Changeset - r25827:5a9ded1a0c1a
[Not reviewed]
0 16 4
Patric Stout - 3 years ago 2021-04-27 09:51:00
Feature: allow the use of STUN to connect client and server together

This method doesn't require port-forwarding to be used, and works for
most common NAT routers in home setups. But, for sure it doesn't work
for all setups, and not everyone will be able to use this.
20 files changed with 617 insertions and 70 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CHAT_SPECTATOR_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Send a message to all spectators
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SPECTATORS                              :Spectators
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_NEW_COMPANY                             :(New company)
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_NEW_COMPANY_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Create a new company and join it
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_PLAYER_ICON_HOST_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}This is the host of the game
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT                    :{BLACK}{NUM} client{P "" s} / {NUM} compan{P y ies}

############ Begin of ConnectionType
############ End of ConnectionType

STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ADMIN_COMPANY_UNLOCK                    :Password unlock

STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ASK_CAPTION                             :{WHITE}Admin action
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ASK_CLIENT_KICK                         :{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to kick player '{RAW_STRING}'?
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ASK_CLIENT_BAN                          :{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to ban player '{RAW_STRING}'?
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ASK_COMPANY_RESET                       :{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to delete company '{COMPANY}'?
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_ASK_COMPANY_UNLOCK                      :{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to reset the password of company '{COMPANY}'?
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@@ -15,16 +15,18 @@ add_files(
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@@ -19,15 +19,17 @@ add_files(
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@@ -304,31 +304,30 @@ static SOCKET ListenLoopProc(addrinfo *r
	SOCKET sock = socket(runp->ai_family, runp->ai_socktype, runp->ai_protocol);
	if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
		const char *type = NetworkAddress::SocketTypeAsString(runp->ai_socktype);
		const char *family = NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(runp->ai_family);
		Debug(net, 0, "Could not create {} {} socket: {}", type, family, NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

	if (runp->ai_socktype == SOCK_STREAM && !SetNoDelay(sock)) {
		Debug(net, 1, "Setting no-delay mode failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

	int on = 1;
	/* The (const char*) cast is needed for windows!! */
	if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on)) == -1) {
	if (!SetReusePort(sock)) {
		Debug(net, 0, "Setting reuse-address mode failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

#ifndef __OS2__
	int on = 1;
	if (runp->ai_family == AF_INET6 &&
			setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on)) == -1) {
		Debug(net, 3, "Could not disable IPv4 over IPv6: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

	if (bind(sock, runp->ai_addr, (int)runp->ai_addrlen) != 0) {
		Debug(net, 0, "Could not bind socket on {}: {}", address, NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

@@ -392,34 +391,63 @@ void NetworkAddress::Listen(int socktype
/* static */ const char *NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(int family)
	switch (family) {
		case AF_UNSPEC: return "either IPv4 or IPv6";
		case AF_INET:   return "IPv4";
		case AF_INET6:  return "IPv6";
		default:        return "unsupported";

 * Get the peer address of a socket as NetworkAddress.
 * @param sock The socket to get the peer address of.
 * @return The NetworkAddress of the peer address.
/* static */ NetworkAddress NetworkAddress::GetPeerAddress(SOCKET sock)
	sockaddr_storage addr = {};
	socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
	if (getpeername(sock, (sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len) != 0) {
		Debug(net, 0, "Failed to get address of the peer: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
		return NetworkAddress();
	return NetworkAddress(addr, addr_len);

 * Get the local address of a socket as NetworkAddress.
 * @param sock The socket to get the local address of.
 * @return The NetworkAddress of the local address.
/* static */ NetworkAddress NetworkAddress::GetSockAddress(SOCKET sock)
	sockaddr_storage addr = {};
	socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
	if (getsockname(sock, (sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len) != 0) {
		Debug(net, 0, "Failed to get address of the socket: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
		return NetworkAddress();
	return NetworkAddress(addr, addr_len);

 * Get the peer name of a socket in string format.
 * @param sock The socket to get the peer name of.
 * @return The string representation of the peer name.
/* static */ const std::string NetworkAddress::GetPeerName(SOCKET sock)
	sockaddr_storage addr;
	socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
	getpeername(sock, (sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len);
	return NetworkAddress(addr, addr_len).GetAddressAsString();
	return NetworkAddress::GetPeerAddress(sock).GetAddressAsString();

 * Convert a string containing either "hostname", "hostname:port" or invite code
 * to a ServerAddress, where the string can be postfixed with "#company" to
 * indicate the requested company.
 * @param connection_string The string to parse.
 * @param default_port The default port to set port to if not in connection_string.
 * @param company Pointer to the company variable to set iff indicated.
 * @return A valid ServerAddress of the parsed information.
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@@ -166,24 +166,26 @@ public:
	 * Compare the address of this class with the address of another.
	 * @param address the other address.
	bool operator < (NetworkAddress &address)
		return this->CompareTo(address) < 0;

	void Listen(int socktype, SocketList *sockets);

	static const char *SocketTypeAsString(int socktype);
	static const char *AddressFamilyAsString(int family);
	static NetworkAddress GetPeerAddress(SOCKET sock);
	static NetworkAddress GetSockAddress(SOCKET sock);
	static const std::string GetPeerName(SOCKET sock);

 * Types of server addresses we know.
 * Sorting will prefer entries at the top of this list above ones at the bottom.
enum ServerAddressType {
	SERVER_ADDRESS_DIRECT,      ///< Server-address is based on an hostname:port.
	SERVER_ADDRESS_INVITE_CODE, ///< Server-address is based on an invite code.
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@@ -30,30 +30,40 @@ static const char *GetEnv(const char *va

 * Get the connection string for the game coordinator from the environment variable OTTD_COORDINATOR_CS,
 * or when it has not been set a hard coded default DNS hostname of the production server.
 * @return The game coordinator's connection string.
const char *NetworkCoordinatorConnectionString()
	return GetEnv("OTTD_COORDINATOR_CS", "");

 * Get the connection string for the STUN server from the environment variable OTTD_STUN_CS,
 * or when it has not been set a hard coded default DNS hostname of the production server.
 * @return The STUN server's connection string.
const char *NetworkStunConnectionString()
	return GetEnv("OTTD_STUN_CS", "");

 * Get the connection string for the content server from the environment variable OTTD_CONTENT_SERVER_CS,
 * or when it has not been set a hard coded default DNS hostname of the production server.
 * @return The game coordinator's connection string.
 * @return The content server's connection string.
const char *NetworkContentServerConnectionString()
	return GetEnv("OTTD_CONTENT_SERVER_CS", "");

 * Get the connection string for the content mirror from the environment variable OTTD_CONTENT_MIRROR_CS,
 * or when it has not been set a hard coded default DNS hostname of the production server.
 * @return The game coordinator's connection string.
 * @return The content mirror's connection string.
const char *NetworkContentMirrorConnectionString()
	return GetEnv("OTTD_CONTENT_MIRROR_CS", "");
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@@ -4,31 +4,33 @@
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file config.h Configuration options of the network stuff. It is used even when compiling without network support.


const char *NetworkCoordinatorConnectionString();
const char *NetworkStunConnectionString();
const char *NetworkContentServerConnectionString();
const char *NetworkContentMirrorConnectionString();

/** URL of the HTTP mirror system */
static const char * const NETWORK_CONTENT_MIRROR_URL            = "/bananas";

static const uint16 NETWORK_COORDINATOR_SERVER_PORT = 3976;           ///< The default port of the Game Coordinator server (TCP)
static const uint16 NETWORK_STUN_SERVER_PORT        = 3975;           ///< The default port of the STUN server (TCP)
static const uint16 NETWORK_CONTENT_SERVER_PORT     = 3978;           ///< The default port of the content server (TCP)
static const uint16 NETWORK_CONTENT_MIRROR_PORT     =   80;           ///< The default port of the content mirror (TCP)
static const uint16 NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT            = 3979;           ///< The default port of the game server (TCP & UDP)
static const uint16 NETWORK_ADMIN_PORT              = 3977;           ///< The default port for admin network
static const uint16 NETWORK_DEFAULT_DEBUGLOG_PORT   = 3982;           ///< The default port debug-log is sent to (TCP)

static const uint16 UDP_MTU                         = 1460;           ///< Number of bytes we can pack in a single UDP packet
 * Technically a TCP packet could become 64kiB, however the high bit is kept so it becomes possible in the future
 * to go to (significantly) larger packets if needed. This would entail a strategy such as employed for UTF-8.
 * Packets up to 32 KiB have the high bit not set:
@@ -38,25 +40,25 @@ static const uint16 UDP_MTU             
 * Packets up to 1 GiB, first uint16 has high bit set so it knows to read a
 * next uint16 for the remaining bits of the size.
 * 00dddddd cccccccc bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa -> cccccccc 10dddddd aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb
 * Send_uint16(GB(size, 16, 14) | 0b10 << 14)
 * Send_uint16(GB(size,  0, 16))
static const uint16 TCP_MTU                         = 32767;          ///< Number of bytes we can pack in a single TCP packet
static const uint16 COMPAT_MTU                      = 1460;           ///< Number of bytes we can pack in a single packet for backward compatibility

static const byte NETWORK_GAME_ADMIN_VERSION        =    1;           ///< What version of the admin network do we use?
static const byte NETWORK_GAME_INFO_VERSION         =    5;           ///< What version of game-info do we use?
static const byte NETWORK_COMPANY_INFO_VERSION      =    6;           ///< What version of company info is this?
static const byte NETWORK_COORDINATOR_VERSION       =    2;           ///< What version of game-coordinator-protocol do we use?
static const byte NETWORK_COORDINATOR_VERSION       =    3;           ///< What version of game-coordinator-protocol do we use?

static const uint NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH               =   80;           ///< The maximum length of the server name and map name, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH       =  128;           ///< The maximum length of the company name, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH           =   80;           ///< The maximum length of the host name, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_HOSTNAME_PORT_LENGTH      =   80 + 6;       ///< The maximum length of the host name + port, in bytes including '\0'. The extra six is ":" + port number (with a max of 65536)
static const uint NETWORK_SERVER_ID_LENGTH          =   33;           ///< The maximum length of the network id of the servers, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH           =   33;           ///< The maximum length of the revision, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH           =   33;           ///< The maximum length of the password, in bytes including '\0' (must be >= NETWORK_SERVER_ID_LENGTH)
static const uint NETWORK_CLIENTS_LENGTH            =  200;           ///< The maximum length for the list of clients that controls a company, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH        =   25;           ///< The maximum length of a client's name, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_RCONCOMMAND_LENGTH        =  500;           ///< The maximum length of a rconsole command, in bytes including '\0'
static const uint NETWORK_GAMESCRIPT_JSON_LENGTH    = COMPAT_MTU - 3; ///< The maximum length of a gamescript json string, in bytes including '\0'. Must not be longer than COMPAT_MTU including header (3 bytes)
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@@ -151,24 +151,41 @@ bool SetNonBlocking(SOCKET d)
bool SetNoDelay(SOCKET d)
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
	return true;
	int flags = 1;
	/* The (const char*) cast is needed for windows */
	return setsockopt(d, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&flags, sizeof(flags)) == 0;

 * Try to set the socket to reuse ports.
 * @param d The socket to reuse ports on.
 * @return True if disabling the delaying succeeded, otherwise false.
bool SetReusePort(SOCKET d)
#ifdef _WIN32
	/* Windows has no SO_REUSEPORT, but for our usecases SO_REUSEADDR does the same job. */
	int reuse_port = 1;
	return setsockopt(d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&reuse_port, sizeof(reuse_port)) == 0;
	int reuse_port = 1;
	return setsockopt(d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &reuse_port, sizeof(reuse_port)) == 0;

 * Get the error from a socket, if any.
 * @param d The socket to get the error from.
 * @return The errno on the socket.
NetworkError GetSocketError(SOCKET d)
	int err;
	socklen_t len = sizeof(err);
	getsockopt(d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&err, &len);

	return NetworkError(err);
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@@ -187,19 +187,20 @@ static inline socklen_t FixAddrLenForEms
	switch (address.ss_family) {
		case AF_INET6: return sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
		case AF_INET: return sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
		default: NOT_REACHED();


bool SetNonBlocking(SOCKET d);
bool SetNoDelay(SOCKET d);
bool SetReusePort(SOCKET d);
NetworkError GetSocketError(SOCKET d);

/* Make sure these structures have the size we expect them to be */
static_assert(sizeof(in_addr)  ==  4); ///< IPv4 addresses should be 4 bytes.
static_assert(sizeof(in6_addr) == 16); ///< IPv6 addresses should be 16 bytes.

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@@ -90,40 +90,41 @@ private:
	std::atomic<bool> killed = false;                   ///< Whether this connecter is marked as killed.

	addrinfo *ai = nullptr;                             ///< getaddrinfo() allocated linked-list of resolved addresses.
	std::vector<addrinfo *> addresses;                  ///< Addresses we can connect to.
	std::map<SOCKET, NetworkAddress> sock_to_address;   ///< Mapping of a socket to the real address it is connecting to. USed for DEBUG statements.
	size_t current_address = 0;                         ///< Current index in addresses we are trying.

	std::vector<SOCKET> sockets;                        ///< Pending connect() attempts.
	std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_attempt; ///< Time we last tried to connect.

	std::string connection_string;                      ///< Current address we are connecting to (before resolving).
	NetworkAddress bind_address;                        ///< Address we're binding to, if any.
	int family = AF_UNSPEC;                             ///< Family we are using to connect with.

	void Resolve();
	void OnResolved(addrinfo *ai);
	bool TryNextAddress();
	void Connect(addrinfo *address);
	virtual bool CheckActivity();

	/* We do not want any other derived classes from this class being able to
	 * access these private members, but it is okay for TCPServerConnecter. */
	friend class TCPServerConnecter;

	static void ResolveThunk(TCPConnecter *connecter);

	TCPConnecter() {};
	TCPConnecter(const std::string &connection_string, uint16 default_port, NetworkAddress bind_address = {});
	TCPConnecter(const std::string &connection_string, uint16 default_port, NetworkAddress bind_address = {}, int family = AF_UNSPEC);
	virtual ~TCPConnecter();

	 * Callback when the connection succeeded.
	 * @param s the socket that we opened
	virtual void OnConnect(SOCKET s) {}

	 * Callback for when the connection attempt failed.
	virtual void OnFailure() {}
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@@ -20,26 +20,27 @@

#include "../../safeguards.h"

/** List of connections that are currently being created */
static std::vector<TCPConnecter *> _tcp_connecters;

 * Create a new connecter for the given address.
 * @param connection_string The address to connect to.
 * @param default_port If not indicated in connection_string, what port to use.
 * @param bind_address The local bind address to use. Defaults to letting the OS find one.
TCPConnecter::TCPConnecter(const std::string &connection_string, uint16 default_port, NetworkAddress bind_address) :
TCPConnecter::TCPConnecter(const std::string &connection_string, uint16 default_port, NetworkAddress bind_address, int family) :
	this->connection_string = NormalizeConnectionString(connection_string, default_port);


 * Create a new connecter for the server.
 * @param connection_string The address to connect to.
 * @param default_port If not indicated in connection_string, what port to use.
TCPServerConnecter::TCPServerConnecter(const std::string &connection_string, uint16 default_port) :
@@ -90,24 +91,28 @@ void TCPConnecter::Kill()
 * Start a connection to the indicated address.
 * @param address The address to connection to.
void TCPConnecter::Connect(addrinfo *address)
	SOCKET sock = socket(address->ai_family, address->ai_socktype, address->ai_protocol);
	if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
		Debug(net, 0, "Could not create {} {} socket: {}", NetworkAddress::SocketTypeAsString(address->ai_socktype), NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(address->ai_family), NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

	if (!SetReusePort(sock)) {
		Debug(net, 0, "Setting reuse-port mode failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

	if (this->bind_address.GetPort() > 0) {
		if (bind(sock, (const sockaddr *)this->bind_address.GetAddress(), this->bind_address.GetAddressLength()) != 0) {
			Debug(net, 1, "Could not bind socket on {}: {}", this->bind_address.GetAddressAsString(), NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

	if (!SetNoDelay(sock)) {
		Debug(net, 1, "Setting TCP_NODELAY failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
	if (!SetNonBlocking(sock)) {
@@ -161,24 +166,27 @@ void TCPConnecter::OnResolved(addrinfo *
			seen_ipv6 = true;
		} else if (!seen_ipv6) {
			/* We see an IPv4 before an IPv6; this most likely means there is
			 * no IPv6 available on the system, so keep the order of this
			 * list. */
			resort = false;

	/* Convert the addrinfo into NetworkAddresses. */
	for (addrinfo *runp = ai; runp != nullptr; runp = runp->ai_next) {
		/* Skip entries if the family is set and it is not matching. */
		if (this->family != AF_UNSPEC && this->family != runp->ai_family) continue;

		if (resort) {
			if (runp->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
			} else {
		} else {

	/* If we want to resort, make the list like IPv6 / IPv4 / IPv6 / IPv4 / ..
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@@ -30,24 +30,27 @@ bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Ha
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_ERROR:              return this->Receive_GC_ERROR(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_REGISTER_ACK:       return this->Receive_GC_REGISTER_ACK(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERVER_UPDATE:         return this->Receive_SERVER_UPDATE(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_LISTING:        return this->Receive_CLIENT_LISTING(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_LISTING:            return this->Receive_GC_LISTING(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_CONNECT:        return this->Receive_CLIENT_CONNECT(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_CONNECTING:         return this->Receive_GC_CONNECTING(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_STUN_REQUEST:       return this->Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(p);
		case PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_STUN_CONNECT:       return this->Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(p);

			Debug(net, 0, "[tcp/coordinator] Received invalid packet type {}", type);
			return false;

 * Receive a packet at TCP level.
 * @return Whether at least one packet was received.
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::ReceivePackets()
@@ -85,12 +88,15 @@ bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Re
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_ERROR(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_ERROR); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_REGISTER(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERVER_REGISTER); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_REGISTER_ACK(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_REGISTER_ACK); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_SERVER_UPDATE(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERVER_UPDATE); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_CLIENT_LISTING(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_LISTING); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_LISTING(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_LISTING); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_CLIENT_CONNECT(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_CONNECT); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_CONNECTING(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_CONNECTING); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_SERCLI_CONNECT_FAILED(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERCLI_CONNECT_FAILED); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_CONNECT_FAILED(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_CONNECT_FAILED); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_CLIENT_CONNECTED(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_CONNECTED); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_STUN_REQUEST); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_SERCLI_STUN_RESULT(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERCLI_STUN_RESULT); }
bool NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_STUN_CONNECT); }
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@@ -29,34 +29,38 @@ enum PacketCoordinatorType {
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_ERROR,              ///< Game Coordinator indicates there was an error.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERVER_REGISTER,       ///< Server registration.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_REGISTER_ACK,       ///< Game Coordinator accepts the registration.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERVER_UPDATE,         ///< Server sends an set intervals an update of the server.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_LISTING,        ///< Client is requesting a listing of all public servers.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_LISTING,            ///< Game Coordinator returns a listing of all public servers.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_CONNECT,        ///< Client wants to connect to a server based on an invite code.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_CONNECTING,         ///< Game Coordinator informs the client of the token assigned to the connection attempt.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERCLI_CONNECT_FAILED, ///< Client/server tells the Game Coordinator the current connection attempt failed.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_CONNECT_FAILED,     ///< Game Coordinator informs client/server it has given up on the connection attempt.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_CONNECTED,      ///< Client informs the Game Coordinator the connection with the server is established.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT,     ///< Game Coordinator tells client to directly connect to the hostname:port of the server.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_STUN_REQUEST,       ///< Game Coordinator tells client/server to initiate a STUN request.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_SERCLI_STUN_RESULT,    ///< Client/server informs the Game Coordinator of the result of the STUN request.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_GC_STUN_CONNECT,       ///< Game Coordinator tells client/server to connect() reusing the STUN local address.
	PACKET_COORDINATOR_END,                   ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)

 * The type of connection the Game Coordinator can detect we have.
enum ConnectionType {
	CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN,  ///< The Game Coordinator hasn't informed us yet what type of connection we have.
	CONNECTION_TYPE_ISOLATED, ///< The Game Coordinator failed to find a way to connect to your server. Nobody will be able to join.
	CONNECTION_TYPE_DIRECT,   ///< The Game Coordinator can directly connect to your server.
	CONNECTION_TYPE_STUN,     ///< The Game Coordinator can connect to your server via a STUN request.

 * The type of error from the Game Coordinator.
enum NetworkCoordinatorErrorType {
	NETWORK_COORDINATOR_ERROR_UNKNOWN,             ///< There was an unknown error.
	NETWORK_COORDINATOR_ERROR_REGISTRATION_FAILED, ///< Your request for registration failed.
	NETWORK_COORDINATOR_ERROR_INVALID_INVITE_CODE, ///< The invite code given is invalid.

/** Base socket handler for all Game Coordinator TCP sockets. */
@@ -206,24 +210,68 @@ protected:
	 * the indicated peer, which is a Server.
	 *  string  Token to track the current connect request.
	 *  uint8   Tracking number to track current connect request.
	 *  string  Hostname of the peer.
	 *  uint16  Port of the peer.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT(Packet *p);

	 * Game Coordinator requests the client/server to do a STUN request to the
	 * STUN server. Important is to remember the local port these STUN requests
	 * are sent from, as this will be needed for later conenctions too.
	 * The client/server should do multiple STUN requests for every available
	 * interface that connects to the Internet (e.g., once for IPv4 and once
	 * for IPv6).
	 *  string  Token to track the current connect request.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(Packet *p);

	 * Client/server informs the Game Coordinator the result of a STUN request.
	 *  uint8   Game Coordinator protocol version.
	 *  string  Token to track the current connect request.
	 *  uint8   Interface number, as given during STUN request.
	 *  bool    Whether the STUN connection was successful.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_SERCLI_STUN_RESULT(Packet *p);

	 * Game Coordinator informs the client/server of its STUN peer (the host:ip
	 * of the other side). It should start a connect() to this peer ASAP with
	 * the local address as used with the STUN request.
	 *  string  Token to track the current connect request.
	 *  uint8   Tracking number to track current connect request.
	 *  uint8   Interface number, as given during STUN request.
	 *  string  Host of the peer.
	 *  uint16  Port of the peer.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(Packet *p);

	bool HandlePacket(Packet *p);
	 * Create a new cs socket handler for a given cs.
	 * @param s The socket we are connected with.
	NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler(SOCKET s = INVALID_SOCKET) : NetworkTCPSocketHandler(s) {}

	bool ReceivePackets();

Show inline comments
@@ -21,82 +21,84 @@
 * Template for TCP listeners.
 * @param Tsocket      The class we create sockets for.
 * @param Tfull_packet The packet type to return when we don't allow more sockets.
 * @param Tban_packet  The packet type to return when the client is banned.
template <class Tsocket, PacketType Tfull_packet, PacketType Tban_packet>
class TCPListenHandler {
	/** List of sockets we listen on. */
	static SocketList sockets;

	static bool ValidateClient(SOCKET s, NetworkAddress &address)
		/* Check if the client is banned. */
		for (const auto &entry : _network_ban_list) {
			if (address.IsInNetmask(entry)) {
				Packet p(Tban_packet);

				Debug(net, 2, "[{}] Banned ip tried to join ({}), refused", Tsocket::GetName(), entry);

				if (p.TransferOut<int>(send, s, 0) < 0) {
					Debug(net, 0, "[{}] send failed: {}", Tsocket::GetName(), NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
				return false;

		/* Can we handle a new client? */
		if (!Tsocket::AllowConnection()) {
			/* No more clients allowed?
			 * Send to the client that we are full! */
			Packet p(Tfull_packet);

			if (p.TransferOut<int>(send, s, 0) < 0) {
				Debug(net, 0, "[{}] send failed: {}", Tsocket::GetName(), NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());

			return false;

		return true;

	 * Accepts clients from the sockets.
	 * @param ls Socket to accept clients from.
	static void AcceptClient(SOCKET ls)
		for (;;) {
			struct sockaddr_storage sin;
			memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
			socklen_t sin_len = sizeof(sin);
			SOCKET s = accept(ls, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &sin_len);
			if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return;
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
			sin_len = FixAddrLenForEmscripten(sin);

			SetNonBlocking(s); // XXX error handling?

			NetworkAddress address(sin, sin_len);
			Debug(net, 3, "[{}] Client connected from {} on frame {}", Tsocket::GetName(), address.GetHostname(), _frame_counter);

			SetNoDelay(s); // XXX error handling?

			/* Check if the client is banned */
			bool banned = false;
			for (const auto &entry : _network_ban_list) {
				banned = address.IsInNetmask(entry);
				if (banned) {
					Packet p(Tban_packet);

					Debug(net, 2, "[{}] Banned ip tried to join ({}), refused", Tsocket::GetName(), entry);

					if (p.TransferOut<int>(send, s, 0) < 0) {
						Debug(net, 0, "[{}] send failed: {}", Tsocket::GetName(), NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
			/* If this client is banned, continue with next client */
			if (banned) continue;

			/* Can we handle a new client? */
			if (!Tsocket::AllowConnection()) {
				/* no more clients allowed?
				 * Send to the client that we are full! */
				Packet p(Tfull_packet);

				if (p.TransferOut<int>(send, s, 0) < 0) {
					Debug(net, 0, "[{}] send failed: {}", Tsocket::GetName(), NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());


			if (!Tsocket::ValidateClient(s, address)) continue;
			Tsocket::AcceptConnection(s, address);

	 * Handle the receiving of packets.
	 * @return true if everything went okay.
	static bool Receive()
		fd_set read_fd, write_fd;
		struct timeval tv;
Show inline comments
new file 100644
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file tcp_stun.cpp Basic functions to receive and send STUN packets.

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../debug.h"
#include "tcp_stun.h"

#include "../../safeguards.h"

 * Helper for logging receiving invalid packets.
 * @param type The received packet type.
 * @return Always false, as it's an error.
bool NetworkStunSocketHandler::ReceiveInvalidPacket(PacketStunType type)
	Debug(net, 0, "[tcp/stun] Received illegal packet type {}", type);
	return false;

bool NetworkStunSocketHandler::Receive_SERCLI_STUN(Packet *p) { return this->ReceiveInvalidPacket(PACKET_STUN_SERCLI_STUN); }
Show inline comments
new file 100644
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file tcp_stun.h Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the STUN server.


#include "os_abstraction.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "packet.h"

/** Enum with all types of TCP STUN packets. The order MUST not be changed. **/
enum PacketStunType {
	PACKET_STUN_SERCLI_STUN,  ///< Send a STUN request to the STUN server.
	PACKET_STUN_END,          ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)

/** Base socket handler for all STUN TCP sockets. */
class NetworkStunSocketHandler : public NetworkTCPSocketHandler {
	bool ReceiveInvalidPacket(PacketStunType type);

	 * Send a STUN request to the STUN server letting the Game Coordinator know
	 * what our actually public IP:port is.
	 *  uint8   Game Coordinator protocol version.
	 *  string  Token to track the current STUN request.
	 *  uint8   Which interface number this is (for example, IPv4 or IPv6).
	 *          The Game Coordinator relays this number back in later packets.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_SERCLI_STUN(Packet *p);

	 * Create a new cs socket handler for a given cs.
	 * @param s  the socket we are connected with.
	 * @param address IP etc. of the client.
	NetworkStunSocketHandler(SOCKET s = INVALID_SOCKET) : NetworkTCPSocketHandler(s) {}

Show inline comments
@@ -10,24 +10,26 @@
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../debug.h"
#include "../error.h"
#include "../rev.h"
#include "../settings_type.h"
#include "../strings_func.h"
#include "../window_func.h"
#include "../window_type.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "network_coordinator.h"
#include "network_gamelist.h"
#include "network_internal.h"
#include "network_server.h"
#include "network_stun.h"
#include "table/strings.h"

#include "../safeguards.h"

static const auto NETWORK_COORDINATOR_DELAY_BETWEEN_UPDATES = std::chrono::seconds(30); ///< How many time between updates the server sends to the Game Coordinator.
ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler _network_coordinator_client; ///< The connection to the Game Coordinator.
ConnectionType _network_server_connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN; ///< What type of connection the Game Coordinator detected we are on.
std::string _network_server_invite_code = ""; ///< Our invite code as indicated by the Game Coordinator.

/** Connect to a game server by IP:port. */
class NetworkDirectConnecter : public TCPConnecter {
@@ -42,25 +44,66 @@ public:
	 * @param token The token as given by the Game Coordinator to track this connection attempt.
	 * @param tracking_number The tracking number as given by the Game Coordinator to track this connection attempt.
	NetworkDirectConnecter(const std::string &hostname, uint16 port, const std::string &token, uint8 tracking_number) : TCPConnecter(hostname, port), token(token), tracking_number(tracking_number) {}

	void OnFailure() override
		_network_coordinator_client.ConnectFailure(this->token, this->tracking_number);

	void OnConnect(SOCKET s) override
		_network_coordinator_client.ConnectSuccess(this->token, s);
		NetworkAddress address = NetworkAddress::GetPeerAddress(s);
		_network_coordinator_client.ConnectSuccess(this->token, s, address);

/** Connecter used after STUN exchange to connect from both sides to each other. */
class NetworkReuseStunConnecter : public TCPConnecter {
	std::string token;     ///< Token of this connection.
	uint8 tracking_number; ///< Tracking number of this connection.
	uint8 family;          ///< Family of this connection.

	 * Try to establish a STUN-based connection.
	 * @param hostname The hostname of the peer.
	 * @param port The port of the peer.
	 * @param bind_address The local bind address used for this connection.
	 * @param token The connection token.
	 * @param tracking_number The tracking number of the connection.
	 * @param family The family this connection is using.
	NetworkReuseStunConnecter(const std::string &hostname, uint16 port, const NetworkAddress &bind_address, std::string token, uint8 tracking_number, uint8 family) :
		TCPConnecter(hostname, port, bind_address),

	void OnFailure() override
		/* Close the STUN connection too, as it is no longer of use. */
		_network_coordinator_client.CloseStunHandler(this->token, this->family);

		_network_coordinator_client.ConnectFailure(this->token, this->tracking_number);

	void OnConnect(SOCKET s) override
		NetworkAddress address = NetworkAddress::GetPeerAddress(s);
		_network_coordinator_client.ConnectSuccess(this->token, s, address);

/** Connect to the Game Coordinator server. */
class NetworkCoordinatorConnecter : TCPConnecter {
	 * Initiate the connecting.
	 * @param connection_string The address of the Game Coordinator server.
	NetworkCoordinatorConnecter(const std::string &connection_string) : TCPConnecter(connection_string, NETWORK_COORDINATOR_SERVER_PORT) {}

@@ -92,28 +135,25 @@ bool ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandl

			SetDParamStr(0, detail);

			/* To prevent that we constantly try to reconnect, switch to local game. */ = SERVER_GAME_TYPE_LOCAL;

			return false;

			/* Find the connecter based on the invite code. */
			auto connecter_it = this->connecter_pre.find(detail);
			if (connecter_it == this->connecter_pre.end()) return true;

			/* Mark the server as offline. */
			NetworkGameList *item = NetworkGameListAddItem(detail);
			item->online = false;

			return true;

			Debug(net, 0, "Invalid error type {} received from Game Coordinator", error);
@@ -139,24 +179,25 @@ bool ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandl
	 * _network_server_invite_code contains the current invite code,
	 * and contains the one we will
	 * attempt to re-use when registering again. */
	_network_server_invite_code =;

	SetWindowDirty(WC_CLIENT_LIST, 0);

	if (_network_dedicated) {
		std::string connection_type;
		switch (_network_server_connection_type) {
			case CONNECTION_TYPE_ISOLATED: connection_type = "Remote players can't connect"; break;
			case CONNECTION_TYPE_DIRECT:   connection_type = "Public"; break;
			case CONNECTION_TYPE_STUN:     connection_type = "Behind NAT"; break;

			case CONNECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN: // Never returned from Game Coordinator.
			default: connection_type = "Unknown"; break; // Should never happen, but don't fail if it does.

		std::string game_type;
		switch ( {
			case SERVER_GAME_TYPE_INVITE_ONLY: game_type = "Invite only"; break;
			case SERVER_GAME_TYPE_PUBLIC: game_type = "Public"; break;

			case SERVER_GAME_TYPE_LOCAL: // Impossible to register local servers.
			default: game_type = "Unknown"; break; // Should never happen, but don't fail if it does.
@@ -254,24 +295,67 @@ bool ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandl
	uint16 port = p->Recv_uint16();

	/* Ensure all other pending connection attempts are killed. */
	if (this->game_connecter != nullptr) {
		this->game_connecter = nullptr;

	this->game_connecter = new NetworkDirectConnecter(hostname, port, token, tracking_number);
	return true;

bool ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(Packet *p)
	std::string token = p->Recv_string(NETWORK_TOKEN_LENGTH);

	this->stun_handlers[token][AF_INET6] = ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler::Stun(token, AF_INET6);
	this->stun_handlers[token][AF_INET] = ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler::Stun(token, AF_INET);
	return true;

bool ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(Packet *p)
	std::string token = p->Recv_string(NETWORK_TOKEN_LENGTH);
	uint8 tracking_number = p->Recv_uint8();
	uint8 family = p->Recv_uint8();
	std::string host = p->Recv_string(NETWORK_HOSTNAME_PORT_LENGTH);
	uint16 port = p->Recv_uint16();

	/* Check if we know this token. */
	auto stun_it = this->stun_handlers.find(token);
	if (stun_it == this->stun_handlers.end()) return true;
	auto family_it = stun_it->second.find(family);
	if (family_it == stun_it->second.end()) return true;

	/* Ensure all other pending connection attempts are killed. */
	if (this->game_connecter != nullptr) {
		this->game_connecter = nullptr;

	/* We now mark the connection as closed, but we do not really close the
	 * socket yet. We do this when the NetworkReuseStunConnecter is connected.
	 * This prevents any NAT to already remove the route while we create the
	 * second connection on top of the first. */

	/* Connect to our peer from the same local address as we use for the
	 * STUN server. This means that if there is any NAT in the local network,
	 * the public ip:port is still pointing to the local address, and as such
	 * a connection can be established. */
	this->game_connecter = new NetworkReuseStunConnecter(host, port, family_it->second->local_addr, token, tracking_number, family);
	return true;

void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::Connect()
	/* We are either already connected or are trying to connect. */
	if (this->sock != INVALID_SOCKET || this->connecting) return;


	this->connecting = true;
	this->last_activity = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

	new NetworkCoordinatorConnecter(NetworkCoordinatorConnectionString());
@@ -390,85 +474,144 @@ void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandl
void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::ConnectFailure(const std::string &token, uint8 tracking_number)
	/* Connecter will destroy itself. */
	this->game_connecter = nullptr;



	auto connecter_it = this->connecter.find(token);
	assert(connecter_it != this->connecter.end());

	/* We do not close the associated connecter here yet, as the
	 * Game Coordinator might have other methods of connecting available. */

 * Callback from a Connecter to let the Game Coordinator know the connection
 * to the game server is established.
 * @param token Token of the connecter that succeeded.
 * @param sock The socket that the connecter can now use.
void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::ConnectSuccess(const std::string &token, SOCKET sock)
void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::ConnectSuccess(const std::string &token, SOCKET sock, NetworkAddress &address)
	/* Connecter will destroy itself. */
	this->game_connecter = nullptr;

	if (_network_server) {
		if (!ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler::ValidateClient(sock, address)) return;
		Debug(net, 3, "[{}] Client connected from {} on frame {}", ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler::GetName(), address.GetHostname(), _frame_counter);
		ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler::AcceptConnection(sock, address);
	} else {
		/* The client informs the Game Coordinator about the success. The server
		 * doesn't have to, as it is implied by the client telling. */

		auto connecter_it = this->connecter.find(token);
		assert(connecter_it != this->connecter.end());

	auto connecter_it = this->connecter.find(token);
	assert(connecter_it != this->connecter.end());


	/* Close all remaining connections. */

 * Callback from the STUN connecter to inform the Game Coordinator about the
 * result of the STUN.
 * This helps the Game Coordinator not to wait for a timeout on its end, but
 * rather react as soon as the client/server knows the result.
void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::StunResult(const std::string &token, uint8 family, bool result)

void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::CloseStunHandler(const std::string &token, uint8 family)
	auto stun_it = this->stun_handlers.find(token);
	if (stun_it == this->stun_handlers.end()) return;

	if (family == AF_UNSPEC) {
		for (auto &[family, stun_handler] : stun_it->second) {

	} else {
		auto family_it = stun_it->second.find(family);
		if (family_it == stun_it->second.end()) return;



 * Close everything related to this connection token.
 * @param token The connection token to close.
void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::CloseToken(const std::string &token)
	/* Ensure all other pending connection attempts are also killed. */
	if (this->game_connecter != nullptr) {
		this->game_connecter = nullptr;

	/* Close all remaining STUN connections. */

	/* Close the caller of the connection attempt. */
	auto connecter_it = this->connecter.find(token);
	if (connecter_it != this->connecter.end()) {
	auto connecter_pre_it = this->connecter_pre.find(token);
	if (connecter_pre_it != this->connecter_pre.end()) {

 * Close all pending connection tokens.
void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler::CloseAllTokens()
	/* Ensure all other pending connection attempts are also killed. */
	if (this->game_connecter != nullptr) {
		this->game_connecter = nullptr;

	/* Mark any pending connecters as failed. */
	for (auto &[token, it] : this->connecter) {
	for (auto &[invite_code, it] : this->connecter_pre) {

 * Check whether we received/can send some data from/to the Game Coordinator server and
 * when that's the case handle it appropriately.
@@ -526,13 +669,19 @@ void ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandl
	if (!_network_server && std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > this->last_activity + IDLE_TIMEOUT) {

	if (this->CanSendReceive()) {
		if (this->ReceivePackets()) {
			this->last_activity = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();


	for (const auto &[token, families] : this->stun_handlers) {
		for (const auto &[family, stun_handler] : families) {
Show inline comments
@@ -2,82 +2,94 @@
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file network_coordinator.h Part of the network protocol handling Game Coordinator requests. */


#include "core/tcp_coordinator.h"
#include "network_stun.h"
#include <map>

 * Game Coordinator communication.
 * For servers:
 *  - Server sends SERVER_REGISTER.
 *  - Game Coordinator probes server to check if it can directly connect.
 *  - Game Coordinator sends GC_REGISTER_ACK with type of connection.
 *  - Server sends every 30 seconds SERVER_UPDATE.
 * For clients (listing):
 *  - Client sends CLIENT_LISTING.
 *  - Game Coordinator returns the full list of public servers via GC_LISTING (multiple packets).
 * For clients (connecting):
 *  - Client sends CLIENT_CONNECT.
 *  - Game Coordinator checks what type of connections the servers supports:
 *    1) Direct connect?
 *        - Send the client a GC_CONNECT with the peer address.
 *        - a) Client connects, client sends CLIENT_CONNECTED to Game Coordinator.
 *        - b) Client connect fails, client sends CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED to Game Coordinator.
 *    2) STUN? (see
 *        - Game Coordinator sends GC_STUN_REQUEST to server/client (asking for both IPv4 and IPv6 STUN requests).
 *        - Game Coordinator collects what combination works and sends GC_STUN_CONNECT to server/client.
 *        - a) Server/client connect, client sends CLIENT_CONNECTED to Game Coordinator.
 *        - b) Server/client connect fails, both send SERCLI_CONNECT_FAILED to Game Coordinator.
 *        - Game Coordinator tries other combination if available.
 *  - If all fails, Game Coordinator sends GC_CONNECT_FAILED to indicate no connection is possible.

/** Class for handling the client side of the Game Coordinator connection. */
class ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler : public NetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler {
	std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_update; ///< When to send the next update (if server and public).
	std::map<std::string, TCPServerConnecter *> connecter; ///< Based on tokens, the current connecters that are pending.
	std::map<std::string, TCPServerConnecter *> connecter_pre; ///< Based on invite codes, the current connecters that are pending.
	std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler>>> stun_handlers; ///< All pending STUN handlers, stored by token:family.
	TCPConnecter *game_connecter = nullptr; ///< Pending connecter to the game server.

	bool Receive_GC_ERROR(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_REGISTER_ACK(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_LISTING(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_CONNECTING(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_CONNECT_FAILED(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(Packet *p) override;
	bool Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(Packet *p) override;

	/** The idle timeout; when to close the connection because it's idle. */
	static constexpr std::chrono::seconds IDLE_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(60);

	std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_activity;  ///< The last time there was network activity.
	bool connecting; ///< Are we connecting to the Game Coordinator?

	ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler() : connecting(false) {}

	NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error = true) override;
	void SendReceive();

	void ConnectFailure(const std::string &token, uint8 tracking_number);
	void ConnectSuccess(const std::string &token, SOCKET sock);
	void ConnectSuccess(const std::string &token, SOCKET sock, NetworkAddress &address);
	void StunResult(const std::string &token, uint8 family, bool result);

	void Connect();
	void CloseToken(const std::string &token);
	void CloseAllTokens();
	void CloseStunHandler(const std::string &token, uint8 family = AF_UNSPEC);

	void Register();
	void SendServerUpdate();
	void GetListing();

	void ConnectToServer(const std::string &invite_code, TCPServerConnecter *connecter);

extern ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler _network_coordinator_client;

Show inline comments
new file 100644
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file network_stun.cpp STUN sending/receiving part of the network protocol. */

#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../debug.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "network_coordinator.h"
#include "network_stun.h"

#include "../safeguards.h"

/** Connect to the STUN server. */
class NetworkStunConnecter : public TCPConnecter {
	ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler *stun_handler;
	std::string token;
	uint8 family;

	 * Initiate the connecting.
	 * @param stun_handler The handler for this request.
	 * @param connection_string The address of the server.
	NetworkStunConnecter(ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler *stun_handler, const std::string &connection_string, const std::string &token, uint8 family) :
		TCPConnecter(connection_string, NETWORK_STUN_SERVER_PORT, NetworkAddress(), family),

	void OnFailure() override
		this->stun_handler->connecter = nullptr;

		/* Connection to STUN server failed. For example, the client doesn't
		 * support IPv6, which means it will fail that attempt. */

		_network_coordinator_client.StunResult(this->token, this->family, false);

	void OnConnect(SOCKET s) override
		this->stun_handler->connecter = nullptr;

		assert(this->stun_handler->sock == INVALID_SOCKET);
		this->stun_handler->sock = s;

		/* Store the local address; later connects will reuse it again.
		 * This is what makes STUN work for most NATs. */
		this->stun_handler->local_addr = NetworkAddress::GetSockAddress(s);

		/* We leave the connection open till the real connection is setup later. */

 * Connect to the STUN server over either IPv4 or IPv6.
 * @param token The token as received from the Game Coordinator.
 * @param family What IP family to use.
void ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler::Connect(const std::string &token, uint8 family)
	this->token = token;
	this->family = family;

	this->connecter = new NetworkStunConnecter(this, NetworkStunConnectionString(), token, family);

 * Send a STUN packet to the STUN server.
 * @param token The token as received from the Game Coordinator.
 * @param family What IP family this STUN request is for.
 * @return The handler for this STUN request.
std::unique_ptr<ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler> ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler::Stun(const std::string &token, uint8 family)
	auto stun_handler = std::make_unique<ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler>();

	stun_handler->Connect(token, family);

	Packet *p = new Packet(PACKET_STUN_SERCLI_STUN);


	return stun_handler;

NetworkRecvStatus ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler::CloseConnection(bool error)

	/* If our connecter is still pending, shut it down too. Otherwise the
	 * callback of the connecter can call into us, and our object is most
	 * likely about to be destroyed. */
	if (this->connecter != nullptr) {
		this->connecter = nullptr;


 * Check whether we received/can send some data from/to the STUN server and
 * when that's the case handle it appropriately.
void ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler::SendReceive()
	if (this->sock == INVALID_SOCKET) return;

	/* We never attempt to receive anything on a STUN socket. After
	 * connecting a STUN connection, the local address will be reused to
	 * to establish the connection with the real server. If we would be to
	 * read this socket, some OSes get confused and deliver us packets meant
	 * for the real connection. It appears most OSes play best when we simply
	 * never attempt to read it to start with (and the packets will remain
	 * available on the other socket).
	 * Protocol-wise, the STUN server will never send any packet back anyway. */

	if (this->SendPackets() == SPS_ALL_SENT && !this->sent_result) {
		/* We delay giving the GC the result this long, as to make sure we
		 * have sent the STUN packet first. This means the GC is more likely
		 * to have the result ready by the time our StunResult() packet
		 * arrives. */
		this->sent_result = true;
		_network_coordinator_client.StunResult(this->token, this->family, true);
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 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file network_stun.h Part of the network protocol handling STUN requests. */


#include "core/tcp_stun.h"

/** Class for handling the client side of the STUN connection. */
class ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler : public NetworkStunSocketHandler {
	std::string token;        ///< Token of this STUN handler.
	uint8 family = AF_UNSPEC; ///< Family of this STUN handler.
	bool sent_result = false; ///< Did we sent the result of the STUN connection?

	TCPConnecter *connecter = nullptr; ///< Connecter instance.
	NetworkAddress local_addr;         ///< Local addresses of the socket.

	NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error = true) override;
	void SendReceive();

	void Connect(const std::string &token, uint8 family);

	static std::unique_ptr<ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler> Stun(const std::string &token, uint8 family);

#endif /* NETWORK_STUN_H */
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