Files @ r1393:053a1c26ac95
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/lang/unfinished/lithuanian.txt

(svn r1897) - Fix: [ 1120424 ] Set name overwrites same name. Renamings because your name is in use are virtual though so if name "b" is in use your name will become "b #1", renaming yourself again to "b" will become "b #2", and will toggle between these two.
##name Lithuanian
##ownname Lietuviu

##id 0x0000
STR_NULL							:
STR_0001_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP					:{WHITE}Uz zemelapio krasto
STR_0002_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP				:{WHITE}Per arti zemelapio krasto
STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES				:{WHITE}Neuztenka lesu - reikia {CURRENCY}
STR_0004							:{WHITE}{CURRENCY64}
STR_0005							:{RED}{CURRENCY64}
STR_EMPTY							:
STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED					:{WHITE}Flat land required
STR_0009							:{WHITE}{STRING}
STR_000A_EN_ROUTE_FROM						:{WHITE}{STRING}{YELLOW}  (marsrutas is
STR_000B							:{YELLOW}{STATION})
STR_000C_ACCEPTS						:{BLACK}Priima: {WHITE}
STR_000D_ACCEPTS						:{BLACK}Priima: {GOLD}
STR_000E							:
STR_000F_PASSENGERS						:Keleiviai
STR_0010_COAL							:Anglis
STR_0011_MAIL							:Pastas
STR_0012_OIL							:Nafta
STR_0013_LIVESTOCK						:Galvijai
STR_0014_GOODS							:Prekes
STR_0015_GRAIN							:Grudai
STR_0016_WOOD							:Mediena
STR_0017_IRON_ORE						:Gelezies ruda
STR_0018_STEEL							:Plienas
STR_0019_VALUABLES						:Brangenybes
STR_001A_COPPER_ORE						:Vario ruda
STR_001B_MAIZE							:Kukuruzai
STR_001C_FRUIT							:Vaisiai
STR_001D_DIAMONDS						:Deimantai
STR_001E_FOOD							:Maistas
STR_001F_PAPER							:Popierius
STR_0020_GOLD							:Auksas
STR_0021_WATER							:Vanduo
STR_0022_WHEAT							:Kvieciai
STR_0023_RUBBER							:Guma
STR_0024_SUGAR							:Cukrus
STR_0025_TOYS							:Zaislai
STR_0026_CANDY							:Sweets
STR_0027_COLA							:Kola
STR_0028_COTTON_CANDY						:Cukraus vata
STR_0029_BUBBLES						:Burbulai
STR_002A_TOFFEE							:Toffee
STR_002B_BATTERIES						:Baterijos
STR_002C_PLASTIC						:Plastmase
STR_002D_FIZZY_DRINKS						:Gaivieji gerimai
STR_002E							:
STR_002F_PASSENGER						:Keleiviai
STR_0030_COAL							:Anglis
STR_0031_MAIL							:Pastas

############ range for menu	starts
############ range for menu	ends

############ range for months starts
############ range for months ends

############ range for service numbers starts
############ range for service numbers ends

############ range for days	starts
############ range for days	ends

############ range for cargo acecpted starts
############ range for cargo acecpted ends

############ range for menu	starts
############ range ends	here

############ range for menu	starts
############ range ends	here

############ range for menu	starts
############ range ends here

############ start of townname region
############ end of	townname region

# Start of order review system.
# end of order system

############ network gui strings

############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order

############ Leave those lines in this order!!

############ End of leave-in-this-order

############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order

############ end network gui strings

##id 0x0800

##id 0x1000

##id 0x1800

##id 0x2000

##id 0x2800

##id 0x3000

############ range for rating starts
############ range for rating ends

##id 0x3800

##id 0x4000

##id 0x4800

############ range for requires	starts
############ range for requires	ends

##id 0x5000

##id 0x5800

############ WARNING, using	range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in	the	savegame
############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames	will break!
##id 0x6000

############ end of	savegame specific region!

##id 0x6800

############ range for difficulty levels starts
############ range for difficulty levels ends

############ range for difficulty settings starts
############ range for difficulty settings ends

##id 0x7000

##id 0x8000

##id 0x8800

##id 0x9000

##id 0x9800

##id 0xA000

##id 0xB000

############ Those following lines need to be in this order!!
############ End of order list

############ Lists rail types

############ End of list of rail types