#include "stdafx.h" #include "ttd.h" #include "window.h" #include "gui.h" #include "viewport.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "news.h" #include "vehicle.h" static NewsItem _news_items[10]; static NewsItem _active_news_items[20]; void ExpireNewsItem(); void DrawNewsNewTrainAvail(Window *w); void DrawNewsNewRoadVehAvail(Window *w); void DrawNewsNewShipAvail(Window *w); void DrawNewsNewAircraftAvail(Window *w); void DrawNewsBankrupcy(Window *w); StringID GetNewsStringNewTrainAvail(NewsItem *ni); StringID GetNewsStringNewRoadVehAvail(NewsItem *ni); StringID GetNewsStringNewShipAvail(NewsItem *ni); StringID GetNewsStringNewAircraftAvail(NewsItem *ni); StringID GetNewsStringBankrupcy(NewsItem *ni); static DrawNewsCallbackProc * const _draw_news_callback[] = { DrawNewsNewTrainAvail, /* DNC_TRAINAVAIL */ DrawNewsNewRoadVehAvail, /* DNC_ROADAVAIL */ DrawNewsNewShipAvail, /* DNC_SHIPAVAIL */ DrawNewsNewAircraftAvail, /* DNC_AIRCRAFTAVAIL */ DrawNewsBankrupcy, /* DNC_BANKRUPCY */ }; GetNewsStringCallbackProc * const _get_news_string_callback[] = { GetNewsStringNewTrainAvail, /* DNC_TRAINAVAIL */ GetNewsStringNewRoadVehAvail, /* DNC_ROADAVAIL */ GetNewsStringNewShipAvail, /* DNC_SHIPAVAIL */ GetNewsStringNewAircraftAvail, /* DNC_AIRCRAFTAVAIL */ GetNewsStringBankrupcy, /* DNC_BANKRUPCY */ }; void DrawNewsBorder(Window *w) { int left = 0; int right = w->width - 1; int top = 0; int bottom = w->height - 1; GfxFillRect(left, top, right, bottom, 0xF); GfxFillRect(left, top, left, bottom, 0xD7); GfxFillRect(right, top, right, bottom, 0xD7); GfxFillRect(left, top, right, top, 0xD7); GfxFillRect(left, bottom, right, bottom, 0xD7); DrawString(left + 2, top + 1, STR_00C6, 0); } static void NewsWindowProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { switch(e->event) { case WE_PAINT: { NewsItem *ni = WP(w,news_d).ni; ViewPort *vp; if (ni->display_mode == NM_NORMAL || ni->display_mode == NM_THIN) { DrawNewsBorder(w); DrawString(2, 1, STR_00C6, 0); SET_DPARAM16(0, ni->date); DrawStringRightAligned(428, 1, STR_01FF, 0); if (!(ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT)) { COPY_IN_DPARAM(0, ni->params, lengthof(ni->params)); DrawStringMultiCenter(215, ni->display_mode == NM_NORMAL ? 76 : 56, ni->string_id, 426); } else { byte bk = _display_opt; _display_opt |= DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS; DrawWindowViewport(w); _display_opt = bk; /* Shade the viewport into gray, or color*/ vp = w->viewport; GfxFillRect(vp->left - w->left, vp->top - w->top, vp->left - w->left + vp->width - 1, vp->top - w->top + vp->height - 1, ni->flags & NF_INCOLOR ? 0x4322:0x4323 ); COPY_IN_DPARAM(0, ni->params, lengthof(ni->params)); DrawStringMultiCenter((w->width>>1), 20, ni->string_id, 428); } } else if (ni->display_mode == NM_CALLBACK) { _draw_news_callback[ni->callback](w); } else { DrawWindowWidgets(w); if (!(ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT)) { COPY_IN_DPARAM(0, ni->params, lengthof(ni->params)); DrawStringMultiCenter(140,38, ni->string_id, 276); } else { DrawWindowViewport(w); COPY_IN_DPARAM(0, ni->params, lengthof(ni->params)); DrawStringMultiCenter((w->width>>1), w->height - 16, ni->string_id, 276); } } } break; case WE_CLICK: { switch(e->click.widget) { case 1:DeleteWindow(w); ExpireNewsItem(); break; case 0: { NewsItem *ni = WP(w,news_d).ni; if (ni->flags & NF_VEHICLE) { Vehicle *v = &_vehicles[ni->data_a]; ScrollMainWindowTo(v->x_pos, v->y_pos); } else if (ni->flags & NF_TILE) { if (!ScrollMainWindowToTile(ni->data_a) && ni->data_b != 0) ScrollMainWindowToTile(ni->data_b); } } break; } } break; case WE_KEYPRESS: if (e->keypress.keycode == WKC_SPACE) { // Don't continue. e->keypress.cont = false; DeleteWindow(w); ExpireNewsItem(); } break; case WE_TICK: { int y = max(w->top - 4, _screen.height - w->height); if (y == w->top) return; if (w->viewport != NULL) w->viewport->top += y - w->top; w->top = y; SetDirtyBlocks(w->left, w->top, w->left + w->width, w->top + w->height + 4); } break; } } void AddNewsItem(StringID string, uint32 flags, uint data_a, uint data_b) { NewsItem *ni; if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return; // Find a free place and add it there. for(ni=_news_items; ni!=endof(_news_items); ni++) { if (ni->string_id==0) { ni->string_id = string; ni->display_mode = (byte)flags; ni->flags = (byte)(flags >> 8) | NF_NOEXPIRE; // show this news message in color? if (_date >= ConvertIntDate(_patches.colored_news_date)) ni->flags |= NF_INCOLOR; ni->type = (byte)(flags >> 16); ni->callback = (byte)(flags >> 24); ni->duration = 555; ni->data_a = data_a; ni->data_b = data_b; ni->date = _date; COPY_OUT_DPARAM(ni->params, 0, lengthof(ni->params)); break; } } } // _active_news_items 0..9 are the ones that have already been shown // _active_news_items 10..19 are the ones that are to be shown next static void MoveNewsItems() { Window *w; NewsItem *ni; // No new news item? if (_news_items[0].string_id == 0) return; // Check if the status bar message is still being displayed? w = FindWindowById(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0); if (w != NULL && WP(w,def_d).data_1 > -1280) return; // Add the news items to the list of pending ones. for(ni=_active_news_items + 10; ni != _active_news_items + 20; ni++) { if (ni->string_id == 0) { *ni = _news_items[0]; memcpy_overlapping(_news_items, _news_items+1, sizeof(_news_items) - sizeof(_news_items[0]) * 1); endof(_news_items)[-1].string_id = 0; break; } } } void ExpireNewsItem() { memcpy_overlapping(_active_news_items, _active_news_items + 1, sizeof(_active_news_items) - sizeof(_active_news_items[0])); endof(_active_news_items)[-1].string_id = 0; } static const byte _news_items_age[] = {60, 60, 90, 60, 90, 30, 150, 30, 90, 180}; static void RemoveOldNewsItems() { NewsItem *ni, *nit; ni = _active_news_items; do { if (ni->string_id != 0 && ni != _active_news_items + 10 && _date - _news_items_age[ni->type] > ni->date) { if (ni >= _active_news_items + 10) { nit = ni; while (nit != _active_news_items + 19) { nit[0] = nit[1]; nit++; } nit->string_id = 0; } else { nit = ni + 1; while (nit != _active_news_items + 1) { nit--; nit[0] = nit[-1]; } _active_news_items[0].string_id = 0; } } } while (++ni != endof(_active_news_items) ); } static const Widget _news_type13_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, 15, 0, 429, 0, 169, 0x0}, { WWT_PANEL, 15, 0, 10, 0, 11, 0x0}, { WWT_LAST}, }; static WindowDesc _news_type13_desc = { WDP_CENTER, 476, 430, 170, WC_NEWS_WINDOW,0, WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _news_type13_widgets, NewsWindowProc }; static const Widget _news_type2_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, 15, 0, 429, 0, 129, 0x0}, { WWT_PANEL, 15, 0, 10, 0, 11, 0x0}, { WWT_LAST}, }; static WindowDesc _news_type2_desc = { WDP_CENTER, 476, 430, 130, WC_NEWS_WINDOW,0, WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _news_type2_widgets, NewsWindowProc }; static const Widget _news_type0_widgets[] = { { WWT_PANEL, 5, 0, 279, 14, 86, 0x0}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 5, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5}, { WWT_CAPTION, 5, 11, 279, 0, 13, STR_012C_MESSAGE}, { WWT_6, 5, 2, 277, 16, 64, 0}, { WWT_LAST}, }; static WindowDesc _news_type0_desc = { WDP_CENTER, 476, 280, 87, WC_NEWS_WINDOW,0, WDF_DEF_WIDGET, _news_type0_widgets, NewsWindowProc }; static byte _news_sounds[] = { 27, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0 }; static void ProcessNewsItem(NewsItem *ni) { Window *w; int sound; // No news item, quit if (ni->string_id == 0) return; // Delete the item once the duration reaches 0 if (ni->duration == 0) { DeleteWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); ExpireNewsItem(); return; } ni->duration--; // As long as the window still is shown, don't go further w = FindWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); if (w != NULL) return; // Expire the item if NF_NOEXPIRE was removed if (!(ni->flags & NF_NOEXPIRE)) { ExpireNewsItem(); return; } if (!HASBIT(_news_display_opt, ni->type) && !(ni->flags&NF_FORCE_BIG)) { SndPlayFx(20); _statusbar_news_item = *ni; w = FindWindowById(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0); if (w != 0) WP(w,def_d).data_1 = 360; ExpireNewsItem(); } else { int top; ni->flags &= ~(NF_NOEXPIRE|NF_FORCE_BIG); sound = _news_sounds[ni->type]; if (sound != 0) SndPlayFx(sound); top = _screen.height - 4; if (ni->display_mode == NM_NORMAL || ni->display_mode == NM_CALLBACK) { _news_type13_desc.top = top; w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_news_type13_desc); if (ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT) { AssignWindowViewport(w, 2, 58, 0x1AA, 0x6E, ni->data_a | ((ni->flags&NF_VEHICLE) ? 0x80000000 : 0), 0); } } else if (ni->display_mode == NM_THIN) { _news_type2_desc.top = top; w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_news_type2_desc); if (ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT) { AssignWindowViewport(w, 2, 58, 0x1AA, 0x46, ni->data_a | ((ni->flags&NF_VEHICLE) ? 0x80000000 : 0), 0); } } else { _news_type0_desc.top = top; w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_news_type0_desc); if (ni->flags & NF_VIEWPORT) { AssignWindowViewport(w, 3, 17, 0x112, 0x2F, ni->data_a | ((ni->flags&NF_VEHICLE) ? 0x80000000 : 0), 0); } } WP(w,news_d).ni = _active_news_items + 10; w->flags4 |= WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL; } } void NewsLoop() { RemoveOldNewsItems(); MoveNewsItems(); ProcessNewsItem(_active_news_items + 10); } void ShowLastNewsMessage() { // No news item immediately before 10? if (_active_news_items[9].string_id == 0) return; // Delete the news window DeleteWindowById(WC_NEWS_WINDOW, 0); // Move all items one step memmove(_active_news_items+1, _active_news_items, sizeof(NewsItem)*19); _active_news_items[0].string_id = 0; // Default duration and flags for re-shown items _active_news_items[10].duration = 555; _active_news_items[10].flags |= NF_NOEXPIRE | NF_FORCE_BIG; } void InitNewsItemStructs() { memset(_news_items, 0, sizeof(_news_items)); memset(_active_news_items, 0, sizeof(_active_news_items)); } static void MessageOptionsWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { switch(e->event) { case WE_PAINT: { uint16 x = _news_display_opt; uint32 cs = 0; int i, y; for(i=3; i!=23; i+=2) { cs |= 1 << (i + (x&1)); x >>= 1; } cs |= (w->click_state >> 23) << 23; w->click_state = cs; DrawWindowWidgets(w); DrawStringCentered(185, 15, STR_0205_MESSAGE_TYPES, 0); y = 27; for(i=STR_0206_ARRIVAL_OF_FIRST_VEHICLE; i <= STR_020F_GENERAL_INFORMATION; i++) { DrawString(124, y, i, 0); y += 12; } break; } case WE_CLICK: { int wid; if ( (uint)(wid=e->click.widget - 3) < 20) { if (!(wid & 1)) { _news_display_opt &= ~(1 << (wid>>1)); } else { _news_display_opt |= (1 << (wid>>1)); } SetWindowDirty(w); /* XXX: write settings */ } if( e->click.widget == 23) { _news_display_opt = 0; HandleButtonClick(w, 23); SetWindowDirty(w); } if( e->click.widget == 24) { _news_display_opt = ~0; HandleButtonClick(w, 24); SetWindowDirty(w); } } break; } } static const Widget _message_options_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, 13, 11, 369, 0, 13, STR_0204_MESSAGE_OPTIONS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_PANEL, 13, 0, 369, 14, 172, 0x0}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 26, 37, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 26, 37, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 38, 49, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 38, 49, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 50, 61, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 50, 61, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 62, 73, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 62, 73, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 74, 85, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 74, 85, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 86, 97, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 86, 97, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 98, 109, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 98, 109, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 110, 121, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 110, 121, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 122, 133, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 122, 133, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 2, 61, 134, 145, STR_02B8_SUMMARY}, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 3, 62, 121, 134, 145, STR_02B9_FULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, 3, 15, 170, 154, 165, STR_MESSAGES_DISABLE_ALL, STR_NULL }, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, 3, 200, 355, 154, 165, STR_MESSAGES_ENABLE_ALL, STR_NULL }, { WWT_LAST}, }; static const WindowDesc _message_options_desc = { 270, 22, 370, 173, WC_GAME_OPTIONS,0, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _message_options_widgets, MessageOptionsWndProc }; void ShowMessageOptions() { DeleteWindowById(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0); AllocateWindowDesc(&_message_options_desc); } static void GetNewsString(NewsItem *ni, byte *buffer) { StringID str; byte *s, *d; if (ni->display_mode == 3) { str = _get_news_string_callback[ni->callback](ni); } else { COPY_IN_DPARAM(0, ni->params, lengthof(ni->params)); str = ni->string_id; } GetString(str_buffr, str); assert(strlen(str_buffr) < sizeof(str_buffr) - 1); s = str_buffr; d = buffer; for(;;s++) { // cut strings that are too long if(s >= str_buffr + 55) { d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = '.'; d+=3; *d = 0; break; } if (*s == 0) { *d = 0; break; } else if (*s == 13) { d[0] = d[1] = d[2] = d[3] = ' '; d+=4; } else if (*s >= ' ' && (*s < 0x88 || *s >= 0x99)) { *d++ = *s; } } } static void MessageHistoryWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { switch(e->event) { case WE_PAINT: { uint n, y, i; char buffer[256]; NewsItem *ni; for(n=10; n!=0; n--) if (!_active_news_items[n - 1].string_id) break; n = 10 - n; SetVScrollCount(w, n); DrawWindowWidgets(w); y = 18; for(i=w->vscroll.pos; i!=n; i++) { ni = &_active_news_items[i + (10 - n)]; assert(ni->string_id); SET_DPARAM16(0, ni->date); DrawString(4, y, STR_00AF, 16); GetNewsString(ni, buffer); DoDrawString(buffer, 85, y, 16); y += 12; } break; } case WE_CLICK: switch(e->click.widget) { case 2: { uint y = (e->click.pt.y - 18) / 12; NewsItem *ni; if (y >= (uint)w->vscroll.count) return; ni = &_active_news_items[w->vscroll.pos + y + (10 - w->vscroll.count)]; // NOT YET... // ShowNewsMessage(y); break; } } break; } } static const Widget _message_history_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, 13, 11, 399, 0, 13, STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_IMGBTN, 13, 0, 388, 14, 147, 0x0, STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY_TIP}, { WWT_SCROLLBAR, 13, 389, 399, 14, 147, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, { WWT_LAST}, }; static const WindowDesc _message_history_desc = { 240, 22, 400, 148, WC_MESSAGE_HISTORY,0, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _message_history_widgets, MessageHistoryWndProc }; void ShowMessageHistory() { Window *w; DeleteWindowById(WC_MESSAGE_HISTORY, 0); w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_message_history_desc); if (w) { w->vscroll.cap = 11; SetWindowDirty(w); } }