Changeset - r28507:5ccf0fef109d
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translators - 11 months ago 2024-01-18 18:40:14
Update: Translations from eints
portuguese: 4 changes by azulcosta
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 0 deletions:
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STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_BEVELS                               :{BLACK}Escalar chanfros
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_BEVELS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Marque esta caixa para dimensionar os chanfros por tamanho de interface

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_FONT_SPRITE                                :{BLACK}Usar a fonte "sprite" tradicional
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_FONT_SPRITE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Marque esta caixa se prefere usar o tipo de fonte tradicional de tamanho fixo.
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_FONT_AA                                    :{BLACK}Fontes anti-alias
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_FONT_AA_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Marque esta caixa para fontes redimensionáveis com anti-alias.

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_1X                                   :1x
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_2X                                   :2x
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