/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** * @file settings_table.cpp The tables of all the settings as well as the implementation of most of their callbacks. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "settings_table.h" #include "currency.h" #include "screenshot.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "network/network_func.h" #include "network/core/config.h" #include "pathfinder/pathfinder_type.h" #include "genworld.h" #include "train.h" #include "news_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "company_func.h" #include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h" #if defined(WITH_FREETYPE) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WITH_COCOA) #define HAS_TRUETYPE_FONT #include "fontcache.h" #endif #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "rail_gui.h" #include "elrail_func.h" #include "error.h" #include "town.h" #include "video/video_driver.hpp" #include "sound/sound_driver.hpp" #include "music/music_driver.hpp" #include "blitter/factory.hpp" #include "base_media_base.h" #include "ai/ai_config.hpp" #include "ai/ai.hpp" #include "game/game_config.hpp" #include "ship.h" #include "smallmap_gui.h" #include "roadveh.h" #include "roadveh_cmd.h" #include "vehicle_func.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "void_map.h" #include "station_func.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/settings.h" #include "safeguards.h" SettingTable _company_settings{ _company_settings_table }; SettingTable _currency_settings{ _currency_settings_table }; SettingTable _difficulty_settings{ _difficulty_settings_table }; SettingTable _multimedia_settings{ _multimedia_settings_table }; SettingTable _economy_settings{ _economy_settings_table }; SettingTable _game_settings{ _game_settings_table }; SettingTable _gui_settings{ _gui_settings_table }; SettingTable _linkgraph_settings{ _linkgraph_settings_table }; SettingTable _locale_settings{ _locale_settings_table }; SettingTable _misc_settings{ _misc_settings_table }; SettingTable _network_private_settings{ _network_private_settings_table }; SettingTable _network_secrets_settings{ _network_secrets_settings_table }; SettingTable _network_settings{ _network_settings_table }; SettingTable _news_display_settings{ _news_display_settings_table }; SettingTable _old_gameopt_settings{ _old_gameopt_settings_table }; SettingTable _pathfinding_settings{ _pathfinding_settings_table }; SettingTable _script_settings{ _script_settings_table }; SettingTable _window_settings{ _window_settings_table }; SettingTable _world_settings{ _world_settings_table }; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(DEDICATED) SettingTable _win32_settings{ _win32_settings_table }; #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* Begin - Callback Functions for the various settings. */ /** Reposition the main toolbar as the setting changed. */ static void v_PositionMainToolbar(int32_t) { if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) PositionMainToolbar(nullptr); } /** Reposition the statusbar as the setting changed. */ static void v_PositionStatusbar(int32_t) { if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) { PositionStatusbar(nullptr); PositionNewsMessage(nullptr); PositionNetworkChatWindow(nullptr); } } /** * Redraw the smallmap after a colour scheme change. */ static void RedrawSmallmap(int32_t) { BuildLandLegend(); BuildOwnerLegend(); SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_SMALLMAP); } /** Redraw linkgraph links after a colour scheme change. */ static void UpdateLinkgraphColours(int32_t) { BuildLinkStatsLegend(); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } static void StationSpreadChanged(int32_t) { InvalidateWindowData(WC_SELECT_STATION, 0); InvalidateWindowData(WC_BUILD_STATION, 0); } static void UpdateConsists(int32_t) { for (Train *t : Train::Iterate()) { /* Update the consist of all trains so the maximum speed is set correctly. */ if (t->IsFrontEngine() || t->IsFreeWagon()) t->ConsistChanged(CCF_TRACK); } InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE, 0); } /** * Check and update if needed all vehicle service intervals. * @param new_value Contains 0 if service intervals are in time (days or real-world minutes), otherwise intervals use percents. */ static void UpdateAllServiceInterval(int32_t new_value) { bool update_vehicles; VehicleDefaultSettings *vds; if (_game_mode == GM_MENU || !Company::IsValidID(_current_company)) { vds = &_settings_client.company.vehicle; update_vehicles = false; } else { vds = &Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.vehicle; update_vehicles = true; } if (new_value != 0) { /* Service intervals are in percents. */ vds->servint_trains = DEF_SERVINT_PERCENT; vds->servint_roadveh = DEF_SERVINT_PERCENT; vds->servint_aircraft = DEF_SERVINT_PERCENT; vds->servint_ships = DEF_SERVINT_PERCENT; } else if (TimerGameEconomy::UsingWallclockUnits(_game_mode == GM_MENU)) { /* Service intervals are in minutes. */ vds->servint_trains = DEF_SERVINT_MINUTES_TRAINS; vds->servint_roadveh = DEF_SERVINT_MINUTES_ROADVEH; vds->servint_aircraft = DEF_SERVINT_MINUTES_AIRCRAFT; vds->servint_ships = DEF_SERVINT_MINUTES_SHIPS; } else { /* Service intervals are in days. */ vds->servint_trains = DEF_SERVINT_DAYS_TRAINS; vds->servint_roadveh = DEF_SERVINT_DAYS_ROADVEH; vds->servint_aircraft = DEF_SERVINT_DAYS_AIRCRAFT; vds->servint_ships = DEF_SERVINT_DAYS_SHIPS; } if (update_vehicles) { const Company *c = Company::Get(_current_company); for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) { if (v->owner == _current_company && v->IsPrimaryVehicle() && !v->ServiceIntervalIsCustom()) { v->SetServiceInterval(CompanyServiceInterval(c, v->type)); v->SetServiceIntervalIsPercent(new_value != 0); } } } SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS); } static bool CanUpdateServiceInterval(VehicleType, int32_t &new_value) { VehicleDefaultSettings *vds; if (_game_mode == GM_MENU || !Company::IsValidID(_current_company)) { vds = &_settings_client.company.vehicle; } else { vds = &Company::Get(_current_company)->settings.vehicle; } /* Test if the interval is valid */ int32_t interval = GetServiceIntervalClamped(new_value, vds->servint_ispercent); return interval == new_value; } static void UpdateServiceInterval(VehicleType type, int32_t new_value) { if (_game_mode != GM_MENU && Company::IsValidID(_current_company)) { for (Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) { if (v->owner == _current_company && v->type == type && v->IsPrimaryVehicle() && !v->ServiceIntervalIsCustom()) { v->SetServiceInterval(new_value); } } } SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS); } static void TrainAccelerationModelChanged(int32_t) { for (Train *t : Train::Iterate()) { if (t->IsFrontEngine()) { t->tcache.cached_max_curve_speed = t->GetCurveSpeedLimit(); t->UpdateAcceleration(); } } /* These windows show acceleration values only when realistic acceleration is on. They must be redrawn after a setting change. */ SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_ENGINE_PREVIEW); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE, 0); SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS); } /** * This function updates the train acceleration cache after a steepness change. */ static void TrainSlopeSteepnessChanged(int32_t) { for (Train *t : Train::Iterate()) { if (t->IsFrontEngine()) t->CargoChanged(); } } /** * This function updates realistic acceleration caches when the setting "Road vehicle acceleration model" is set. */ static void RoadVehAccelerationModelChanged(int32_t) { if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model != AM_ORIGINAL) { for (RoadVehicle *rv : RoadVehicle::Iterate()) { if (rv->IsFrontEngine()) { rv->CargoChanged(); } } } /* These windows show acceleration values only when realistic acceleration is on. They must be redrawn after a setting change. */ SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_ENGINE_PREVIEW); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE, 0); SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS); } /** * This function updates the road vehicle acceleration cache after a steepness change. */ static void RoadVehSlopeSteepnessChanged(int32_t) { for (RoadVehicle *rv : RoadVehicle::Iterate()) { if (rv->IsFrontEngine()) rv->CargoChanged(); } } static void TownFoundingChanged(int32_t) { if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _settings_game.economy.found_town == TF_FORBIDDEN) { CloseWindowById(WC_FOUND_TOWN, 0); } else { InvalidateWindowData(WC_FOUND_TOWN, 0); } } static void ZoomMinMaxChanged(int32_t) { ConstrainAllViewportsZoom(); GfxClearSpriteCache(); InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SPRITE_ALIGNER); if (AdjustGUIZoom(false)) { ReInitAllWindows(true); } } static void SpriteZoomMinChanged(int32_t) { GfxClearSpriteCache(); /* Force all sprites to redraw at the new chosen zoom level */ MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } /** * Update any possible saveload window and delete any newgrf dialogue as * its widget parts might change. Reinit all windows as it allows access to the * newgrf debug button. */ static void InvalidateNewGRFChangeWindows(int32_t) { InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SAVELOAD); CloseWindowByClass(WC_GAME_OPTIONS); ReInitAllWindows(false); } static void InvalidateCompanyLiveryWindow(int32_t) { InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_COMPANY_COLOUR, -1); ResetVehicleColourMap(); } static void DifficultyNoiseChange(int32_t) { if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL) { UpdateAirportsNoise(); if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) { InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_TOWN_VIEW, 0); } } } static void MaxNoAIsChange(int32_t) { if (GetGameSettings().difficulty.max_no_competitors != 0 && AI::GetInfoList()->empty() && (!_networking || _network_server)) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_WARNING_NO_SUITABLE_AI, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_CRITICAL); } InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0); } /** * Check whether the road side may be changed. * @return true if the road side may be changed. */ static bool CheckRoadSide(int32_t &) { return _game_mode == GM_MENU || !RoadVehiclesAreBuilt(); } /** * Conversion callback for _gameopt_settings_game.landscape * It converts (or try) between old values and the new ones, * without losing initial setting of the user * @param value that was read from config file * @return the "hopefully" converted value */ static size_t ConvertLandscape(const char *value) { /* try with the old values */ static std::vector _old_landscape_values{"normal", "hilly", "desert", "candy"}; return OneOfManySettingDesc::ParseSingleValue(value, strlen(value), _old_landscape_values); } static bool CheckFreeformEdges(int32_t &new_value) { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return true; if (new_value != 0) { for (Ship *s : Ship::Iterate()) { /* Check if there is a ship on the northern border. */ if (TileX(s->tile) == 0 || TileY(s->tile) == 0) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_EMPTY, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } } for (const BaseStation *st : BaseStation::Iterate()) { /* Check if there is a non-deleted buoy on the northern border. */ if (st->IsInUse() && (TileX(st->xy) == 0 || TileY(st->xy) == 0)) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_EMPTY, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } } } else { for (uint i = 0; i < Map::MaxX(); i++) { if (TileHeight(TileXY(i, 1)) != 0) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_WATER, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } } for (uint i = 1; i < Map::MaxX(); i++) { if (!IsTileType(TileXY(i, Map::MaxY() - 1), MP_WATER) || TileHeight(TileXY(1, Map::MaxY())) != 0) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_WATER, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } } for (uint i = 0; i < Map::MaxY(); i++) { if (TileHeight(TileXY(1, i)) != 0) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_WATER, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } } for (uint i = 1; i < Map::MaxY(); i++) { if (!IsTileType(TileXY(Map::MaxX() - 1, i), MP_WATER) || TileHeight(TileXY(Map::MaxX(), i)) != 0) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_EDGES_NOT_WATER, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } } } return true; } static void UpdateFreeformEdges(int32_t new_value) { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return; if (new_value != 0) { for (uint x = 0; x < Map::SizeX(); x++) MakeVoid(TileXY(x, 0)); for (uint y = 0; y < Map::SizeY(); y++) MakeVoid(TileXY(0, y)); } else { /* Make tiles at the border water again. */ for (uint i = 0; i < Map::MaxX(); i++) { SetTileHeight(TileXY(i, 0), 0); SetTileType(TileXY(i, 0), MP_WATER); } for (uint i = 0; i < Map::MaxY(); i++) { SetTileHeight(TileXY(0, i), 0); SetTileType(TileXY(0, i), MP_WATER); } } MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } /** * Changing the setting "allow multiple NewGRF sets" is not allowed * if there are vehicles. */ static bool CheckDynamicEngines(int32_t &) { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return true; if (!EngineOverrideManager::ResetToCurrentNewGRFConfig()) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DYNAMIC_ENGINES_EXISTING_VEHICLES, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); return false; } return true; } static bool CheckMaxHeightLevel(int32_t &new_value) { if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL) return false; if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) return true; /* Check if at least one mountain on the map is higher than the new value. * If yes, disallow the change. */ for (TileIndex t = 0; t < Map::Size(); t++) { if ((int32_t)TileHeight(t) > new_value) { ShowErrorMessage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOO_HIGH_MOUNTAIN, INVALID_STRING_ID, WL_ERROR); /* Return old, unchanged value */ return false; } } return true; } static void StationCatchmentChanged(int32_t) { Station::RecomputeCatchmentForAll(); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } static void MaxVehiclesChanged(int32_t) { InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_BUILD_TOOLBAR); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); } static void InvalidateShipPathCache(int32_t) { for (Ship *s : Ship::Iterate()) { s->path.clear(); } } /** * Replace a passwords that are a literal asterisk with an empty string. * @param newval The new string value for this password field. * @return Always true. */ static bool ReplaceAsteriskWithEmptyPassword(std::string &newval) { if (newval.compare("*") == 0) newval.clear(); return true; } /** Update the game info, and send it to the clients when we are running as a server. */ static void UpdateClientConfigValues() { NetworkServerUpdateGameInfo(); if (_network_server) { NetworkServerSendConfigUpdate(); SetWindowClassesDirty(WC_CLIENT_LIST); } } /** * Callback for when the player changes the timekeeping units. * @param Unused. */ static void ChangeTimekeepingUnits(int32_t) { /* If service intervals are in time units (calendar days or real-world minutes), reset them to the correct defaults. */ if (!_settings_client.company.vehicle.servint_ispercent) { UpdateAllServiceInterval(0); } /* If we are using calendar timekeeping, "minutes per year" must be default. */ if (!TimerGameEconomy::UsingWallclockUnits(true)) { _settings_newgame.economy.minutes_per_calendar_year = CalendarTime::DEF_MINUTES_PER_YEAR; } InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0); } /** * Callback after the player changes the minutes per year. * @param new_value The intended new value of the setting, used for clamping. */ static void ChangeMinutesPerYear(int32_t new_value) { /* We don't allow setting Minutes Per Year below default, unless it's to 0 for frozen calendar time. */ if (new_value < CalendarTime::DEF_MINUTES_PER_YEAR) { int clamped; /* If the new value is 1, we're probably at 0 and trying to increase the value, so we should jump up to default. */ if (new_value == 1) { clamped = CalendarTime::DEF_MINUTES_PER_YEAR; } else { clamped = CalendarTime::FROZEN_MINUTES_PER_YEAR; } /* Override the setting with the clamped value. */ if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) { _settings_newgame.economy.minutes_per_calendar_year = clamped; } else { _settings_game.economy.minutes_per_calendar_year = clamped; } } /* If the setting value is not the default, force the game to use wallclock timekeeping units. * This can only happen in the menu, since the pre_cb ensures this setting can only be changed there, or if we're already using wallclock units. */ if (_game_mode == GM_MENU && (_settings_newgame.economy.minutes_per_calendar_year != CalendarTime::DEF_MINUTES_PER_YEAR)) { _settings_newgame.economy.timekeeping_units = TKU_WALLCLOCK; InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0); } } /** * Pre-callback check when trying to change the timetable mode. This is locked to Seconds when using wallclock units. * @param Unused. * @return True if we allow changing the timetable mode. */ static bool CanChangeTimetableMode(int32_t &) { return !TimerGameEconomy::UsingWallclockUnits(); } /* End - Callback Functions */