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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/core/bitmath_func.hpp

Michael Lutz
Codechange: [OSX] Use more exact enum names where introduced with the 10.12 SDK.

The enum values still have the exact same numerical values, but the 10.12
SDK introduced more explicit names (e.g. like NSEventTypeApplicationDefined
instead of NSApplicationDefined) for several enum constants.
Use them when available.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file bitmath_func.hpp Functions related to bit mathematics. */


 * Fetch \a n bits from \a x, started at bit \a s.
 * This function can be used to fetch \a n bits from the value \a x. The
 * \a s value set the start position to read. The start position is
 * count from the LSB and starts at \c 0. The result starts at a
 * LSB, as this isn't just an and-bitmask but also some
 * bit-shifting operations. GB(0xFF, 2, 1) will so
 * return 0x01 (0000 0001) instead of
 * 0x04 (0000 0100).
 * @param x The value to read some bits.
 * @param s The start position to read some bits.
 * @param n The number of bits to read.
 * @pre n < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @pre s + n <= sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return The selected bits, aligned to a LSB.
template <typename T>
static inline uint GB(const T x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n)
	return (x >> s) & (((T)1U << n) - 1);

 * Set \a n bits in \a x starting at bit \a s to \a d
 * This function sets \a n bits from \a x which started as bit \a s to the value of
 * \a d. The parameters \a x, \a s and \a n works the same as the parameters of
 * #GB. The result is saved in \a x again. Unused bits in the window
 * provided by n are set to 0 if the value of \a d isn't "big" enough.
 * This is not a bug, its a feature.
 * @note Parameter \a x must be a variable as the result is saved there.
 * @note To avoid unexpected results the value of \a d should not use more
 *       space as the provided space of \a n bits (log2)
 * @param x The variable to change some bits
 * @param s The start position for the new bits
 * @param n The size/window for the new bits
 * @param d The actually new bits to save in the defined position.
 * @pre n < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @pre s + n <= sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return The new value of \a x
template <typename T, typename U>
static inline T SB(T &x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n, const U d)
	x &= (T)(~((((T)1U << n) - 1) << s));
	x |= (T)(d << s);
	return x;

 * Add \a i to \a n bits of \a x starting at bit \a s.
 * This adds the value of \a i on \a n bits of \a x starting at bit \a s. The parameters \a x,
 * \a s, \a i are similar to #GB. Besides, \ a x must be a variable as the result are
 * saved there. An overflow does not affect the following bits of the given
 * bit window and is simply ignored.
 * @note Parameter x must be a variable as the result is saved there.
 * @param x The variable to add some bits at some position
 * @param s The start position of the addition
 * @param n The size/window for the addition
 * @pre n < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @pre s + n <= sizeof(T) * 8
 * @param i The value to add at the given start position in the given window.
 * @return The new value of \a x
template <typename T, typename U>
static inline T AB(T &x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n, const U i)
	const T mask = ((((T)1U << n) - 1) << s);
	x = (T)((x & ~mask) | ((x + (i << s)) & mask));
	return x;

 * Checks if a bit in a value is set.
 * This function checks if a bit inside a value is set or not.
 * The \a y value specific the position of the bit, started at the
 * LSB and count from \c 0.
 * @param x The value to check
 * @param y The position of the bit to check, started from the LSB
 * @pre y < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return True if the bit is set, false else.
template <typename T>
static inline bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8 y)
	return (x & ((T)1U << y)) != 0;

 * Set a bit in a variable.
 * This function sets a bit in a variable. The variable is changed
 * and the value is also returned. Parameter y defines the bit and
 * starts at the LSB with 0.
 * @param x The variable to set a bit
 * @param y The bit position to set
 * @pre y < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return The new value of the old value with the bit set
template <typename T>
static inline T SetBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
	return x = (T)(x | ((T)1U << y));

 * Sets several bits in a variable.
 * This macro sets several bits in a variable. The bits to set are provided
 * by a value. The new value is also returned.
 * @param x The variable to set some bits
 * @param y The value with set bits for setting them in the variable
 * @return The new value of x
#define SETBITS(x, y) ((x) |= (y))

 * Clears a bit in a variable.
 * This function clears a bit in a variable. The variable is
 * changed and the value is also returned. Parameter y defines the bit
 * to clear and starts at the LSB with 0.
 * @param x The variable to clear the bit
 * @param y The bit position to clear
 * @pre y < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return The new value of the old value with the bit cleared
template <typename T>
static inline T ClrBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
	return x = (T)(x & ~((T)1U << y));

 * Clears several bits in a variable.
 * This macro clears several bits in a variable. The bits to clear are
 * provided by a value. The new value is also returned.
 * @param x The variable to clear some bits
 * @param y The value with set bits for clearing them in the variable
 * @return The new value of x
#define CLRBITS(x, y) ((x) &= ~(y))

 * Toggles a bit in a variable.
 * This function toggles a bit in a variable. The variable is
 * changed and the value is also returned. Parameter y defines the bit
 * to toggle and starts at the LSB with 0.
 * @param x The variable to toggle the bit
 * @param y The bit position to toggle
 * @pre y < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return The new value of the old value with the bit toggled
template <typename T>
static inline T ToggleBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
	return x = (T)(x ^ ((T)1U << y));

/** Lookup table to check which bit is set in a 6 bit variable */
extern const uint8 _ffb_64[64];

 * Returns the first non-zero bit in a 6-bit value (from right).
 * Returns the position of the first bit that is not zero, counted from the
 * LSB. Ie, 110100 returns 2, 000001 returns 0, etc. When x == 0 returns
 * 0.
 * @param x The 6-bit value to check the first zero-bit
 * @return The first position of a bit started from the LSB or 0 if x is 0.
#define FIND_FIRST_BIT(x) _ffb_64[(x)]

 * Finds the position of the first non-zero bit in an integer.
 * This function returns the position of the first bit set in the
 * integer. It does only check the bits of the bitmask
 * 0x3F3F (0011111100111111) and checks only the
 * bits of the bitmask 0x3F00 if and only if the
 * lower part 0x00FF is 0. This results the bits at 0x00C0 must
 * be also zero to check the bits at 0x3F00.
 * @param value The value to check the first bits
 * @return The position of the first bit which is set
static inline uint8 FindFirstBit2x64(const int value)
	if ((value & 0xFF) == 0) {
		return FIND_FIRST_BIT((value >> 8) & 0x3F) + 8;
	} else {
		return FIND_FIRST_BIT(value & 0x3F);

uint8 FindFirstBit(uint32 x);
uint8 FindLastBit(uint64 x);

 * Clear the first bit in an integer.
 * This function returns a value where the first bit (from LSB)
 * is cleared.
 * So, 110100 returns 110000, 000001 returns 000000, etc.
 * @param value The value to clear the first bit
 * @return The new value with the first bit cleared
template <typename T>
static inline T KillFirstBit(T value)
	return value &= (T)(value - 1);

 * Counts the number of set bits in a variable.
 * @param value the value to count the number of bits in.
 * @return the number of bits.
template <typename T>
static inline uint CountBits(T value)
	uint num;

	/* This loop is only called once for every bit set by clearing the lowest
	 * bit in each loop. The number of bits is therefore equal to the number of
	 * times the loop was called. It was found at the following website:
	 * */

	for (num = 0; value != 0; num++) {
		value &= (T)(value - 1);

	return num;

 * Test whether \a value has exactly 1 bit set
 * @param value the value to test.
 * @return does \a value have exactly 1 bit set?
template <typename T>
static inline bool HasExactlyOneBit(T value)
	return value != 0 && (value & (value - 1)) == 0;

 * Test whether \a value has at most 1 bit set
 * @param value the value to test.
 * @return does \a value have at most 1 bit set?
template <typename T>
static inline bool HasAtMostOneBit(T value)
	return (value & (value - 1)) == 0;

 * ROtate \a x Left by \a n
 * @note Assumes a byte has 8 bits
 * @param x The value which we want to rotate
 * @param n The number how many we want to rotate
 * @pre n < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return A bit rotated number
template <typename T>
static inline T ROL(const T x, const uint8 n)
	if (n == 0) return x;
	return (T)(x << n | x >> (sizeof(x) * 8 - n));

 * ROtate \a x Right by \a n
 * @note Assumes a byte has 8 bits
 * @param x The value which we want to rotate
 * @param n The number how many we want to rotate
 * @pre n < sizeof(T) * 8
 * @return A bit rotated number
template <typename T>
static inline T ROR(const T x, const uint8 n)
	if (n == 0) return x;
	return (T)(x >> n | x << (sizeof(x) * 8 - n));

 * Do an operation for each set bit in a value.
 * This macros is used to do an operation for each set
 * bit in a variable. The second parameter is a
 * variable that is used as the bit position counter.
 * The fourth parameter is an expression of the bits
 * we need to iterate over. This expression will be
 * evaluated once.
 * @param Tbitpos_type Type of the position counter variable.
 * @param bitpos_var   The position counter variable.
 * @param Tbitset_type Type of the bitset value.
 * @param bitset_value The bitset value which we check for bits.
#define FOR_EACH_SET_BIT_EX(Tbitpos_type, bitpos_var, Tbitset_type, bitset_value) \
	for (                                                                           \
		Tbitset_type ___FESBE_bits = (bitpos_var = (Tbitpos_type)0, bitset_value);    \
		___FESBE_bits != (Tbitset_type)0;                                             \
		___FESBE_bits = (Tbitset_type)(___FESBE_bits >> 1), bitpos_var++              \
	)                                                                               \
		if ((___FESBE_bits & 1) != 0)

 * Do an operation for each set set bit in a value.
 * This macros is used to do an operation for each set
 * bit in a variable. The first parameter is a variable
 * that is used as the bit position counter.
 * The second parameter is an expression of the bits
 * we need to iterate over. This expression will be
 * evaluated once.
 * @param bitpos_var   The position counter variable.
 * @param bitset_value The value which we check for set bits.
#define FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(bitpos_var, bitset_value) FOR_EACH_SET_BIT_EX(uint, bitpos_var, uint, bitset_value)

#if defined(__APPLE__)
	/* Make endian swapping use Apple's macros to increase speed
	 * (since it will use hardware swapping if available).
	 * Even though they should return uint16 and uint32, we get
	 * warnings if we don't cast those (why?) */
#	define BSWAP32(x) (static_cast<uint32>(CFSwapInt32(x)))
#	define BSWAP16(x) (static_cast<uint16>(CFSwapInt16(x)))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
	/* MSVC has intrinsics for swapping, resulting in faster code */
#	define BSWAP32(x) (_byteswap_ulong(x))
#	define BSWAP16(x) (_byteswap_ushort(x))
	 * Perform a 32 bits endianness bitswap on x.
	 * @param x the variable to bitswap
	 * @return the bitswapped value.
	static inline uint32 BSWAP32(uint32 x)
#if !defined(__ICC) && defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4)  && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))
		/* GCC >= 4.3 provides a builtin, resulting in faster code */
		return static_cast<uint32>(__builtin_bswap32(static_cast<int32>(x)));
		return ((x >> 24) & 0xFF) | ((x >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((x << 8) & 0xFF0000) | ((x << 24) & 0xFF000000);
#endif /* defined(__GNUC__) */

	 * Perform a 16 bits endianness bitswap on x.
	 * @param x the variable to bitswap
	 * @return the bitswapped value.
	static inline uint16 BSWAP16(uint16 x)
		return (x >> 8) | (x << 8);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

#endif /* BITMATH_FUNC_HPP */