/* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file framerate_gui.cpp GUI for displaying framerate/game speed information. */ #include "framerate_type.h" #include #include "gfx_func.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "string_func.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "console_func.h" #include "console_type.h" #include "guitimer_func.h" #include "company_base.h" #include "ai/ai_info.hpp" #include "ai/ai_instance.hpp" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "game/game_instance.hpp" #include "widgets/framerate_widget.h" #include "safeguards.h" /** * Private declarations for performance measurement implementation */ namespace { /** Number of data points to keep in buffer for each performance measurement */ const int NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS = 512; /** %Units a second is divided into in performance measurements */ const TimingMeasurement TIMESTAMP_PRECISION = 1000000; struct PerformanceData { /** Duration value indicating the value is not valid should be considered a gap in measurements */ static const TimingMeasurement INVALID_DURATION = UINT64_MAX; /** Time spent processing each cycle of the performance element, circular buffer */ TimingMeasurement durations[NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS]; /** Start time of each cycle of the performance element, circular buffer */ TimingMeasurement timestamps[NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS]; /** Expected number of cycles per second when the system is running without slowdowns */ double expected_rate; /** Next index to write to in \c durations and \c timestamps */ int next_index; /** Last index written to in \c durations and \c timestamps */ int prev_index; /** Number of data points recorded, clamped to \c NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS */ int num_valid; /** Current accumulated duration */ TimingMeasurement acc_duration; /** Start time for current accumulation cycle */ TimingMeasurement acc_timestamp; /** * Initialize a data element with an expected collection rate * @param expected_rate * Expected number of cycles per second of the performance element. Use 1 if unknown or not relevant. * The rate is used for highlighting slow-running elements in the GUI. */ explicit PerformanceData(double expected_rate) : expected_rate(expected_rate), next_index(0), prev_index(0), num_valid(0) { } /** Collect a complete measurement, given start and ending times for a processing block */ void Add(TimingMeasurement start_time, TimingMeasurement end_time) { this->durations[this->next_index] = end_time - start_time; this->timestamps[this->next_index] = start_time; this->prev_index = this->next_index; this->next_index += 1; if (this->next_index >= NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS) this->next_index = 0; this->num_valid = std::min(NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS, this->num_valid + 1); } /** Begin an accumulation of multiple measurements into a single value, from a given start time */ void BeginAccumulate(TimingMeasurement start_time) { this->timestamps[this->next_index] = this->acc_timestamp; this->durations[this->next_index] = this->acc_duration; this->prev_index = this->next_index; this->next_index += 1; if (this->next_index >= NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS) this->next_index = 0; this->num_valid = std::min(NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS, this->num_valid + 1); this->acc_duration = 0; this->acc_timestamp = start_time; } /** Accumulate a period onto the current measurement */ void AddAccumulate(TimingMeasurement duration) { this->acc_duration += duration; } /** Indicate a pause/expected discontinuity in processing the element */ void AddPause(TimingMeasurement start_time) { if (this->durations[this->prev_index] != INVALID_DURATION) { this->timestamps[this->next_index] = start_time; this->durations[this->next_index] = INVALID_DURATION; this->prev_index = this->next_index; this->next_index += 1; if (this->next_index >= NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS) this->next_index = 0; this->num_valid += 1; } } /** Get average cycle processing time over a number of data points */ double GetAverageDurationMilliseconds(int count) { count = std::min(count, this->num_valid); int first_point = this->prev_index - count; if (first_point < 0) first_point += NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS; /* Sum durations, skipping invalid points */ double sumtime = 0; for (int i = first_point; i < first_point + count; i++) { auto d = this->durations[i % NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS]; if (d != INVALID_DURATION) { sumtime += d; } else { /* Don't count the invalid durations */ count--; } } if (count == 0) return 0; // avoid div by zero return sumtime * 1000 / count / TIMESTAMP_PRECISION; } /** Get current rate of a performance element, based on approximately the past one second of data */ double GetRate() { /* Start at last recorded point, end at latest when reaching the earliest recorded point */ int point = this->prev_index; int last_point = this->next_index - this->num_valid; if (last_point < 0) last_point += NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS; /* Number of data points collected */ int count = 0; /* Time of previous data point */ TimingMeasurement last = this->timestamps[point]; /* Total duration covered by collected points */ TimingMeasurement total = 0; /* We have nothing to compare the first point against */ point--; if (point < 0) point = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS - 1; while (point != last_point) { /* Only record valid data points, but pretend the gaps in measurements aren't there */ if (this->durations[point] != INVALID_DURATION) { total += last - this->timestamps[point]; count++; } last = this->timestamps[point]; if (total >= TIMESTAMP_PRECISION) break; // end after 1 second has been collected point--; if (point < 0) point = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS - 1; } if (total == 0 || count == 0) return 0; return (double)count * TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / total; } }; /** %Game loop rate, cycles per second */ static const double GL_RATE = 1000.0 / MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK; /** * Storage for all performance element measurements. * Elements are initialized with the expected rate in recorded values per second. * @hideinitializer */ PerformanceData _pf_data[PFE_MAX] = { PerformanceData(GL_RATE), // PFE_GAMELOOP PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ACC_GL_ECONOMY PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ACC_GL_TRAINS PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ACC_GL_ROADVEHS PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ACC_GL_SHIPS PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ACC_GL_AIRCRAFT PerformanceData(1), // PFE_GL_LANDSCAPE PerformanceData(1), // PFE_GL_LINKGRAPH PerformanceData(1000.0 / 30), // PFE_DRAWING PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ACC_DRAWWORLD PerformanceData(60.0), // PFE_VIDEO PerformanceData(1000.0 * 8192 / 44100), // PFE_SOUND PerformanceData(1), // PFE_ALLSCRIPTS PerformanceData(1), // PFE_GAMESCRIPT PerformanceData(1), // PFE_AI0 ... PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), PerformanceData(1), // PFE_AI14 }; } /** * Return a timestamp with \c TIMESTAMP_PRECISION ticks per second precision. * The basis of the timestamp is implementation defined, but the value should be steady, * so differences can be taken to reliably measure intervals. */ static TimingMeasurement GetPerformanceTimer() { using namespace std::chrono; return (TimingMeasurement)time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count(); } /** * Begin a cycle of a measured element. * @param elem The element to be measured */ PerformanceMeasurer::PerformanceMeasurer(PerformanceElement elem) { assert(elem < PFE_MAX); this->elem = elem; this->start_time = GetPerformanceTimer(); } /** Finish a cycle of a measured element and store the measurement taken. */ PerformanceMeasurer::~PerformanceMeasurer() { if (this->elem == PFE_ALLSCRIPTS) { /* Hack to not record scripts total when no scripts are active */ bool any_active = _pf_data[PFE_GAMESCRIPT].num_valid > 0; for (uint e = PFE_AI0; e < PFE_MAX; e++) any_active |= _pf_data[e].num_valid > 0; if (!any_active) { PerformanceMeasurer::SetInactive(PFE_ALLSCRIPTS); return; } } _pf_data[this->elem].Add(this->start_time, GetPerformanceTimer()); } /** Set the rate of expected cycles per second of a performance element. */ void PerformanceMeasurer::SetExpectedRate(double rate) { _pf_data[this->elem].expected_rate = rate; } /** Mark a performance element as not currently in use. */ /* static */ void PerformanceMeasurer::SetInactive(PerformanceElement elem) { _pf_data[elem].num_valid = 0; _pf_data[elem].next_index = 0; _pf_data[elem].prev_index = 0; } /** * Indicate that a cycle of "pause" where no processing occurs. * @param elem The element not currently being processed */ /* static */ void PerformanceMeasurer::Paused(PerformanceElement elem) { PerformanceMeasurer::SetInactive(elem); _pf_data[elem].AddPause(GetPerformanceTimer()); } /** * Begin measuring one block of the accumulating value. * @param elem The element to be measured */ PerformanceAccumulator::PerformanceAccumulator(PerformanceElement elem) { assert(elem < PFE_MAX); this->elem = elem; this->start_time = GetPerformanceTimer(); } /** Finish and add one block of the accumulating value. */ PerformanceAccumulator::~PerformanceAccumulator() { _pf_data[this->elem].AddAccumulate(GetPerformanceTimer() - this->start_time); } /** * Store the previous accumulator value and reset for a new cycle of accumulating measurements. * @note This function must be called once per frame, otherwise measurements are not collected. * @param elem The element to begin a new measurement cycle of */ void PerformanceAccumulator::Reset(PerformanceElement elem) { _pf_data[elem].BeginAccumulate(GetPerformanceTimer()); } void ShowFrametimeGraphWindow(PerformanceElement elem); static const PerformanceElement DISPLAY_ORDER_PFE[PFE_MAX] = { PFE_GAMELOOP, PFE_GL_ECONOMY, PFE_GL_TRAINS, PFE_GL_ROADVEHS, PFE_GL_SHIPS, PFE_GL_AIRCRAFT, PFE_GL_LANDSCAPE, PFE_ALLSCRIPTS, PFE_GAMESCRIPT, PFE_AI0, PFE_AI1, PFE_AI2, PFE_AI3, PFE_AI4, PFE_AI5, PFE_AI6, PFE_AI7, PFE_AI8, PFE_AI9, PFE_AI10, PFE_AI11, PFE_AI12, PFE_AI13, PFE_AI14, PFE_GL_LINKGRAPH, PFE_DRAWING, PFE_DRAWWORLD, PFE_VIDEO, PFE_SOUND, }; static const char * GetAIName(int ai_index) { if (!Company::IsValidAiID(ai_index)) return ""; return Company::Get(ai_index)->ai_info->GetName(); } /** @hideinitializer */ static const NWidgetPart _framerate_window_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_FRAMERATE_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_SHADEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), SetPadding(6), SetPIP(0, 3, 0), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_RATE_GAMELOOP), SetDataTip(STR_FRAMERATE_RATE_GAMELOOP, STR_FRAMERATE_RATE_GAMELOOP_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_RATE_DRAWING), SetDataTip(STR_FRAMERATE_RATE_BLITTER, STR_FRAMERATE_RATE_BLITTER_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_RATE_FACTOR), SetDataTip(STR_FRAMERATE_SPEED_FACTOR, STR_FRAMERATE_SPEED_FACTOR_TOOLTIP), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), SetPadding(6), SetPIP(0, 3, 0), NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), SetPIP(0, 8, 0), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_TIMES_NAMES), SetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_TIMES_CURRENT), SetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_TIMES_AVERAGE), SetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(NWID_SELECTION, INVALID_COLOUR, WID_FRW_SEL_MEMORY), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_ALLOCSIZE), SetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_TEXT, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_INFO_DATA_POINTS), SetDataTip(STR_FRAMERATE_DATA_POINTS, 0x0), SetFill(1, 0), SetResize(1, 0), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), NWidget(NWID_VSCROLLBAR, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR), NWidget(WWT_RESIZEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; struct FramerateWindow : Window { bool small; bool showing_memory; GUITimer next_update; int num_active; int num_displayed; struct CachedDecimal { StringID strid; uint32 value; inline void SetRate(double value, double target) { const double threshold_good = target * 0.95; const double threshold_bad = target * 2 / 3; this->value = (uint32)(value * 100); this->strid = (value > threshold_good) ? STR_FRAMERATE_FPS_GOOD : (value < threshold_bad) ? STR_FRAMERATE_FPS_BAD : STR_FRAMERATE_FPS_WARN; } inline void SetTime(double value, double target) { const double threshold_good = target / 3; const double threshold_bad = target; this->value = (uint32)(value * 100); this->strid = (value < threshold_good) ? STR_FRAMERATE_MS_GOOD : (value > threshold_bad) ? STR_FRAMERATE_MS_BAD : STR_FRAMERATE_MS_WARN; } inline void InsertDParams(uint n) const { SetDParam(n, this->value); SetDParam(n + 1, 2); } }; CachedDecimal rate_gameloop; ///< cached game loop tick rate CachedDecimal rate_drawing; ///< cached drawing frame rate CachedDecimal speed_gameloop; ///< cached game loop speed factor CachedDecimal times_shortterm[PFE_MAX]; ///< cached short term average times CachedDecimal times_longterm[PFE_MAX]; ///< cached long term average times static constexpr int VSPACING = 3; ///< space between column heading and values static constexpr int MIN_ELEMENTS = 5; ///< smallest number of elements to display FramerateWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber number) : Window(desc) { this->InitNested(number); this->small = this->IsShaded(); this->showing_memory = true; this->UpdateData(); this->num_displayed = this->num_active; this->next_update.SetInterval(100); /* Window is always initialised to MIN_ELEMENTS height, resize to contain num_displayed */ ResizeWindow(this, 0, (std::max(MIN_ELEMENTS, this->num_displayed) - MIN_ELEMENTS) * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL); } void OnRealtimeTick(uint delta_ms) override { bool elapsed = this->next_update.Elapsed(delta_ms); /* Check if the shaded state has changed, switch caption text if it has */ if (this->small != this->IsShaded()) { this->small = this->IsShaded(); this->GetWidget(WID_FRW_CAPTION)->SetDataTip(this->small ? STR_FRAMERATE_CAPTION_SMALL : STR_FRAMERATE_CAPTION, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS); elapsed = true; } if (elapsed) { this->UpdateData(); this->SetDirty(); this->next_update.SetInterval(100); } } void UpdateData() { double gl_rate = _pf_data[PFE_GAMELOOP].GetRate(); bool have_script = false; this->rate_gameloop.SetRate(gl_rate, _pf_data[PFE_GAMELOOP].expected_rate); this->speed_gameloop.SetRate(gl_rate / _pf_data[PFE_GAMELOOP].expected_rate, 1.0); if (this->small) return; // in small mode, this is everything needed this->rate_drawing.SetRate(_pf_data[PFE_DRAWING].GetRate(), _settings_client.gui.refresh_rate); int new_active = 0; for (PerformanceElement e = PFE_FIRST; e < PFE_MAX; e++) { this->times_shortterm[e].SetTime(_pf_data[e].GetAverageDurationMilliseconds(8), MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK); this->times_longterm[e].SetTime(_pf_data[e].GetAverageDurationMilliseconds(NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS), MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK); if (_pf_data[e].num_valid > 0) { new_active++; if (e == PFE_GAMESCRIPT || e >= PFE_AI0) have_script = true; } } if (this->showing_memory != have_script) { NWidgetStacked *plane = this->GetWidget(WID_FRW_SEL_MEMORY); plane->SetDisplayedPlane(have_script ? 0 : SZSP_VERTICAL); this->showing_memory = have_script; } if (new_active != this->num_active) { this->num_active = new_active; Scrollbar *sb = this->GetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR); sb->SetCount(this->num_active); sb->SetCapacity(std::min(this->num_displayed, this->num_active)); this->ReInit(); } } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_FRW_CAPTION: /* When the window is shaded, the caption shows game loop rate and speed factor */ if (!this->small) break; SetDParam(0, this->rate_gameloop.strid); this->rate_gameloop.InsertDParams(1); this->speed_gameloop.InsertDParams(3); break; case WID_FRW_RATE_GAMELOOP: SetDParam(0, this->rate_gameloop.strid); this->rate_gameloop.InsertDParams(1); break; case WID_FRW_RATE_DRAWING: SetDParam(0, this->rate_drawing.strid); this->rate_drawing.InsertDParams(1); break; case WID_FRW_RATE_FACTOR: this->speed_gameloop.InsertDParams(0); break; case WID_FRW_INFO_DATA_POINTS: SetDParam(0, NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS); break; } } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) override { switch (widget) { case WID_FRW_RATE_GAMELOOP: SetDParam(0, STR_FRAMERATE_FPS_GOOD); SetDParam(1, 999999); SetDParam(2, 2); *size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_RATE_GAMELOOP); break; case WID_FRW_RATE_DRAWING: SetDParam(0, STR_FRAMERATE_FPS_GOOD); SetDParam(1, 999999); SetDParam(2, 2); *size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_RATE_BLITTER); break; case WID_FRW_RATE_FACTOR: SetDParam(0, 999999); SetDParam(1, 2); *size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_SPEED_FACTOR); break; case WID_FRW_TIMES_NAMES: { size->width = 0; size->height = FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + VSPACING + MIN_ELEMENTS * FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; resize->width = 0; resize->height = FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; for (PerformanceElement e : DISPLAY_ORDER_PFE) { if (_pf_data[e].num_valid == 0) continue; Dimension line_size; if (e < PFE_AI0) { line_size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_GAMELOOP + e); } else { SetDParam(0, e - PFE_AI0 + 1); SetDParamStr(1, GetAIName(e - PFE_AI0)); line_size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_AI); } size->width = std::max(size->width, line_size.width); } break; } case WID_FRW_TIMES_CURRENT: case WID_FRW_TIMES_AVERAGE: case WID_FRW_ALLOCSIZE: { *size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_CURRENT + (widget - WID_FRW_TIMES_CURRENT)); SetDParam(0, 999999); SetDParam(1, 2); Dimension item_size = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_MS_GOOD); size->width = std::max(size->width, item_size.width); size->height += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL * MIN_ELEMENTS + VSPACING; resize->width = 0; resize->height = FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; break; } } } /** Render a column of formatted average durations */ void DrawElementTimesColumn(const Rect &r, StringID heading_str, const CachedDecimal *values) const { const Scrollbar *sb = this->GetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR); uint16 skip = sb->GetPosition(); int drawable = this->num_displayed; int y = r.top; DrawString(r.left, r.right, y, heading_str, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER, true); y += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + VSPACING; for (PerformanceElement e : DISPLAY_ORDER_PFE) { if (_pf_data[e].num_valid == 0) continue; if (skip > 0) { skip--; } else { values[e].InsertDParams(0); DrawString(r.left, r.right, y, values[e].strid, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); y += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; drawable--; if (drawable == 0) break; } } } void DrawElementAllocationsColumn(const Rect &r) const { const Scrollbar *sb = this->GetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR); uint16 skip = sb->GetPosition(); int drawable = this->num_displayed; int y = r.top; DrawString(r.left, r.right, y, STR_FRAMERATE_MEMORYUSE, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER, true); y += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + VSPACING; for (PerformanceElement e : DISPLAY_ORDER_PFE) { if (_pf_data[e].num_valid == 0) continue; if (skip > 0) { skip--; } else if (e == PFE_GAMESCRIPT || e >= PFE_AI0) { if (e == PFE_GAMESCRIPT) { SetDParam(0, Game::GetInstance()->GetAllocatedMemory()); } else { SetDParam(0, Company::Get(e - PFE_AI0)->ai_instance->GetAllocatedMemory()); } DrawString(r.left, r.right, y, STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_GOOD, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_RIGHT); y += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; drawable--; if (drawable == 0) break; } else { /* skip non-script */ y += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; drawable--; if (drawable == 0) break; } } } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_FRW_TIMES_NAMES: { /* Render a column of titles for performance element names */ const Scrollbar *sb = this->GetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR); uint16 skip = sb->GetPosition(); int drawable = this->num_displayed; int y = r.top + FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + VSPACING; // first line contains headings in the value columns for (PerformanceElement e : DISPLAY_ORDER_PFE) { if (_pf_data[e].num_valid == 0) continue; if (skip > 0) { skip--; } else { if (e < PFE_AI0) { DrawString(r.left, r.right, y, STR_FRAMERATE_GAMELOOP + e, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_LEFT); } else { SetDParam(0, e - PFE_AI0 + 1); SetDParamStr(1, GetAIName(e - PFE_AI0)); DrawString(r.left, r.right, y, STR_FRAMERATE_AI, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_LEFT); } y += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL; drawable--; if (drawable == 0) break; } } break; } case WID_FRW_TIMES_CURRENT: /* Render short-term average values */ DrawElementTimesColumn(r, STR_FRAMERATE_CURRENT, this->times_shortterm); break; case WID_FRW_TIMES_AVERAGE: /* Render averages of all recorded values */ DrawElementTimesColumn(r, STR_FRAMERATE_AVERAGE, this->times_longterm); break; case WID_FRW_ALLOCSIZE: DrawElementAllocationsColumn(r); break; } } void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override { switch (widget) { case WID_FRW_TIMES_NAMES: case WID_FRW_TIMES_CURRENT: case WID_FRW_TIMES_AVERAGE: { /* Open time graph windows when clicking detail measurement lines */ const Scrollbar *sb = this->GetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR); int line = sb->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, widget, VSPACING + FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL); if (line != INT_MAX) { line++; /* Find the visible line that was clicked */ for (PerformanceElement e : DISPLAY_ORDER_PFE) { if (_pf_data[e].num_valid > 0) line--; if (line == 0) { ShowFrametimeGraphWindow(e); break; } } } break; } } } void OnResize() override { auto *wid = this->GetWidget(WID_FRW_TIMES_NAMES); this->num_displayed = (wid->current_y - wid->min_y - VSPACING) / FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL - 1; // subtract 1 for headings this->GetScrollbar(WID_FRW_SCROLLBAR)->SetCapacity(this->num_displayed); } }; static WindowDesc _framerate_display_desc( WDP_AUTO, "framerate_display", 0, 0, WC_FRAMERATE_DISPLAY, WC_NONE, 0, _framerate_window_widgets, lengthof(_framerate_window_widgets) ); /** @hideinitializer */ static const NWidgetPart _frametime_graph_window_widgets[] = { NWidget(NWID_HORIZONTAL), NWidget(WWT_CLOSEBOX, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(WWT_CAPTION, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FGW_CAPTION), SetDataTip(STR_WHITE_STRING, STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS), NWidget(WWT_STICKYBOX, COLOUR_GREY), EndContainer(), NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_GREY), NWidget(NWID_VERTICAL), SetPadding(6), NWidget(WWT_EMPTY, COLOUR_GREY, WID_FGW_GRAPH), EndContainer(), EndContainer(), }; struct FrametimeGraphWindow : Window { int vertical_scale; ///< number of TIMESTAMP_PRECISION units vertically int horizontal_scale; ///< number of half-second units horizontally GUITimer next_scale_update; ///< interval for next scale update PerformanceElement element; ///< what element this window renders graph for Dimension graph_size; ///< size of the main graph area (excluding axis labels) FrametimeGraphWindow(WindowDesc *desc, WindowNumber number) : Window(desc) { this->element = (PerformanceElement)number; this->horizontal_scale = 4; this->vertical_scale = TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 10; this->next_scale_update.SetInterval(1); this->InitNested(number); } void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override { switch (widget) { case WID_FGW_CAPTION: if (this->element < PFE_AI0) { SetDParam(0, STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_GAMELOOP + this->element); } else { SetDParam(0, STR_FRAMETIME_CAPTION_AI); SetDParam(1, this->element - PFE_AI0 + 1); SetDParamStr(2, GetAIName(this->element - PFE_AI0)); } break; } } void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) override { if (widget == WID_FGW_GRAPH) { SetDParam(0, 100); Dimension size_ms_label = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_MILLISECONDS); SetDParam(0, 100); Dimension size_s_label = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_SECONDS); /* Size graph in height to fit at least 10 vertical labels with space between, or at least 100 pixels */ graph_size.height = std::max(100u, 10 * (size_ms_label.height + 1)); /* Always 2:1 graph area */ graph_size.width = 2 * graph_size.height; *size = graph_size; size->width += size_ms_label.width + 2; size->height += size_s_label.height + 2; } } void SelectHorizontalScale(TimingMeasurement range) { /* Determine horizontal scale based on period covered by 60 points * (slightly less than 2 seconds at full game speed) */ struct ScaleDef { TimingMeasurement range; int scale; }; static const ScaleDef hscales[] = { { 120, 60 }, { 10, 20 }, { 5, 10 }, { 3, 4 }, { 1, 2 }, }; for (const ScaleDef *sc = hscales; sc < hscales + lengthof(hscales); sc++) { if (range < sc->range) this->horizontal_scale = sc->scale; } } void SelectVerticalScale(TimingMeasurement range) { /* Determine vertical scale based on peak value (within the horizontal scale + a bit) */ static const TimingMeasurement vscales[] = { TIMESTAMP_PRECISION * 100, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION * 10, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION * 5, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 2, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 5, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 10, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 50, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 200, }; for (const TimingMeasurement *sc = vscales; sc < vscales + lengthof(vscales); sc++) { if (range < *sc) this->vertical_scale = (int)*sc; } } /** Recalculate the graph scaling factors based on current recorded data */ void UpdateScale() { const TimingMeasurement *durations = _pf_data[this->element].durations; const TimingMeasurement *timestamps = _pf_data[this->element].timestamps; int num_valid = _pf_data[this->element].num_valid; int point = _pf_data[this->element].prev_index; TimingMeasurement lastts = timestamps[point]; TimingMeasurement time_sum = 0; TimingMeasurement peak_value = 0; int count = 0; /* Sensible default for when too few measurements are available */ this->horizontal_scale = 4; for (int i = 1; i < num_valid; i++) { point--; if (point < 0) point = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS - 1; TimingMeasurement value = durations[point]; if (value == PerformanceData::INVALID_DURATION) { /* Skip gaps in data by pretending time is continuous across them */ lastts = timestamps[point]; continue; } if (value > peak_value) peak_value = value; count++; /* Accumulate period of time covered by data */ time_sum += lastts - timestamps[point]; lastts = timestamps[point]; /* Enough data to select a range and get decent data density */ if (count == 60) this->SelectHorizontalScale(time_sum / TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); /* End when enough points have been collected and the horizontal scale has been exceeded */ if (count >= 60 && time_sum >= (this->horizontal_scale + 2) * TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 2) break; } this->SelectVerticalScale(peak_value); } void OnRealtimeTick(uint delta_ms) override { this->SetDirty(); if (this->next_scale_update.Elapsed(delta_ms)) { this->next_scale_update.SetInterval(500); this->UpdateScale(); } } /** Scale and interpolate a value from a source range into a destination range */ template static inline T Scinterlate(T dst_min, T dst_max, T src_min, T src_max, T value) { T dst_diff = dst_max - dst_min; T src_diff = src_max - src_min; return (value - src_min) * dst_diff / src_diff + dst_min; } void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override { if (widget == WID_FGW_GRAPH) { const TimingMeasurement *durations = _pf_data[this->element].durations; const TimingMeasurement *timestamps = _pf_data[this->element].timestamps; int point = _pf_data[this->element].prev_index; const int x_zero = r.right - (int)this->graph_size.width; const int x_max = r.right; const int y_zero = r.top + (int)this->graph_size.height; const int y_max = r.top; const int c_grid = PC_DARK_GREY; const int c_lines = PC_BLACK; const int c_peak = PC_DARK_RED; const TimingMeasurement draw_horz_scale = (TimingMeasurement)this->horizontal_scale * TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 2; const TimingMeasurement draw_vert_scale = (TimingMeasurement)this->vertical_scale; /* Number of \c horizontal_scale units in each horizontal division */ const uint horz_div_scl = (this->horizontal_scale <= 20) ? 1 : 10; /* Number of divisions of the horizontal axis */ const uint horz_divisions = this->horizontal_scale / horz_div_scl; /* Number of divisions of the vertical axis */ const uint vert_divisions = 10; /* Draw division lines and labels for the vertical axis */ for (uint division = 0; division < vert_divisions; division++) { int y = Scinterlate(y_zero, y_max, 0, (int)vert_divisions, (int)division); GfxDrawLine(x_zero, y, x_max, y, c_grid); if (division % 2 == 0) { if ((TimingMeasurement)this->vertical_scale > TIMESTAMP_PRECISION) { SetDParam(0, this->vertical_scale * division / 10 / TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); DrawString(r.left, x_zero - 2, y - FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL, STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_SECONDS, TC_GREY, SA_RIGHT | SA_FORCE, false, FS_SMALL); } else { SetDParam(0, this->vertical_scale * division / 10 * 1000 / TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); DrawString(r.left, x_zero - 2, y - FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL, STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_MILLISECONDS, TC_GREY, SA_RIGHT | SA_FORCE, false, FS_SMALL); } } } /* Draw division lines and labels for the horizontal axis */ for (uint division = horz_divisions; division > 0; division--) { int x = Scinterlate(x_zero, x_max, 0, (int)horz_divisions, (int)horz_divisions - (int)division); GfxDrawLine(x, y_max, x, y_zero, c_grid); if (division % 2 == 0) { SetDParam(0, division * horz_div_scl / 2); DrawString(x, x_max, y_zero + 2, STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_SECONDS, TC_GREY, SA_LEFT | SA_FORCE, false, FS_SMALL); } } /* Position of last rendered data point */ Point lastpoint = { x_max, (int)Scinterlate(y_zero, y_max, 0, this->vertical_scale, durations[point]) }; /* Timestamp of last rendered data point */ TimingMeasurement lastts = timestamps[point]; TimingMeasurement peak_value = 0; Point peak_point = { 0, 0 }; TimingMeasurement value_sum = 0; TimingMeasurement time_sum = 0; int points_drawn = 0; for (int i = 1; i < NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS; i++) { point--; if (point < 0) point = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS - 1; TimingMeasurement value = durations[point]; if (value == PerformanceData::INVALID_DURATION) { /* Skip gaps in measurements, pretend the data points on each side are continuous */ lastts = timestamps[point]; continue; } /* Use total time period covered for value along horizontal axis */ time_sum += lastts - timestamps[point]; lastts = timestamps[point]; /* Stop if past the width of the graph */ if (time_sum > draw_horz_scale) break; /* Draw line from previous point to new point */ Point newpoint = { (int)Scinterlate(x_zero, x_max, 0, (int64)draw_horz_scale, (int64)draw_horz_scale - (int64)time_sum), (int)Scinterlate(y_zero, y_max, 0, (int64)draw_vert_scale, (int64)value) }; if (newpoint.x > lastpoint.x) continue; // don't draw backwards GfxDrawLine(lastpoint.x, lastpoint.y, newpoint.x, newpoint.y, c_lines); lastpoint = newpoint; /* Record peak and average value across graphed data */ value_sum += value; points_drawn++; if (value > peak_value) { peak_value = value; peak_point = newpoint; } } /* If the peak value is significantly larger than the average, mark and label it */ if (points_drawn > 0 && peak_value > TIMESTAMP_PRECISION / 100 && 2 * peak_value > 3 * value_sum / points_drawn) { TextColour tc_peak = (TextColour)(TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR | c_peak); GfxFillRect(peak_point.x - 1, peak_point.y - 1, peak_point.x + 1, peak_point.y + 1, c_peak); SetDParam(0, peak_value * 1000 / TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); int label_y = std::max(y_max, peak_point.y - FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL); if (peak_point.x - x_zero > (int)this->graph_size.width / 2) { DrawString(x_zero, peak_point.x - 2, label_y, STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_MILLISECONDS, tc_peak, SA_RIGHT | SA_FORCE, false, FS_SMALL); } else { DrawString(peak_point.x + 2, x_max, label_y, STR_FRAMERATE_GRAPH_MILLISECONDS, tc_peak, SA_LEFT | SA_FORCE, false, FS_SMALL); } } } } }; static WindowDesc _frametime_graph_window_desc( WDP_AUTO, "frametime_graph", 140, 90, WC_FRAMETIME_GRAPH, WC_NONE, 0, _frametime_graph_window_widgets, lengthof(_frametime_graph_window_widgets) ); /** Open the general framerate window */ void ShowFramerateWindow() { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_framerate_display_desc, 0); } /** Open a graph window for a performance element */ void ShowFrametimeGraphWindow(PerformanceElement elem) { if (elem < PFE_FIRST || elem >= PFE_MAX) return; // maybe warn? AllocateWindowDescFront(&_frametime_graph_window_desc, elem, true); } /** Print performance statistics to game console */ void ConPrintFramerate() { const int count1 = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS / 8; const int count2 = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS / 4; const int count3 = NUM_FRAMERATE_POINTS / 1; IConsolePrint(TC_SILVER, "Based on num. data points: {} {} {}", count1, count2, count3); static const char *MEASUREMENT_NAMES[PFE_MAX] = { "Game loop", " GL station ticks", " GL train ticks", " GL road vehicle ticks", " GL ship ticks", " GL aircraft ticks", " GL landscape ticks", " GL link graph delays", "Drawing", " Viewport drawing", "Video output", "Sound mixing", "AI/GS scripts total", "Game script", }; char ai_name_buf[128]; static const PerformanceElement rate_elements[] = { PFE_GAMELOOP, PFE_DRAWING, PFE_VIDEO }; bool printed_anything = false; for (const PerformanceElement *e = rate_elements; e < rate_elements + lengthof(rate_elements); e++) { auto &pf = _pf_data[*e]; if (pf.num_valid == 0) continue; IConsolePrint(TC_GREEN, "{} rate: {:.2f}fps (expected: {:.2f}fps)", MEASUREMENT_NAMES[*e], pf.GetRate(), pf.expected_rate); printed_anything = true; } for (PerformanceElement e = PFE_FIRST; e < PFE_MAX; e++) { auto &pf = _pf_data[e]; if (pf.num_valid == 0) continue; const char *name; if (e < PFE_AI0) { name = MEASUREMENT_NAMES[e]; } else { seprintf(ai_name_buf, lastof(ai_name_buf), "AI %d %s", e - PFE_AI0 + 1, GetAIName(e - PFE_AI0)), name = ai_name_buf; } IConsolePrint(TC_LIGHT_BLUE, "{} times: {:.2f}ms {:.2f}ms {:.2f}ms", name, pf.GetAverageDurationMilliseconds(count1), pf.GetAverageDurationMilliseconds(count2), pf.GetAverageDurationMilliseconds(count3)); printed_anything = true; } if (!printed_anything) { IConsolePrint(CC_ERROR, "No performance measurements have been taken yet."); } }