/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file ai_group.cpp Implementation of AIGroup. */ #include "ai_group.hpp" #include "ai_engine.hpp" #include "../ai_instance.hpp" #include "../../company_func.h" #include "../../group.h" #include "../../string_func.h" #include "../../strings_func.h" #include "../../autoreplace_func.h" #include "../../settings_func.h" #include "table/strings.h" /* static */ bool AIGroup::IsValidGroup(GroupID group_id) { const Group *g = ::Group::GetIfValid(group_id); return g != NULL && g->owner == _current_company; } /* static */ AIGroup::GroupID AIGroup::CreateGroup(AIVehicle::VehicleType vehicle_type) { if (!AIObject::DoCommand(0, (::VehicleType)vehicle_type, 0, CMD_CREATE_GROUP, NULL, &AIInstance::DoCommandReturnGroupID)) return GROUP_INVALID; /* In case of test-mode, we return GroupID 0 */ return (AIGroup::GroupID)0; } /* static */ bool AIGroup::DeleteGroup(GroupID group_id) { EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidGroup(group_id)); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, group_id, 0, CMD_DELETE_GROUP); } /* static */ AIVehicle::VehicleType AIGroup::GetVehicleType(GroupID group_id) { if (!IsValidGroup(group_id)) return AIVehicle::VT_INVALID; return (AIVehicle::VehicleType)((::VehicleType)::Group::Get(group_id)->vehicle_type); } /* static */ bool AIGroup::SetName(GroupID group_id, const char *name) { EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidGroup(group_id)); EnforcePrecondition(false, !::StrEmpty(name)); EnforcePreconditionCustomError(false, ::strlen(name) < MAX_LENGTH_GROUP_NAME_BYTES, AIError::ERR_PRECONDITION_STRING_TOO_LONG); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, group_id, 0, CMD_RENAME_GROUP, name); } /* static */ char *AIGroup::GetName(GroupID group_id) { if (!IsValidGroup(group_id)) return NULL; static const int len = 64; char *group_name = MallocT(len); ::SetDParam(0, group_id); ::GetString(group_name, STR_GROUP_NAME, &group_name[len - 1]); return group_name; } /* static */ bool AIGroup::EnableAutoReplaceProtection(GroupID group_id, bool enable) { EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidGroup(group_id)); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, group_id, enable ? 1 : 0, CMD_SET_GROUP_REPLACE_PROTECTION); } /* static */ bool AIGroup::GetAutoReplaceProtection(GroupID group_id) { if (!IsValidGroup(group_id)) return false; return ::Group::Get(group_id)->replace_protection; } /* static */ int32 AIGroup::GetNumEngines(GroupID group_id, EngineID engine_id) { if (!IsValidGroup(group_id) && group_id != GROUP_DEFAULT && group_id != GROUP_ALL) return -1; return GetGroupNumEngines(_current_company, group_id, engine_id); } /* static */ bool AIGroup::MoveVehicle(GroupID group_id, VehicleID vehicle_id) { EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidGroup(group_id) || group_id == GROUP_DEFAULT); EnforcePrecondition(false, AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, group_id, vehicle_id, CMD_ADD_VEHICLE_GROUP); } /* static */ bool AIGroup::EnableWagonRemoval(bool enable_removal) { if (HasWagonRemoval() == enable_removal) return true; return AIObject::DoCommand(0, ::GetCompanySettingIndex("company.renew_keep_length"), enable_removal ? 1 : 0, CMD_CHANGE_COMPANY_SETTING); } /* static */ bool AIGroup::HasWagonRemoval() { return ::Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.renew_keep_length; } /* static */ bool AIGroup::SetAutoReplace(GroupID group_id, EngineID engine_id_old, EngineID engine_id_new) { EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidGroup(group_id) || group_id == GROUP_ALL); EnforcePrecondition(false, AIEngine::IsBuildable(engine_id_new)); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, group_id << 16, (engine_id_new << 16) | engine_id_old, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE); } /* static */ EngineID AIGroup::GetEngineReplacement(GroupID group_id, EngineID engine_id) { if (!IsValidGroup(group_id) && group_id != GROUP_ALL) return ::INVALID_ENGINE; return ::EngineReplacementForCompany(Company::Get(_current_company), engine_id, group_id); } /* static */ bool AIGroup::StopAutoReplace(GroupID group_id, EngineID engine_id) { EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidGroup(group_id) || group_id == GROUP_ALL); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, group_id << 16, (::INVALID_ENGINE << 16) | engine_id, CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE); }