cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # # Runs a single regressoion test # if(NOT REGRESSION_TEST) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs REGRESSION_TEST defined (tip: use -DREGRESSION_TEST=..)") endif() if(NOT OPENTTD_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Script needs OPENTTD_EXECUTABLE defined (tip: use -DOPENTTD_EXECUTABLE=..)") endif() if(NOT EXISTS ai/${REGRESSION_TEST}/test.sav) message(FATAL_ERROR "Regression test ${REGRESSION_TEST} does not exist (tip: check regression folder for the correct spelling)") endif() # If editbin is given, copy the executable to a new folder, and change the # subsystem to console. The copy is needed as multiple regressions can run # at the same time. if(EDITBIN_EXECUTABLE) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${OPENTTD_EXECUTABLE} regression_${REGRESSION_TEST}.exe) set(OPENTTD_EXECUTABLE "regression_${REGRESSION_TEST}.exe") execute_process(COMMAND ${EDITBIN_EXECUTABLE} /nologo /subsystem:console ${OPENTTD_EXECUTABLE}) endif() # Run the regression test execute_process(COMMAND ${OPENTTD_EXECUTABLE} -x -c regression/regression.cfg -g ai/${REGRESSION_TEST}/test.sav -snull -mnull -vnull:ticks=30000 -d script=2 -d misc=9 OUTPUT_VARIABLE REGRESSION_OUTPUT ERROR_VARIABLE REGRESSION_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(REGRESSION_OUTPUT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unexpected output: ${REGRESSION_OUTPUT}") endif() if(NOT REGRESSION_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Regression did not output anything; did the compilation fail?") endif() # For some reason pointer can be printed as '0x(nil)', '0x0000000000000000', or '0x0x0' string(REPLACE "0x(nil)" "0x00000000" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REPLACE "0x0000000000000000" "0x00000000" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REPLACE "0x0x0" "0x00000000" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") # Convert the output to a format that is expected (and more readable) by result.txt string(REPLACE "\ndbg: [script]" "\n" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REPLACE "\n " "\nERROR: " REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REPLACE "\nERROR: [1] " "\n" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REPLACE "\n[P] " "\n" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REGEX REPLACE "dbg: ([^\n]*)\n?" "" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") # Read the expected result file(READ ai/${REGRESSION_TEST}/result.txt REGRESSION_EXPECTED) # Convert the string to a list string(REPLACE "\n" ";" REGRESSION_RESULT "${REGRESSION_RESULT}") string(REPLACE "\n" ";" REGRESSION_EXPECTED "${REGRESSION_EXPECTED}") set(ARGC 0) set(ERROR NO) list(LENGTH REGRESSION_EXPECTED REGRESSION_EXPECTED_LENGTH) # Compare the output foreach(RESULT IN LISTS REGRESSION_RESULT) list(GET REGRESSION_EXPECTED ${ARGC} EXPECTED) if(NOT RESULT STREQUAL EXPECTED) message("${ARGC}: - ${EXPECTED}") message("${ARGC}: + ${RESULT}'") set(ERROR YES) endif() math(EXPR ARGC "${ARGC} + 1") endforeach() if(NOT REGRESSION_EXPECTED_LENGTH EQUAL ARGC) math(EXPR MISSING "${REGRESSION_EXPECTED_LENGTH} - ${ARGC}") message("(${MISSING} more lines were expected than found)") set(ERROR YES) endif() if(ERROR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Regression failed") endif()