/* $Id$ */ #ifndef GFX_H #define GFX_H typedef byte Pixel; struct DrawPixelInfo { Pixel *dst_ptr; int left, top, width, height; int pitch; uint16 zoom; }; typedef struct CursorVars { Point pos, size, offs, delta; ///< position, size, offset from top-left, and movement Point draw_pos, draw_size; ///< position and size bounding-box for drawing CursorID sprite; ///< current image of cursor int wheel; ///< mouse wheel movement const CursorID *animate_list, *animate_cur; ///< in case of animated cursor, list of frames uint animate_timeout; ///< current frame in list of animated cursor bool visible; ///< cursor is visible bool dirty; ///< the rect occupied by the mouse is dirty (redraw) bool fix_at; ///< mouse is moving, but cursor is not (used for scrolling) bool in_window; ///< mouse inside this window, determines drawing logic } CursorVars; typedef enum FontSizes { FS_NORMAL, FS_SMALL, FS_LARGE, FS_END, } FontSize; void RedrawScreenRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void GfxScroll(int left, int top, int width, int height, int xo, int yo); // XXX doesn't really belong here, but the only // consumers always use it in conjunction with DoDrawString() #define UPARROW "\x80" #define DOWNARROW "\xAA" int DrawStringCentered(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); int DrawStringCenteredTruncated(int xl, int xr, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); int DoDrawStringCentered(int x, int y, const char *str, uint16 color); int DrawString(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); int DrawStringTruncated(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color, uint maxw); int DoDrawString(const char *string, int x, int y, uint16 color); int DoDrawStringTruncated(const char *str, int x, int y, uint16 color, uint maxw); void DrawStringCenterUnderline(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); void DrawStringCenterUnderlineTruncated(int xl, int xr, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); int DrawStringRightAligned(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); void DrawStringRightAlignedTruncated(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color, uint maxw); void DrawStringRightAlignedUnderline(int x, int y, StringID str, uint16 color); void GfxFillRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color); void GfxDrawLine(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color); BoundingRect GetStringBoundingBox(const char *str); void LoadStringWidthTable(void); void DrawStringMultiCenter(int x, int y, StringID str, int maxw); void DrawStringMultiLine(int x, int y, StringID str, int maxw); void DrawDirtyBlocks(void); void SetDirtyBlocks(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void MarkWholeScreenDirty(void); void GfxInitPalettes(void); bool FillDrawPixelInfo(DrawPixelInfo* n, int left, int top, int width, int height); /* window.c */ void DrawOverlappedWindowForAll(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void SetMouseCursor(uint cursor); void SetAnimatedMouseCursor(const CursorID *table); void CursorTick(void); void DrawMouseCursor(void); void ScreenSizeChanged(void); void UndrawMouseCursor(void); bool ChangeResInGame(int w, int h); void SortResolutions(int count); void ToggleFullScreen(bool fs); /* gfx.c */ #define ASCII_LETTERSTART 32 extern FontSize _cur_fontsize; extern byte _stringwidth_table[FS_END][224]; static inline byte GetCharacterWidth(FontSize size, byte key) { assert(key >= ASCII_LETTERSTART); return _stringwidth_table[size][key - ASCII_LETTERSTART]; } static inline byte GetCharacterHeight(FontSize size) { switch (size) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case FS_NORMAL: return 10; case FS_SMALL: return 6; case FS_LARGE: return 18; } } VARDEF DrawPixelInfo _screen; VARDEF DrawPixelInfo *_cur_dpi; VARDEF CursorVars _cursor; enum { COLOUR_DARK_BLUE, COLOUR_PALE_GREEN, COLOUR_PINK, COLOUR_YELLOW, COLOUR_RED, COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE, COLOUR_GREEN, COLOUR_DARK_GREEN, COLOUR_BLUE, COLOUR_CREAM, COLOUR_MAUVE, COLOUR_PURPLE, COLOUR_ORANGE, COLOUR_BROWN, COLOUR_GREY, COLOUR_WHITE }; /** * All 16 colour gradients * 8 colours per gradient from darkest (0) to lightest (7) */ VARDEF byte _colour_gradient[16][8]; VARDEF int _pal_first_dirty; VARDEF int _pal_last_dirty; VARDEF bool _use_dos_palette; typedef struct Colour { byte r; byte g; byte b; } Colour; extern Colour _cur_palette[256]; typedef enum StringColorFlags { IS_PALETTE_COLOR = 0x100, // color value is already a real palette color index, not an index of a StringColor } StringColorFlags; #ifdef _DEBUG extern bool _dbg_screen_rect; #endif #endif /* GFX_H */