectPadding to remove from left and right of Rect. * @param vert RectPadding to remove from top and bottom of Rect. * @return the new smaller Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Shrink(const RectPadding &horz, const RectPadding &vert) const { return {this->left + horz.left, this->top + vert.top, this->right - horz.right, this->bottom - vert.bottom}; } /** * Copy and expand Rect by s pixels. * @param s number of pixels to add to each side of Rect. * @return the new larger Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Expand(int s) const { return this->Shrink(-s); } /** * Copy and expand Rect by a RectPadding. * @param other RectPadding to add to each side of Rect. * @return the new larger Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Expand(const RectPadding &other) const { return {this->left - other.left, this->top - other.top, this->right + other.right, this->bottom + other.bottom}; } /** * Copy and translate Rect by x,y pixels. * @param x number of pixels to move horizontally. * @param y number of pixels to move vertically. * @return the new translated Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Translate(int x, int y) const { return {this->left + x, this->top + y, this->right + x, this->bottom + y}; } /** * Copy Rect and set its width. * @param width width in pixels for new Rect. * @param end if set, set width at end of Rect, i.e. on right. * @return the new resized Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect WithWidth(int width, bool end) const { return end ? Rect {this->right - width + 1, this->top, this->right, this->bottom} : Rect {this->left, this->top, this->left + width - 1, this->bottom}; } /** * Copy Rect and indent it from its position. * @param indent offset in pixels for new Rect. * @param end if set, set indent at end of Rect, i.e. on right. * @return the new resized Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect Indent(int indent, bool end) const { return end ? Rect {this->left, this->top, this->right - indent, this->bottom} : Rect {this->left + indent, this->top, this->right, this->bottom}; } /** * Copy Rect and set its height. * @param width height in pixels for new Rect. * @param end if set, set height at end of Rect, i.e. at bottom. * @return the new resized Rect. */ [[nodiscard]] inline Rect WithHeight(int height, bool end = false) const { return end ? Rect {this->left, this->bottom - height + 1, this->right, this->bottom} : Rect {this->left, this->top, this->right, this->top + height - 1}; } /** * Test if a point falls inside this Rect. * @param pt the point to test. * @return true iif the point falls inside the Rect. */ inline bool Contains(const Point &pt) const { /* This is a local version of IsInsideMM, to avoid including math_func everywhere. */ return (uint)(pt.x - this->left) < (uint)(this->right - this->left) && (uint)(pt.y - this->top) < (uint)(this->bottom - this->top); } }; /** * Specification of a rectangle with an absolute top-left coordinate and a * (relative) width/height */ struct PointDimension { int x; int y; int width; int height; }; #endif /* GEOMETRY_TYPE_HPP */