/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file town_gui.cpp GUI for towns. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "town.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "error.h" #include "gui.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "company_gui.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "tilehighlight_func.h" #include "sortlist_type.h" #include "road_cmd.h" #include "landscape.h" #include "querystring_gui.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "townname_func.h" #include "core/backup_type.hpp" #include "core/geometry_func.hpp" #include "genworld.h" #include "stringfilter_type.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_func.h" #include "town_kdtree.h" #include "town_cmd.h" #include "timer/timer.h" #include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h" #include "timer/timer_window.h" #include "widgets/town_widget.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "safeguards.h" #include "zoom_func.h" TownKdtree _town_local_authority_kdtree(&Kdtree_TownXYFunc); typedef GUIList GUITownList; static const NWidgetPart _nested_town_authority_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TA_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TA_ZONE_BUTTON), SetMinimalSize(50, 0), SetMinimalTextLines(1, WidgetDimensions::unscaled.framerect.Vertical() + 2), SetDataTip(STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ZONE, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ZONE_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TA_RATING_INFO), SetMinimalSize(317, 92), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TA_COMMAND_LIST), SetMinimalSize(317, 52), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTIONS_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TA_ACTION_INFO), SetMinimalSize(317, 52), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TA_EXECUTE), SetMinimalSize(317, 12), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DO_IT_BUTTON, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DO_IT_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer() }; /** Town authority window. */ struct TownAuthorityWindow : Window { private: Town *town; ///< Town being displayed. int sel_index; ///< Currently selected town action, \c 0 to \c TACT_COUNT-1, \c -1 means no action selected. uint displayed_actions_on_previous_painting; ///< Actions that were available on the previous call to OnPaint() TownActions enabled_actions; ///< Actions that are enabled in settings. TownActions available_actions; ///< Actions that are available to execute for the current company. Dimension icon_size; ///< Dimensions of company icon Dimension exclusive_size; ///< Dimensions of exlusive icon /** * Get the position of the Nth set bit. * * If there is no Nth bit set return -1 * * @param n The Nth set bit from which we want to know the position * @return The position of the Nth set bit, or -1 if no Nth bit set. */ int GetNthSetBit(int n) { if (n >= 0) { for (uint i : SetBitIterator(this->enabled_actions)) { n--; if (n < 0) return i; } } return -1; } /** * Gets all town authority actions enabled in settings. * * @return Bitmask of actions enabled in the settings. */ static TownActions GetEnabledActions() { TownActions enabled = TACT_ALL; if (!_settings_game.economy.fund_roads) CLRBITS(enabled, TACT_ROAD_REBUILD); if (!_settings_game.economy.fund_buildings) CLRBITS(enabled, TACT_FUND_BUILDINGS); if (!_settings_game.economy.exclusive_rights) CLRBITS(enabled, TACT_BUY_RIGHTS); if (!_settings_game.economy.bribe) CLRBITS(enabled, TACT_BRIBE); return enabled; } public: TownAuthorityWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc), sel_index(-1), displayed_actions_on_previous_painting(0), available_actions(TACT_NONE) { this->town = Town::Get(window_number); this->enabled_actions = GetEnabledActions(); this->InitNested(window_number); } void OnInit() override { this->icon_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON); this->exclusive_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT); } void OnPaint() override { this->available_actions = GetMaskOfTownActions(_local_company, this->town); if (this->available_actions != displayed_actions_on_previous_painting) this->SetDirty(); displayed_actions_on_previous_painting = this->available_actions; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_TA_ZONE_BUTTON, this->town->show_zone); this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TA_EXECUTE, (this->sel_index == -1) || !HasBit(this->available_actions, this->sel_index)); this->DrawWidgets(); if (!this->IsShaded()) { this->DrawRatings(); this->DrawActions(); } } /** Draw the contents of the ratings panel. May request a resize of the window if the contents does not fit. */ void DrawRatings() { Rect r = this->GetWidget(WID_TA_RATING_INFO)->GetCurrentRect().Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); int text_y_offset = (this->resize.step_height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2; int icon_y_offset = (this->resize.step_height - this->icon_size.height) / 2; int exclusive_y_offset = (this->resize.step_height - this->exclusive_size.height) / 2; DrawString(r.left, r.right, r.top + text_y_offset, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_COMPANY_RATINGS); r.top += this->resize.step_height; bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Rect icon = r.WithWidth(this->icon_size.width, rtl); Rect exclusive = r.Indent(this->icon_size.width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal, rtl).WithWidth(this->exclusive_size.width, rtl); Rect text = r.Indent(this->icon_size.width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal + this->exclusive_size.width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal, rtl); /* Draw list of companies */ for (const Company *c : Company::Iterate()) { if ((HasBit(this->town->have_ratings, c->index) || this->town->exclusivity == c->index)) { DrawCompanyIcon(c->index, icon.left, text.top + icon_y_offset); SetDParam(0, c->index); SetDParam(1, c->index); int rating = this->town->ratings[c->index]; StringID str = STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING; if (rating > RATING_APPALLING) str++; if (rating > RATING_VERYPOOR) str++; if (rating > RATING_POOR) str++; if (rating > RATING_MEDIOCRE) str++; if (rating > RATING_GOOD) str++; if (rating > RATING_VERYGOOD) str++; if (rating > RATING_EXCELLENT) str++; SetDParam(2, str); if (this->town->exclusivity == c->index) { DrawSprite(SPR_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT, COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(c->index), exclusive.left, text.top + exclusive_y_offset); } DrawString(text.left, text.right, text.top + text_y_offset, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_COMPANY_RATING); text.top += this->resize.step_height; } } text.bottom = text.top - 1; if (text.bottom > r.bottom) { /* If the company list is too big to fit, mark ourself dirty and draw again. */ ResizeWindow(this, 0, text.bottom - r.bottom, false); } } /** Draws the contents of the actions panel. May re-initialise window to resize panel, if the list does not fit. */ void DrawActions() { Rect r = this->GetWidget(WID_TA_COMMAND_LIST)->GetCurrentRect().Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); DrawString(r, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTIONS_TITLE); r.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; /* Draw list of actions */ for (int i = 0; i < TACT_COUNT; i++) { /* Don't show actions if disabled in settings. */ if (!HasBit(this->enabled_actions, i)) continue; /* Set colour of action based on ability to execute and if selected. */ TextColour action_colour = TC_GREY | TC_NO_SHADE; if (HasBit(this->available_actions, i)) action_colour = TC_ORANGE; if (this->sel_index == i) action_colour = TC_WHITE; DrawString(r, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_SMALL_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN + i, action_colour); r.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { if (widget == WID_TA_CAPTION) SetDParam(0, this->window_number); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_TA_ACTION_INFO: if (this->sel_index != -1) { Money action_cost = _price[PR_TOWN_ACTION] * _town_action_costs[this->sel_index] >> 8; bool affordable = Company::IsValidID(_local_company) && action_cost < Company::Get(_local_company)->money; SetDParam(0, action_cost); DrawStringMultiLine(r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect), STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_SMALL_ADVERTISING + this->sel_index, affordable ? TC_YELLOW : TC_RED); } break; } } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TA_ACTION_INFO: { assert(size->width > padding.width && size->height > padding.height); Dimension d = {0, 0}; for (int i = 0; i < TACT_COUNT; i++) { SetDParam(0, _price[PR_TOWN_ACTION] * _town_action_costs[i] >> 8); d = maxdim(d, GetStringMultiLineBoundingBox(STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_SMALL_ADVERTISING + i, *size)); } d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_TA_COMMAND_LIST: size->height = (TACT_COUNT + 1) * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + padding.height; size->width = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTIONS_TITLE).width; for (uint i = 0; i < TACT_COUNT; i++ ) { size->width = std::max(size->width, GetStringBoundingBox(STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_SMALL_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN + i).width + padding.width); } size->width += padding.width; break; case WID_TA_RATING_INFO: resize->height = std::max({this->icon_size.height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal, this->exclusive_size.height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_normal, (uint)FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL}); size->height = 9 * resize->height + padding.height; break; } } void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TA_ZONE_BUTTON: { bool new_show_state = !this->town->show_zone; TownID index = this->town->index; new_show_state ? _town_local_authority_kdtree.Insert(index) : _town_local_authority_kdtree.Remove(index); this->town->show_zone = new_show_state; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(widget, new_show_state); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); break; } case WID_TA_COMMAND_LIST: { int y = this->GetRowFromWidget(pt.y, WID_TA_COMMAND_LIST, 1, FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) - 1; y = GetNthSetBit(y); if (y >= 0) { this->sel_index = y; this->SetDirty(); } /* When double-clicking, continue */ if (click_count == 1 || y < 0 || !HasBit(this->available_actions, y)) break; FALLTHROUGH; } case WID_TA_EXECUTE: Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_DO_THIS, this->town->xy, this->window_number, this->sel_index); break; } } /** Redraw the whole window on a regular interval. */ IntervalTimer redraw_interval = {std::chrono::seconds(3), [this](auto) { this->SetDirty(); }}; void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; this->enabled_actions = this->GetEnabledActions(); if (!HasBit(this->enabled_actions, this->sel_index)) { this->sel_index = -1; } } }; static WindowDesc _town_authority_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_town_authority", 317, 222, WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY, WC_NONE, 0, _nested_town_authority_widgets, lengthof(_nested_town_authority_widgets) ); static void ShowTownAuthorityWindow(uint town) { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_authority_desc, town); } /* Town view window. */ struct TownViewWindow : Window { private: Town *town; ///< Town displayed by the window. public: static const int WID_TV_HEIGHT_NORMAL = 150; TownViewWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc) { this->CreateNestedTree(); this->town = Town::Get(window_number); if (this->town->larger_town) this->GetWidget(WID_TV_CAPTION)->widget_data = STR_TOWN_VIEW_CITY_CAPTION; this->FinishInitNested(window_number); this->flags |= WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL; NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_TV_VIEWPORT); nvp->InitializeViewport(this, this->town->xy, ScaleZoomGUI(ZOOM_LVL_TOWN)); /* disable renaming town in network games if you are not the server */ this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_TV_CHANGE_NAME, _networking && !_network_server); } void Close() override { SetViewportCatchmentTown(Town::Get(this->window_number), false); this->Window::Close(); } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { if (widget == WID_TV_CAPTION) SetDParam(0, this->town->index); } void OnPaint() override { extern const Town *_viewport_highlight_town; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_TV_CATCHMENT, _viewport_highlight_town == this->town); this->DrawWidgets(); } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { if (widget != WID_TV_INFO) return; Rect tr = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); SetDParam(0, this->town->cache.population); SetDParam(1, this->town->cache.num_houses); DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_VIEW_POPULATION_HOUSES); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; SetDParam(0, 1 << CT_PASSENGERS); SetDParam(1, this->town->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_act); SetDParam(2, this->town->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max); DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_LAST_MONTH_MAX); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; SetDParam(0, 1 << CT_MAIL); SetDParam(1, this->town->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_act); SetDParam(2, this->town->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max); DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_LAST_MONTH_MAX); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; bool first = true; for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < TE_END; i++) { if (this->town->goal[i] == 0) continue; if (this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_WINTER && (TileHeight(this->town->xy) < LowestSnowLine() || this->town->cache.population <= 90)) continue; if (this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_DESERT && (GetTropicZone(this->town->xy) != TROPICZONE_DESERT || this->town->cache.population <= 60)) continue; if (first) { DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; first = false; } bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; const CargoSpec *cargo = FindFirstCargoWithTownEffect((TownEffect)i); assert(cargo != nullptr); StringID string; if (this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_DESERT || this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_WINTER) { /* For 'original' gameplay, don't show the amount required (you need 1 or more ..) */ string = STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_DELIVERED_GENERAL; if (this->town->received[i].old_act == 0) { string = STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_REQUIRED_GENERAL; if (this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_WINTER && TileHeight(this->town->xy) < GetSnowLine()) { string = STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_REQUIRED_WINTER; } } SetDParam(0, cargo->name); } else { string = STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_DELIVERED; if (this->town->received[i].old_act < this->town->goal[i]) { string = STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_REQUIRED; } SetDParam(0, cargo->Index()); SetDParam(1, this->town->received[i].old_act); SetDParam(2, cargo->Index()); SetDParam(3, this->town->goal[i]); } DrawString(tr.Indent(20, rtl), string); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } if (HasBit(this->town->flags, TOWN_IS_GROWING)) { SetDParam(0, RoundDivSU(this->town->growth_rate + 1, DAY_TICKS)); DrawString(tr, this->town->fund_buildings_months == 0 ? STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROWS_EVERY : STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROWS_EVERY_FUNDED); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } else { DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROW_STOPPED); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } /* only show the town noise, if the noise option is activated. */ if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) { SetDParam(0, this->town->noise_reached); SetDParam(1, this->town->MaxTownNoise()); DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_VIEW_NOISE_IN_TOWN); tr.top += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } if (!this->town->text.empty()) { SetDParamStr(0, this->town->text); tr.top = DrawStringMultiLine(tr, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, TC_BLACK); } } void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TV_CENTER_VIEW: // scroll to location if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(this->town->xy); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile(this->town->xy); } break; case WID_TV_SHOW_AUTHORITY: // town authority ShowTownAuthorityWindow(this->window_number); break; case WID_TV_CHANGE_NAME: // rename SetDParam(0, this->window_number); ShowQueryString(STR_TOWN_NAME, STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOWN_BUTTON, MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS, this, CS_ALPHANUMERAL, QSF_ENABLE_DEFAULT | QSF_LEN_IN_CHARS); break; case WID_TV_CATCHMENT: SetViewportCatchmentTown(Town::Get(this->window_number), !this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_TV_CATCHMENT)); break; case WID_TV_EXPAND: { // expand town - only available on Scenario editor /* Warn the user if towns are not allowed to build roads, but do this only once per OpenTTD run. */ static bool _warn_town_no_roads = false; if (!_settings_game.economy.allow_town_roads && !_warn_town_no_roads) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_TOWN_EXPAND_WARN_NO_ROADS, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_WARNING); _warn_town_no_roads = true; } Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_EXPAND_TOWN, this->window_number, 0); break; } case WID_TV_DELETE: // delete town - only available on Scenario editor Command::Post(STR_ERROR_TOWN_CAN_T_DELETE, this->window_number); break; } } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TV_INFO: size->height = GetDesiredInfoHeight(size->width) + padding.height; break; } } /** * Gets the desired height for the information panel. * @return the desired height in pixels. */ uint GetDesiredInfoHeight(int width) const { uint aimed_height = 3 * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; bool first = true; for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < TE_END; i++) { if (this->town->goal[i] == 0) continue; if (this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_WINTER && (TileHeight(this->town->xy) < LowestSnowLine() || this->town->cache.population <= 90)) continue; if (this->town->goal[i] == TOWN_GROWTH_DESERT && (GetTropicZone(this->town->xy) != TROPICZONE_DESERT || this->town->cache.population <= 60)) continue; if (first) { aimed_height += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; first = false; } aimed_height += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } aimed_height += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) aimed_height += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; if (!this->town->text.empty()) { SetDParamStr(0, this->town->text); aimed_height += GetStringHeight(STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, width - WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.Horizontal()); } return aimed_height; } void ResizeWindowAsNeeded() { const NWidgetBase *nwid_info = this->GetWidget(WID_TV_INFO); uint aimed_height = GetDesiredInfoHeight(nwid_info->current_x); if (aimed_height > nwid_info->current_y || (aimed_height < nwid_info->current_y && nwid_info->current_y > nwid_info->smallest_y)) { this->ReInit(); } } void OnResize() override { if (this->viewport != nullptr) { NWidgetViewport *nvp = this->GetWidget(WID_TV_VIEWPORT); nvp->UpdateViewportCoordinates(this); ScrollWindowToTile(this->town->xy, this, true); // Re-center viewport. } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; /* Called when setting station noise or required cargoes have changed, in order to resize the window */ this->SetDirty(); // refresh display for current size. This will allow to avoid glitches when downgrading this->ResizeWindowAsNeeded(); } void OnQueryTextFinished(char *str) override { if (str == nullptr) return; Command::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_TOWN, this->window_number, str); } IntervalTimer daily_interval = {{TimerGameCalendar::DAY, TimerGameCalendar::Priority::NONE}, [this](auto) { /* Refresh after possible snowline change */ this->SetDirty(); }}; }; static const NWidgetPart _nested_town_game_view_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CHANGE_NAME), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_RENAME, STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CENTER_VIEW), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_GOTO_LOCATION, STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_INSET, COLOUR_BROWN), SetPadding(2, 2, 2, 2), NWidget(NWID_VIEWPORT, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_TV_VIEWPORT), SetMinimalSize(254, 86), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_INFO), SetMinimalSize(260, 32), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_SHOW_AUTHORITY), SetMinimalSize(80, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_BUTTON, STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CATCHMENT), SetMinimalSize(40, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_BUTTON_CATCHMENT, STR_TOOLTIP_CATCHMENT), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _town_game_view_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_town", 260, TownViewWindow::WID_TV_HEIGHT_NORMAL, WC_TOWN_VIEW, WC_NONE, 0, _nested_town_game_view_widgets, lengthof(_nested_town_game_view_widgets) ); static const NWidgetPart _nested_town_editor_view_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CHANGE_NAME), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_RENAME, STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CENTER_VIEW), SetMinimalSize(12, 14), SetDataTip(SPR_GOTO_LOCATION, STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_INSET, COLOUR_BROWN), SetPadding(2, 2, 2, 2), NWidget(NWID_VIEWPORT, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_TV_VIEWPORT), SetMinimalSize(254, 86), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_INFO), SetMinimalSize(260, 32), SetResize(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_EXPAND), SetMinimalSize(80, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_VIEW_EXPAND_BUTTON, STR_TOWN_VIEW_EXPAND_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_DELETE), SetMinimalSize(80, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_VIEW_DELETE_BUTTON, STR_TOWN_VIEW_DELETE_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TV_CATCHMENT), SetMinimalSize(40, 12), SetFill(1, 1), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_BUTTON_CATCHMENT, STR_TOOLTIP_CATCHMENT), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), }; static WindowDesc _town_editor_view_desc( WDP_AUTO, "view_town_scen", 260, TownViewWindow::WID_TV_HEIGHT_NORMAL, WC_TOWN_VIEW, WC_NONE, 0, _nested_town_editor_view_widgets, lengthof(_nested_town_editor_view_widgets) ); void ShowTownViewWindow(TownID town) { if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_editor_view_desc, town); } else { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_game_view_desc, town); } } static const NWidgetPart _nested_town_directory_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_BROWN), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TD_SORT_ORDER), SetDataTip(STR_BUTTON_SORT_BY, STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER), NWidget(WWT_DROPDOWN, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TD_SORT_CRITERIA), SetDataTip(STR_JUST_STRING, STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA), NWidget(WWT_EDITBOX, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TD_FILTER), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE, STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TD_LIST), SetDataTip(0x0, STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 1), SetScrollbar(WID_TD_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TD_WORLD_POPULATION), SetPadding(2, 0, 2, 2), SetMinimalTextLines(1, 0), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_TOWN_POPULATION, STR_NULL), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_TD_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_BROWN), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; /** Town directory window class. */ struct TownDirectoryWindow : public Window { private: /* Runtime saved values */ static Listing last_sorting; /* Constants for sorting towns */ static const StringID sorter_names[]; static GUITownList::SortFunction * const sorter_funcs[]; StringFilter string_filter; ///< Filter for towns QueryString townname_editbox; ///< Filter editbox GUITownList towns; Scrollbar *vscroll; void BuildSortTownList() { if (this->towns.NeedRebuild()) { this->towns.clear(); for (const Town *t : Town::Iterate()) { if (this->string_filter.IsEmpty()) { this->towns.push_back(t); continue; } this->string_filter.ResetState(); this->string_filter.AddLine(t->GetCachedName()); if (this->string_filter.GetState()) this->towns.push_back(t); } this->towns.shrink_to_fit(); this->towns.RebuildDone(); this->vscroll->SetCount(this->towns.size()); // Update scrollbar as well. } /* Always sort the towns. */ this->towns.Sort(); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_TD_LIST); // Force repaint of the displayed towns. } /** Sort by town name */ static bool TownNameSorter(const Town * const &a, const Town * const &b) { return StrNaturalCompare(a->GetCachedName(), b->GetCachedName()) < 0; // Sort by name (natural sorting). } /** Sort by population (default descending, as big towns are of the most interest). */ static bool TownPopulationSorter(const Town * const &a, const Town * const &b) { uint32 a_population = a->cache.population; uint32 b_population = b->cache.population; if (a_population == b_population) return TownDirectoryWindow::TownNameSorter(a, b); return a_population < b_population; } /** Sort by town rating */ static bool TownRatingSorter(const Town * const &a, const Town * const &b) { bool before = !TownDirectoryWindow::last_sorting.order; // Value to get 'a' before 'b'. /* Towns without rating are always after towns with rating. */ if (HasBit(a->have_ratings, _local_company)) { if (HasBit(b->have_ratings, _local_company)) { int16 a_rating = a->ratings[_local_company]; int16 b_rating = b->ratings[_local_company]; if (a_rating == b_rating) return TownDirectoryWindow::TownNameSorter(a, b); return a_rating < b_rating; } return before; } if (HasBit(b->have_ratings, _local_company)) return !before; /* Sort unrated towns always on ascending town name. */ if (before) return TownDirectoryWindow::TownNameSorter(a, b); return TownDirectoryWindow::TownNameSorter(b, a); } public: TownDirectoryWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : Window(desc), townname_editbox(MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS) { this->CreateNestedTree(); this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_TD_SCROLLBAR); this->towns.SetListing(this->last_sorting); this->towns.SetSortFuncs(TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_funcs); this->towns.ForceRebuild(); this->BuildSortTownList(); this->FinishInitNested(0); this->querystrings[WID_TD_FILTER] = &this->townname_editbox; this->townname_editbox.cancel_button = QueryString::ACTION_CLEAR; } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_TD_WORLD_POPULATION: SetDParam(0, GetWorldPopulation()); break; case WID_TD_SORT_CRITERIA: SetDParam(0, TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[this->towns.SortType()]); break; } } /** * Get the string to draw the town name. * @param t Town to draw. * @return The string to use. */ static StringID GetTownString(const Town *t) { return t->larger_town ? STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CITY : STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_TOWN; } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_TD_SORT_ORDER: this->DrawSortButtonState(widget, this->towns.IsDescSortOrder() ? SBS_DOWN : SBS_UP); break; case WID_TD_LIST: { int n = 0; Rect tr = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect); if (this->towns.size() == 0) { // No towns available. DrawString(tr, STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_NONE); break; } /* At least one town available. */ bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL; Dimension icon_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_TOWN_RATING_GOOD); int icon_x = tr.WithWidth(icon_size.width, rtl).left; tr = tr.Indent(icon_size.width + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal, rtl); for (uint i = this->vscroll->GetPosition(); i < this->towns.size(); i++) { const Town *t = this->towns[i]; assert(t->xy != INVALID_TILE); /* Draw rating icon. */ if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR || !HasBit(t->have_ratings, _local_company)) { DrawSprite(SPR_TOWN_RATING_NA, PAL_NONE, icon_x, tr.top + (this->resize.step_height - icon_size.height) / 2); } else { SpriteID icon = SPR_TOWN_RATING_APALLING; if (t->ratings[_local_company] > RATING_VERYPOOR) icon = SPR_TOWN_RATING_MEDIOCRE; if (t->ratings[_local_company] > RATING_GOOD) icon = SPR_TOWN_RATING_GOOD; DrawSprite(icon, PAL_NONE, icon_x, tr.top + (this->resize.step_height - icon_size.height) / 2); } SetDParam(0, t->index); SetDParam(1, t->cache.population); DrawString(tr.left, tr.right, tr.top + (this->resize.step_height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2, GetTownString(t)); tr.top += this->resize.step_height; if (++n == this->vscroll->GetCapacity()) break; // max number of towns in 1 window } break; } } } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TD_SORT_ORDER: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(this->GetWidget(widget)->widget_data); d.width += padding.width + Window::SortButtonWidth() * 2; // Doubled since the string is centred and it also looks better. d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_TD_SORT_CRITERIA: { Dimension d = {0, 0}; for (uint i = 0; TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[i] != INVALID_STRING_ID; i++) { d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[i])); } d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_TD_LIST: { Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_NONE); for (uint i = 0; i < this->towns.size(); i++) { const Town *t = this->towns[i]; assert(t != nullptr); SetDParam(0, t->index); SetDParamMaxDigits(1, 8); d = maxdim(d, GetStringBoundingBox(GetTownString(t))); } Dimension icon_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_TOWN_RATING_GOOD); d.width += icon_size.width + 2; d.height = std::max(d.height, icon_size.height); resize->height = d.height; d.height *= 5; d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } case WID_TD_WORLD_POPULATION: { SetDParamMaxDigits(0, 10); Dimension d = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_TOWN_POPULATION); d.width += padding.width; d.height += padding.height; *size = maxdim(*size, d); break; } } } void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TD_SORT_ORDER: // Click on sort order button if (this->towns.SortType() != 2) { // A different sort than by rating. this->towns.ToggleSortOrder(); this->last_sorting = this->towns.GetListing(); // Store new sorting order. } else { /* Some parts are always sorted ascending on name. */ this->last_sorting.order = !this->last_sorting.order; this->towns.SetListing(this->last_sorting); this->towns.ForceResort(); this->towns.Sort(); } this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_TD_SORT_CRITERIA: // Click on sort criteria dropdown ShowDropDownMenu(this, TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_names, this->towns.SortType(), WID_TD_SORT_CRITERIA, 0, 0); break; case WID_TD_LIST: { // Click on Town Matrix auto it = this->vscroll->GetScrolledItemFromWidget(this->towns, pt.y, this, WID_TD_LIST, WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect.top); if (it == this->towns.end()) return; // click out of town bounds const Town *t = *it; assert(t != nullptr); if (_ctrl_pressed) { ShowExtraViewportWindow(t->xy); } else { ScrollMainWindowToTile(t->xy); } break; } } } void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) override { if (widget != WID_TD_SORT_CRITERIA) return; if (this->towns.SortType() != index) { this->towns.SetSortType(index); this->last_sorting = this->towns.GetListing(); // Store new sorting order. this->BuildSortTownList(); } } void OnPaint() override { if (this->towns.NeedRebuild()) this->BuildSortTownList(); this->DrawWidgets(); } /** Redraw the whole window on a regular interval. */ IntervalTimer rebuild_interval = {std::chrono::seconds(3), [this](auto) { this->BuildSortTownList(); this->SetDirty(); }}; void OnResize() override { this->vscroll->SetCapacityFromWidget(this, WID_TD_LIST); } void OnEditboxChanged(int wid) override { if (wid == WID_TD_FILTER) { this->string_filter.SetFilterTerm(this->townname_editbox.text.buf); this->InvalidateData(TDIWD_FORCE_REBUILD); } } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override { switch (data) { case TDIWD_FORCE_REBUILD: /* This needs to be done in command-scope to enforce rebuilding before resorting invalid data */ this->towns.ForceRebuild(); break; case TDIWD_POPULATION_CHANGE: if (this->towns.SortType() == 1) this->towns.ForceResort(); break; default: this->towns.ForceResort(); } } }; Listing TownDirectoryWindow::last_sorting = {false, 0}; /** Names of the sorting functions. */ const StringID TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_names[] = { STR_SORT_BY_NAME, STR_SORT_BY_POPULATION, STR_SORT_BY_RATING, INVALID_STRING_ID }; /** Available town directory sorting functions. */ GUITownList::SortFunction * const TownDirectoryWindow::sorter_funcs[] = { &TownNameSorter, &TownPopulationSorter, &TownRatingSorter, }; static WindowDesc _town_directory_desc( WDP_AUTO, "list_towns", 208, 202, WC_TOWN_DIRECTORY, WC_NONE, 0, _nested_town_directory_widgets, lengthof(_nested_town_directory_widgets) ); void ShowTownDirectory() { if (BringWindowToFrontById(WC_TOWN_DIRECTORY, 0)) return; new TownDirectoryWindow(&_town_directory_desc); } void CcFoundTown(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile) { if (result.Failed()) return; if (_settings_client.sound.confirm) SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, tile); if (!_settings_client.gui.persistent_buildingtools) ResetObjectToPlace(); } void CcFoundRandomTown(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, Money, TownID town_id) { if (result.Succeeded()) ScrollMainWindowToTile(Town::Get(town_id)->xy); } static const NWidgetPart _nested_found_town_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), EndContainer(), /* Construct new town(s) buttons. */ NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 2), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_NEW_TOWN), SetMinimalSize(156, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_BUTTON, STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP), SetPadding(0, 2, 1, 2), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_RANDOM_TOWN), SetMinimalSize(156, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_BUTTON, STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP), SetPadding(0, 2, 1, 2), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS), SetMinimalSize(156, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS, STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP), SetPadding(0, 2, 1, 2), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_EXPAND_ALL_TOWNS), SetMinimalSize(156, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_EXPAND_ALL_TOWNS, STR_FOUND_TOWN_EXPAND_ALL_TOWNS_TOOLTIP), SetPadding(0, 2, 0, 2), /* Town name selection. */ NWidget(WWT_LABEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), SetMinimalSize(156, 14), SetPadding(0, 2, 0, 2), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE, STR_NULL), NWidget(WWT_EDITBOX, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_EDITBOX), SetMinimalSize(156, 12), SetPadding(0, 2, 3, 2), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE, STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP), NWidget(WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetPadding(0, 2, 0, 2), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON, STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP), /* Town size selection. */ NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPIP(2, 0, 2), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetFill(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_LABEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), SetMinimalSize(148, 14), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE, STR_NULL), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetFill(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), SetPIP(2, 0, 2), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_SIZE_SMALL), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_SMALL_BUTTON, STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_SIZE_MEDIUM), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_MEDIUM_BUTTON, STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 1), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), SetPIP(2, 0, 2), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_SIZE_LARGE), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_LARGE_BUTTON, STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TOOLTIP), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_SIZE_RANDOM), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_SIZE_RANDOM, STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TOOLTIP), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 3), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_CITY), SetPadding(0, 2, 0, 2), SetMinimalSize(156, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_CITY, STR_FOUND_TOWN_CITY_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), /* Town roads selection. */ NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPIP(2, 0, 2), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetFill(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_LABEL, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN), SetMinimalSize(148, 14), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT, STR_NULL), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetFill(1, 0), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), SetPIP(2, 0, 2), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL, STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_LAYOUT_BETTER), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_BETTER_ROADS, STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 1), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL, NC_EQUALSIZE), SetPIP(2, 0, 2), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_LAYOUT_GRID2), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_2X2_GRID, STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_LAYOUT_GRID3), SetMinimalSize(78, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_3X3_GRID, STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 1), NWidget(WWT_TEXTBTN, COLOUR_GREY, WID_TF_LAYOUT_RANDOM), SetPadding(0, 2, 0, 2), SetMinimalSize(0, 12), SetFill(1, 0), SetDataTip(STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_RANDOM, STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT), SetFill(1, 0), NWidget(NWID_SPACER), SetMinimalSize(0, 2), EndContainer(), }; /** Found a town window class. */ struct FoundTownWindow : Window { private: TownSize town_size; ///< Selected town size TownLayout town_layout; ///< Selected town layout bool city; ///< Are we building a city? QueryString townname_editbox; ///< Townname editbox bool townnamevalid; ///< Is generated town name valid? uint32 townnameparts; ///< Generated town name TownNameParams params; ///< Town name parameters public: FoundTownWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber window_number) : Window(desc), town_size(TSZ_MEDIUM), town_layout(_settings_game.economy.town_layout), townname_editbox(MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH_TOWN_NAME_CHARS), params(_settings_game.game_creation.town_name) { this->InitNested(window_number); this->querystrings[WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_EDITBOX] = &this->townname_editbox; this->RandomTownName(); this->UpdateButtons(true); } void RandomTownName() { this->townnamevalid = GenerateTownName(_interactive_random, &this->townnameparts); if (!this->townnamevalid) { this->townname_editbox.text.DeleteAll(); } else { this->townname_editbox.text.Assign(GetTownName(&this->params, this->townnameparts)); } UpdateOSKOriginalText(this, WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_EDITBOX); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_EDITBOX); } void UpdateButtons(bool check_availability) { if (check_availability && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR) { this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(true, WID_TF_RANDOM_TOWN, WID_TF_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS, WID_TF_EXPAND_ALL_TOWNS, WID_TF_SIZE_LARGE, WIDGET_LIST_END); this->SetWidgetsDisabledState(_settings_game.economy.found_town != TF_CUSTOM_LAYOUT, WID_TF_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL, WID_TF_LAYOUT_BETTER, WID_TF_LAYOUT_GRID2, WID_TF_LAYOUT_GRID3, WID_TF_LAYOUT_RANDOM, WIDGET_LIST_END); if (_settings_game.economy.found_town != TF_CUSTOM_LAYOUT) town_layout = _settings_game.economy.town_layout; } for (int i = WID_TF_SIZE_SMALL; i <= WID_TF_SIZE_RANDOM; i++) { this->SetWidgetLoweredState(i, i == WID_TF_SIZE_SMALL + this->town_size); } this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_TF_CITY, this->city); for (int i = WID_TF_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL; i <= WID_TF_LAYOUT_RANDOM; i++) { this->SetWidgetLoweredState(i, i == WID_TF_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL + this->town_layout); } this->SetDirty(); } template void ExecuteFoundTownCommand(TileIndex tile, bool random, StringID errstr, Tcallback cc) { std::string name; if (!this->townnamevalid) { name = this->townname_editbox.text.buf; } else { /* If user changed the name, send it */ std::string original_name = GetTownName(&this->params, this->townnameparts); if (original_name != this->townname_editbox.text.buf) name = this->townname_editbox.text.buf; } bool success = Command::Post(errstr, cc, tile, this->town_size, this->city, this->town_layout, random, townnameparts, name); /* Rerandomise name, if success and no cost-estimation. */ if (success && !_shift_pressed) this->RandomTownName(); } void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_TF_NEW_TOWN: HandlePlacePushButton(this, WID_TF_NEW_TOWN, SPR_CURSOR_TOWN, HT_RECT); break; case WID_TF_RANDOM_TOWN: this->ExecuteFoundTownCommand(0, true, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_GENERATE_TOWN, CcFoundRandomTown); break; case WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM: this->RandomTownName(); this->SetFocusedWidget(WID_TF_TOWN_NAME_EDITBOX); break; case WID_TF_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS: { Backup old_generating_world(_generating_world, true, FILE_LINE); UpdateNearestTownForRoadTiles(true); if (!GenerateTowns(this->town_layout)) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_GENERATE_TOWN, STR_ERROR_NO_SPACE_FOR_TOWN, WL_INFO); } UpdateNearestTownForRoadTiles(false); old_generating_world.Restore(); break; } case WID_TF_EXPAND_ALL_TOWNS: for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) { Command::Do(DC_EXEC, t->index, 0); } break; case WID_TF_SIZE_SMALL: case WID_TF_SIZE_MEDIUM: case WID_TF_SIZE_LARGE: case WID_TF_SIZE_RANDOM: this->town_size = (TownSize)(widget - WID_TF_SIZE_SMALL); this->UpdateButtons(false); break; case WID_TF_CITY: this->city ^= true; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_TF_CITY, this->city); this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_TF_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL: case WID_TF_LAYOUT_BETTER: case WID_TF_LAYOUT_GRID2: case WID_TF_LAYOUT_GRID3: case WID_TF_LAYOUT_RANDOM: this->town_layout = (TownLayout)(widget - WID_TF_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL); this->UpdateButtons(false); break; } } void OnPlaceObject(Point pt, TileIndex tile) override { this->ExecuteFoundTownCommand(tile, false, STR_ERROR_CAN_T_FOUND_TOWN_HERE, CcFoundTown); } void OnPlaceObjectAbort() override { this->RaiseButtons(); this->UpdateButtons(false); } /** * Some data on this window has become invalid. * @param data Information about the changed data. * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details. */ void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override { if (!gui_scope) return; this->UpdateButtons(true); } }; static WindowDesc _found_town_desc( WDP_AUTO, "build_town", 160, 162, WC_FOUND_TOWN, WC_NONE, WDF_CONSTRUCTION, _nested_found_town_widgets, lengthof(_nested_found_town_widgets) ); void ShowFoundTownWindow() { if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && !Company::IsValidID(_local_company)) return; AllocateWindowDescFront(&_found_town_desc, 0); } void InitializeTownGui() { _town_local_authority_kdtree.Clear(); }