Changeset - r25754:d19207ab5c69
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Patric Stout - 3 years ago 2021-06-15 11:31:51
Cleanup: remove SLE_NULL and friends

We no longer need them. If you want to remove a field .. just
remove it! Because of the headers in the savegame, on loading,
it will do the right thing and skip the field.

Do remember to bump the savegame version, as otherwise older
clients can still load the game, but will reset the field you
have removed .. that might be unintentially.
2 files changed with 1 insertions and 31 deletions:
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@@ -780,20 +780,6 @@ struct SaveLoadCompat {
#define SLE_REFLIST(base, variable, type) SLE_CONDREFLIST(base, variable, type, SL_MIN_VERSION, SL_MAX_VERSION)

 * Empty space in every savegame version.
 * @param length Length of the empty space.

 * Empty space in some savegame versions.
 * @param length Length of the empty space.
 * @param from   First savegame version that has the empty space.
 * @param to     Last savegame version that has the empty space.
#define SLE_CONDNULL(length, from, to) SaveLoad {"", SL_NULL, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL, length, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}

 * Only write byte during saving; never read it during loading.
 * When using SLE_SAVEBYTE you will have to read this byte before the table
 * this is in is read. This also means SLE_SAVEBYTE can only be used at the
@@ -979,14 +965,6 @@ struct SaveLoadCompat {

 * Empty global space in some savegame versions.
 * @param length Length of the empty space.
 * @param from   First savegame version that has the empty space.
 * @param to     Last savegame version that has the empty space.
#define SLEG_CONDNULL(length, from, to) SaveLoad {"", SL_NULL, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL, length, from, to, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr}

 * Field name where the real SaveLoad can be located.
 * @param name The name of the field.
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@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ static size_t ConvertLandscape(const cha
 * These are actually normal numbers, only bitmasked. In MMANY several bits can
 * be set, in the other only one.
 * If nothing fits you, you can use the GENERAL macros, but it exposes the
 * internal structure somewhat so it needs a little looking. There are _NULL()
 * macros as well, these fill up space so you can add more settings there (in
 * place) and you DON'T have to increase the savegame version.
 * internal structure somewhat so it needs a little looking.
 * While reading values from openttd.cfg, some values may not be converted
 * properly, for any kind of reasons.  In order to allow a process of self-cleaning
@@ -76,9 +74,6 @@ static size_t ConvertLandscape(const cha
#define SDTG_MMANY(name, type, flags, var, def, full, str, strhelp, strval, pre_check, post_callback, from, to, cat, extra, startup)\
	NSD(ManyOfMany, SLEG_GENERAL(#var, SL_VAR, var, type, 1, from, to, extra), name, flags, startup, def, str, strhelp, strval, cat, pre_check, post_callback, full, nullptr)

#define SDTG_NULL(length, from, to)\
	NSD(Null, SLEG_NULL(length, from, to))

/* Macros for various objects to go in the configuration file.
 * This section is for structures where their various members are saved */
#define SDT_VAR(base, var, type, flags, def, min, max, interval, str, strhelp, strval, pre_check, post_callback, from, to, cat, extra, startup)\
@@ -99,9 +94,6 @@ static size_t ConvertLandscape(const cha
#define SDT_MMANY(base, var, type, flags, def, full, str, pre_check, post_callback, strhelp, strval, from, to, cat, extra, startup)\
	NSD(ManyOfMany, SLE_GENERAL(SL_VAR, base, var, type, 1, from, to, extra), #var, flags, startup, def, str, strhelp, strval, cat, pre_check, post_callback, full, nullptr)

#define SDT_NULL(length, from, to)\
	NSD(Null, SLE_CONDNULL(length, from, to))


#define SDTC_VAR(var, type, flags, def, min, max, interval, str, strhelp, strval, pre_check, post_callback, from, to, cat, extra, startup)\
	SDTG_VAR(#var, type, flags, _settings_client.var, def, min, max, interval, str, strhelp, strval, pre_check, post_callback, from, to, cat, extra, startup)
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