/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file font_win32.cpp Functions related to font handling on Win32. */ #include "../../stdafx.h" #include "../../debug.h" #include "../../blitter/factory.hpp" #include "../../core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "../../core/math_func.hpp" #include "../../core/mem_func.hpp" #include "../../error_func.h" #include "../../fileio_func.h" #include "../../fontdetection.h" #include "../../fontcache.h" #include "../../fontcache/truetypefontcache.h" #include "../../string_func.h" #include "../../strings_func.h" #include "../../zoom_func.h" #include "font_win32.h" #include "../../table/control_codes.h" #include #include /* SHGetFolderPath */ #include "os/windows/win32.h" #undef small // Say what, Windows? #include "safeguards.h" struct EFCParam { FontCacheSettings *settings; LOCALESIGNATURE locale; MissingGlyphSearcher *callback; std::vector fonts; bool Add(const std::wstring_view &font) { for (const auto &entry : this->fonts) { if (font.compare(entry) == 0) return false; } this->fonts.emplace_back(font); return true; } }; static int CALLBACK EnumFontCallback(const ENUMLOGFONTEX *logfont, const NEWTEXTMETRICEX *metric, DWORD type, LPARAM lParam) { EFCParam *info = (EFCParam *)lParam; /* Skip duplicates */ if (!info->Add(logfont->elfFullName)) return 1; /* Only use TrueType fonts */ if (!(type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)) return 1; /* Don't use SYMBOL fonts */ if (logfont->elfLogFont.lfCharSet == SYMBOL_CHARSET) return 1; /* Use monospaced fonts when asked for it. */ if (info->callback->Monospace() && (logfont->elfLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily & (FF_MODERN | FIXED_PITCH)) != (FF_MODERN | FIXED_PITCH)) return 1; /* The font has to have at least one of the supported locales to be usable. */ if ((metric->ntmFontSig.fsCsb[0] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[0]) == 0 && (metric->ntmFontSig.fsCsb[1] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[1]) == 0) { /* On win9x metric->ntmFontSig seems to contain garbage. */ FONTSIGNATURE fs; memset(&fs, 0, sizeof(fs)); HFONT font = CreateFontIndirect(&logfont->elfLogFont); if (font != nullptr) { HDC dc = GetDC(nullptr); HGDIOBJ oldfont = SelectObject(dc, font); GetTextCharsetInfo(dc, &fs, 0); SelectObject(dc, oldfont); ReleaseDC(nullptr, dc); DeleteObject(font); } if ((fs.fsCsb[0] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[0]) == 0 && (fs.fsCsb[1] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[1]) == 0) return 1; } char font_name[MAX_PATH]; convert_from_fs((const wchar_t *)logfont->elfFullName, font_name, lengthof(font_name)); info->callback->SetFontNames(info->settings, font_name, &logfont->elfLogFont); if (info->callback->FindMissingGlyphs()) return 1; Debug(fontcache, 1, "Fallback font: {}", font_name); return 0; // stop enumerating } bool SetFallbackFont(FontCacheSettings *settings, const std::string &language_isocode, int winlangid, MissingGlyphSearcher *callback) { Debug(fontcache, 1, "Trying fallback fonts"); EFCParam langInfo; if (GetLocaleInfo(MAKELCID(winlangid, SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE, (LPTSTR)&langInfo.locale, sizeof(langInfo.locale) / sizeof(wchar_t)) == 0) { /* Invalid langid or some other mysterious error, can't determine fallback font. */ Debug(fontcache, 1, "Can't get locale info for fallback font (langid=0x{:x})", winlangid); return false; } langInfo.settings = settings; langInfo.callback = callback; LOGFONT font; /* Enumerate all fonts. */ font.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; font.lfFaceName[0] = '\0'; font.lfPitchAndFamily = 0; HDC dc = GetDC(nullptr); int ret = EnumFontFamiliesEx(dc, &font, (FONTENUMPROC)&EnumFontCallback, (LPARAM)&langInfo, 0); ReleaseDC(nullptr, dc); return ret == 0; } #ifndef ANTIALIASED_QUALITY #define ANTIALIASED_QUALITY 4 #endif /** * Create a new Win32FontCache. * @param fs The font size that is going to be cached. * @param logfont The font that has to be loaded. * @param pixels The number of pixels this font should be high. */ Win32FontCache::Win32FontCache(FontSize fs, const LOGFONT &logfont, int pixels) : TrueTypeFontCache(fs, pixels), logfont(logfont) { this->dc = CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr); this->SetFontSize(fs, pixels); } Win32FontCache::~Win32FontCache() { this->ClearFontCache(); DeleteDC(this->dc); DeleteObject(this->font); } void Win32FontCache::SetFontSize(FontSize fs, int pixels) { if (pixels == 0) { /* Try to determine a good height based on the minimal height recommended by the font. */ int scaled_height = ScaleGUITrad(FontCache::GetDefaultFontHeight(this->fs)); pixels = scaled_height; HFONT temp = CreateFontIndirect(&this->logfont); if (temp != nullptr) { HGDIOBJ old = SelectObject(this->dc, temp); UINT size = GetOutlineTextMetrics(this->dc, 0, nullptr); LPOUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm = (LPOUTLINETEXTMETRIC)new BYTE[size]; GetOutlineTextMetrics(this->dc, size, otm); /* Font height is minimum height plus the difference between the default * height for this font size and the small size. */ int diff = scaled_height - ScaleGUITrad(FontCache::GetDefaultFontHeight(FS_SMALL)); /* Clamp() is not used as scaled_height could be greater than MAX_FONT_SIZE, which is not permitted in Clamp(). */ pixels = std::min(std::max(std::min(otm->otmusMinimumPPEM, MAX_FONT_MIN_REC_SIZE) + diff, scaled_height), MAX_FONT_SIZE); delete[] (BYTE*)otm; SelectObject(dc, old); DeleteObject(temp); } } else { pixels = ScaleGUITrad(pixels); } this->used_size = pixels; /* Create GDI font handle. */ this->logfont.lfHeight = -pixels; this->logfont.lfWidth = 0; this->logfont.lfOutPrecision = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; if (this->font != nullptr) { SelectObject(dc, this->old_font); DeleteObject(this->font); } this->font = CreateFontIndirect(&this->logfont); this->old_font = SelectObject(this->dc, this->font); /* Query the font metrics we needed. */ UINT otmSize = GetOutlineTextMetrics(this->dc, 0, nullptr); POUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm = (POUTLINETEXTMETRIC)new BYTE[otmSize]; GetOutlineTextMetrics(this->dc, otmSize, otm); this->units_per_em = otm->otmEMSquare; this->ascender = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmAscent; this->descender = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmDescent; this->height = this->ascender + this->descender; this->glyph_size.cx = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth; this->glyph_size.cy = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmHeight; this->fontname = FS2OTTD((LPWSTR)((BYTE *)otm + (ptrdiff_t)otm->otmpFaceName)); Debug(fontcache, 2, "Loaded font '{}' with size {}", this->fontname, pixels); delete[] (BYTE*)otm; } /** * Reset cached glyphs. */ void Win32FontCache::ClearFontCache() { /* GUI scaling might have changed, determine font size anew if it was automatically selected. */ if (this->font != nullptr) this->SetFontSize(this->fs, this->req_size); this->TrueTypeFontCache::ClearFontCache(); } /* virtual */ const Sprite *Win32FontCache::InternalGetGlyph(GlyphID key, bool aa) { GLYPHMETRICS gm; MAT2 mat = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1} }; /* Call GetGlyphOutline with zero size initially to get required memory size. */ DWORD size = GetGlyphOutline(this->dc, key, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | (aa ? GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP : GGO_BITMAP), &gm, 0, nullptr, &mat); if (size == GDI_ERROR) UserError("Unable to render font glyph"); /* Add 1 scaled pixel for the shadow on the medium font. Our sprite must be at least 1x1 pixel. */ uint shadow = (this->fs == FS_NORMAL) ? ScaleGUITrad(1) : 0; uint width = std::max(1U, (uint)gm.gmBlackBoxX + shadow); uint height = std::max(1U, (uint)gm.gmBlackBoxY + shadow); /* Limit glyph size to prevent overflows later on. */ if (width > MAX_GLYPH_DIM || height > MAX_GLYPH_DIM) UserError("Font glyph is too large"); /* Call GetGlyphOutline again with size to actually render the glyph. */ byte *bmp = new byte[size]; GetGlyphOutline(this->dc, key, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | (aa ? GGO_GRAY8_BITMAP : GGO_BITMAP), &gm, size, bmp, &mat); /* GDI has rendered the glyph, now we allocate a sprite and copy the image into it. */ SpriteLoader::Sprite sprite; sprite.AllocateData(ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL, width * height); sprite.type = SpriteType::Font; sprite.colours = (aa ? SCC_PAL | SCC_ALPHA : SCC_PAL); sprite.width = width; sprite.height = height; sprite.x_offs = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x; sprite.y_offs = this->ascender - gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y; if (size > 0) { /* All pixel data returned by GDI is in the form of DWORD-aligned rows. * For a non anti-aliased glyph, the returned bitmap has one bit per pixel. * For anti-aliased rendering, GDI uses the strange value range of 0 to 64, * inclusively. To map this to 0 to 255, we shift left by two and then * subtract one. */ uint pitch = Align(aa ? gm.gmBlackBoxX : std::max((gm.gmBlackBoxX + 7u) / 8u, 1u), 4); /* Draw shadow for medium size. */ if (this->fs == FS_NORMAL && !aa) { for (uint y = 0; y < gm.gmBlackBoxY; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < gm.gmBlackBoxX; x++) { if (aa ? (bmp[x + y * pitch] > 0) : HasBit(bmp[(x / 8) + y * pitch], 7 - (x % 8))) { sprite.data[shadow + x + (shadow + y) * sprite.width].m = SHADOW_COLOUR; sprite.data[shadow + x + (shadow + y) * sprite.width].a = aa ? (bmp[x + y * pitch] << 2) - 1 : 0xFF; } } } } for (uint y = 0; y < gm.gmBlackBoxY; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < gm.gmBlackBoxX; x++) { if (aa ? (bmp[x + y * pitch] > 0) : HasBit(bmp[(x / 8) + y * pitch], 7 - (x % 8))) { sprite.data[x + y * sprite.width].m = FACE_COLOUR; sprite.data[x + y * sprite.width].a = aa ? (bmp[x + y * pitch] << 2) - 1 : 0xFF; } } } } GlyphEntry new_glyph; new_glyph.sprite = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->Encode(&sprite, SimpleSpriteAlloc); new_glyph.width = gm.gmCellIncX; this->SetGlyphPtr(key, &new_glyph); delete[] bmp; return new_glyph.sprite; } /* virtual */ GlyphID Win32FontCache::MapCharToGlyph(char32_t key) { assert(IsPrintable(key)); if (key >= SCC_SPRITE_START && key <= SCC_SPRITE_END) { return this->parent->MapCharToGlyph(key); } /* Convert characters outside of the BMP into surrogate pairs. */ WCHAR chars[2]; if (key >= 0x010000U) { chars[0] = (wchar_t)(((key - 0x010000U) >> 10) + 0xD800); chars[1] = (wchar_t)(((key - 0x010000U) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); } else { chars[0] = (wchar_t)(key & 0xFFFF); } WORD glyphs[2] = { 0, 0 }; GetGlyphIndicesW(this->dc, chars, key >= 0x010000U ? 2 : 1, glyphs, GGI_MARK_NONEXISTING_GLYPHS); return glyphs[0] != 0xFFFF ? glyphs[0] : 0; } /* virtual */ const void *Win32FontCache::InternalGetFontTable(uint32_t tag, size_t &length) { DWORD len = GetFontData(this->dc, tag, 0, nullptr, 0); void *result = nullptr; if (len != GDI_ERROR && len > 0) { result = MallocT(len); GetFontData(this->dc, tag, 0, result, len); } length = len; return result; } /** * Loads the GDI font. * If a GDI font description is present, e.g. from the automatic font * fallback search, use it. Otherwise, try to resolve it by font name. * @param fs The font size to load. */ void LoadWin32Font(FontSize fs) { FontCacheSubSetting *settings = GetFontCacheSubSetting(fs); if (settings->font.empty()) return; const char *font_name = settings->font.c_str(); LOGFONT logfont; MemSetT(&logfont, 0); logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = fs == FS_MONO ? FIXED_PITCH : VARIABLE_PITCH; logfont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS; logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; if (settings->os_handle != nullptr) { logfont = *(const LOGFONT *)settings->os_handle; } else if (strchr(font_name, '.') != nullptr) { /* Might be a font file name, try load it. */ wchar_t fontPath[MAX_PATH] = {}; /* See if this is an absolute path. */ if (FileExists(settings->font)) { convert_to_fs(font_name, fontPath, lengthof(fontPath)); } else { /* Scan the search-paths to see if it can be found. */ std::string full_font = FioFindFullPath(BASE_DIR, font_name); if (!full_font.empty()) { convert_to_fs(font_name, fontPath, lengthof(fontPath)); } } if (fontPath[0] != 0) { if (AddFontResourceEx(fontPath, FR_PRIVATE, 0) != 0) { /* Try a nice little undocumented function first for getting the internal font name. * Some documentation is found at: http://www.undocprint.org/winspool/getfontresourceinfo */ static DllLoader _gdi32(L"gdi32.dll"); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *PFNGETFONTRESOURCEINFO)(LPCTSTR, LPDWORD, LPVOID, DWORD); static PFNGETFONTRESOURCEINFO GetFontResourceInfo = _gdi32.GetProcAddress("GetFontResourceInfoW"); if (GetFontResourceInfo != nullptr) { /* Try to query an array of LOGFONTs that describe the file. */ DWORD len = 0; if (GetFontResourceInfo(fontPath, &len, nullptr, 2) && len >= sizeof(LOGFONT)) { LOGFONT *buf = (LOGFONT *)new byte[len]; if (GetFontResourceInfo(fontPath, &len, buf, 2)) { logfont = *buf; // Just use first entry. } delete[] (byte *)buf; } } /* No dice yet. Use the file name as the font face name, hoping it matches. */ if (logfont.lfFaceName[0] == 0) { wchar_t fname[_MAX_FNAME]; _wsplitpath(fontPath, nullptr, nullptr, fname, nullptr); wcsncpy_s(logfont.lfFaceName, lengthof(logfont.lfFaceName), fname, _TRUNCATE); logfont.lfWeight = strcasestr(font_name, " bold") != nullptr || strcasestr(font_name, "-bold") != nullptr ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; // Poor man's way to allow selecting bold fonts. } } else { ShowInfo("Unable to load file '{}' for {} font, using default windows font selection instead", font_name, FontSizeToName(fs)); } } } if (logfont.lfFaceName[0] == 0) { logfont.lfWeight = strcasestr(font_name, " bold") != nullptr ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; // Poor man's way to allow selecting bold fonts. convert_to_fs(font_name, logfont.lfFaceName, lengthof(logfont.lfFaceName)); } HFONT font = CreateFontIndirect(&logfont); if (font == nullptr) { ShowInfo("Unable to use '{}' for {} font, Win32 reported error 0x{:X}, using sprite font instead", font_name, FontSizeToName(fs), GetLastError()); return; } DeleteObject(font); new Win32FontCache(fs, logfont, settings->size); }