/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file bootstrap_gui.cpp Barely used user interface for bootstrapping OpenTTD, i.e. downloading the required content. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "base_media_base.h" #include "blitter/factory.hpp" #include "error_func.h" #if defined(WITH_FREETYPE) || defined(WITH_UNISCRIBE) || defined(WITH_COCOA) #include "core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "error.h" #include "fontcache.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "network/network_content_gui.h" #include "openttd.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "video/video_driver.hpp" #include "window_func.h" #include "widgets/bootstrap_widget.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "safeguards.h" /** Widgets for the background window to prevent smearing. */ static const struct NWidgetPart _background_widgets[] = { NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_BLUE, WID_BB_BACKGROUND), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(), }; /** * Window description for the background window to prevent smearing. */ static WindowDesc _background_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0, WC_BOOTSTRAP, WC_NONE, WDF_NO_CLOSE, std::begin(_background_widgets), std::end(_background_widgets) ); /** The background for the game. */ class BootstrapBackground : public Window { public: BootstrapBackground() : Window(&_background_desc) { this->InitNested(0); CLRBITS(this->flags, WF_WHITE_BORDER); ResizeWindow(this, _screen.width, _screen.height); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID) const override { GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, 4, FILLRECT_OPAQUE); GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, 0, FILLRECT_CHECKER); } }; /** Nested widgets for the error window. */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_bootstrap_errmsg_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_BEM_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_ERROR_TITLE, STR_NULL), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_BEM_MESSAGE), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_BEM_QUIT), SetDataTip(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_ERROR_QUIT, STR_NULL), SetFill(1, 0), EndContainer(), }; /** Window description for the error window. */ static WindowDesc _bootstrap_errmsg_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_CENTER, nullptr, 0, 0, WC_BOOTSTRAP, WC_NONE, WDF_MODAL | WDF_NO_CLOSE, std::begin(_nested_bootstrap_errmsg_widgets), std::end(_nested_bootstrap_errmsg_widgets) ); /** The window for a failed bootstrap. */ class BootstrapErrorWindow : public Window { public: BootstrapErrorWindow() : Window(&_bootstrap_errmsg_desc) { this->InitNested(1); } void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override { _exit_game = true; this->Window::Close(); } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { if (widget == WID_BEM_MESSAGE) { *size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_ERROR); size->width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Horizontal(); size->height += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Vertical(); } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget == WID_BEM_MESSAGE) { DrawStringMultiLine(r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext), STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_ERROR, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { if (widget == WID_BEM_QUIT) { _exit_game = true; } } }; /** Nested widgets for the download window. */ static const NWidgetPart _nested_bootstrap_download_status_window_widgets[] = { NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY), SetDataTip(STR_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_TITLE, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), SetPIP(0, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.vsep_wide, 0), SetPadding(WidgetDimensions::unscaled.modalpopup), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_NCDS_PROGRESS_BAR), SetFill(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_NCDS_PROGRESS_TEXT), SetFill(1, 0), SetMinimalSize(350, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; /** Window description for the download window */ static WindowDesc _bootstrap_download_status_window_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_CENTER, nullptr, 0, 0, WC_NETWORK_STATUS_WINDOW, WC_NONE, WDF_MODAL | WDF_NO_CLOSE, std::begin(_nested_bootstrap_download_status_window_widgets), std::end(_nested_bootstrap_download_status_window_widgets) ); /** Window for showing the download status of content */ struct BootstrapContentDownloadStatusWindow : public BaseNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow { public: /** Simple call the constructor of the superclass. */ BootstrapContentDownloadStatusWindow() : BaseNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow(&_bootstrap_download_status_window_desc) { } void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override { /* If we are not set to exit the game, it means the bootstrap failed. */ if (!_exit_game) { new BootstrapErrorWindow(); } this->BaseNetworkContentDownloadStatusWindow::Close(); } void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID) override { /* We have completed downloading. We can trigger finding the right set now. */ BaseGraphics::FindSets(); /* And continue going into the menu. */ _game_mode = GM_MENU; /* _exit_game is used to break out of the outer video driver's MainLoop. */ _exit_game = true; this->Close(); } }; /** The widgets for the query. It has no close box as that sprite does not exist yet. */ static const NWidgetPart _bootstrap_query_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY), SetDataTip(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_SET_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY, WID_BAFD_QUESTION), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_BAFD_YES), SetDataTip(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_YES_DOWNLOAD, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_BAFD_NO), SetDataTip(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_NO_QUIT, STR_NULL), EndContainer(), }; /** The window description for the query. */ static WindowDesc _bootstrap_query_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__, WDP_CENTER, nullptr, 0, 0, WC_CONFIRM_POPUP_QUERY, WC_NONE, WDF_NO_CLOSE, std::begin(_bootstrap_query_widgets), std::end(_bootstrap_query_widgets) ); /** The window for the query. It can't use the generic query window as that uses sprites that don't exist yet. */ class BootstrapAskForDownloadWindow : public Window, ContentCallback { Dimension button_size; ///< The dimension of the button public: /** Start listening to the content client events. */ BootstrapAskForDownloadWindow() : Window(&_bootstrap_query_desc) { this->InitNested(WN_CONFIRM_POPUP_QUERY_BOOTSTRAP); _network_content_client.AddCallback(this); } /** Stop listening to the content client events. */ void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override { _network_content_client.RemoveCallback(this); this->Window::Close(); } void UpdateWidgetSize(WidgetID widget, Dimension *size, [[maybe_unused]] const Dimension &padding, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *fill, [[maybe_unused]] Dimension *resize) override { /* We cache the button size. This is safe as no reinit can happen here. */ if (this->button_size.width == 0) { this->button_size = maxdim(GetStringBoundingBox(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_YES_DOWNLOAD), GetStringBoundingBox(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_NO_QUIT)); this->button_size.width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Horizontal(); this->button_size.height += WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Vertical(); } switch (widget) { case WID_BAFD_QUESTION: /* The question is twice as wide as the buttons, and determine the height based on the width. */ size->width = this->button_size.width * 2; size->height = GetStringHeight(STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_SET_MESSAGE, size->width - WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Horizontal()) + WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext.Vertical(); break; case WID_BAFD_YES: case WID_BAFD_NO: *size = this->button_size; break; } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, WidgetID widget) const override { if (widget != WID_BAFD_QUESTION) return; DrawStringMultiLine(r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.frametext), STR_MISSING_GRAPHICS_SET_MESSAGE, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER); } void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_BAFD_YES: /* We got permission to connect! Yay! */ _network_content_client.Connect(); break; case WID_BAFD_NO: _exit_game = true; break; default: break; } } void OnConnect(bool success) override { if (!success) { UserError("Failed to connect to content server. Please acquire a graphics set for OpenTTD. See section 1.4 of README.md."); /* _exit_game is used to break out of the outer video driver's MainLoop. */ _exit_game = true; this->Close(); return; } /* Once connected, request the metadata. */ _network_content_client.RequestContentList(CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_GRAPHICS); } void OnReceiveContentInfo(const ContentInfo *ci) override { /* And once the meta data is received, start downloading it. */ _network_content_client.Select(ci->id); new BootstrapContentDownloadStatusWindow(); this->Close(); } }; #endif /* defined(WITH_FREETYPE) */ #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) # include # include "network/network.h" # include "network/network_content.h" # include "openttd.h" # include "video/video_driver.hpp" class BootstrapEmscripten : public ContentCallback { bool downloading{false}; uint total_files{0}; uint total_bytes{0}; uint downloaded_bytes{0}; public: BootstrapEmscripten() { _network_content_client.AddCallback(this); _network_content_client.Connect(); } ~BootstrapEmscripten() { _network_content_client.RemoveCallback(this); } void OnConnect(bool success) override { if (!success) { EM_ASM({ if (window["openttd_bootstrap_failed"]) openttd_bootstrap_failed(); }); return; } /* Once connected, request the metadata. */ _network_content_client.RequestContentList(CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_GRAPHICS); } void OnReceiveContentInfo(const ContentInfo *ci) override { if (this->downloading) return; /* And once the metadata is received, start downloading it. */ _network_content_client.Select(ci->id); _network_content_client.DownloadSelectedContent(this->total_files, this->total_bytes); this->downloading = true; EM_ASM({ if (window["openttd_bootstrap"]) openttd_bootstrap($0, $1); }, this->downloaded_bytes, this->total_bytes); } void OnDownloadProgress(const ContentInfo *, int bytes) override { /* A negative value means we are resetting; for example, when retrying or using a fallback. */ if (bytes < 0) { this->downloaded_bytes = 0; } else { this->downloaded_bytes += bytes; } EM_ASM({ if (window["openttd_bootstrap"]) openttd_bootstrap($0, $1); }, this->downloaded_bytes, this->total_bytes); } void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID) override { /* _exit_game is used to break out of the outer video driver's MainLoop. */ _exit_game = true; delete this; } }; #endif /* __EMSCRIPTEN__ */ /** * Handle all procedures for bootstrapping OpenTTD without a base graphics set. * This requires all kinds of trickery that is needed to avoid the use of * sprites from the base graphics set which are pretty interwoven. * @return True if a base set exists, otherwise false. */ bool HandleBootstrap() { if (BaseGraphics::GetUsedSet() != nullptr) return true; /* No user interface, bail out with an error. */ if (BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() == 0) goto failure; /* If there is no network or no non-sprite font, then there is nothing we can do. Go straight to failure. */ #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) || (defined(_WIN32) && defined(WITH_UNISCRIBE)) || (defined(WITH_FREETYPE) && (defined(WITH_FONTCONFIG) || defined(__APPLE__))) || defined(WITH_COCOA) if (!_network_available) goto failure; /* First tell the game we're bootstrapping. */ _game_mode = GM_BOOTSTRAP; #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) new BootstrapEmscripten(); #else /* Initialise the font cache. */ InitializeUnicodeGlyphMap(); /* Next "force" finding a suitable non-sprite font as the local font is missing. */ CheckForMissingGlyphs(false); /* Initialise the palette. The biggest step is 'faking' some recolour sprites. * This way the mauve and gray colours work and we can show the user interface. */ GfxInitPalettes(); static const int offsets[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0x04, 0x08 }; for (uint i = 0; i != 16; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { _colour_gradient[i][j] = offsets[i] + j; } } /* Finally ask the question. */ new BootstrapBackground(); new BootstrapAskForDownloadWindow(); #endif /* __EMSCRIPTEN__ */ /* Process the user events. */ VideoDriver::GetInstance()->MainLoop(); /* _exit_game is used to get out of the video driver's main loop. * In case GM_BOOTSTRAP is still set we did not exit it via the * "download complete" event, so it was a manual exit. Obey it. */ _exit_game = _game_mode == GM_BOOTSTRAP; if (_exit_game) return false; /* Try to probe the graphics. Should work this time. */ if (!BaseGraphics::SetSet({})) goto failure; /* Finally we can continue heading for the menu. */ _game_mode = GM_MENU; return true; #endif /* Failure to get enough working to get a graphics set. */ failure: UserError("Failed to find a graphics set. Please acquire a graphics set for OpenTTD. See section 1.4 of README.md."); return false; }