Files @ r25674:17f973faadc4
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/saveload/town_sl.cpp

Patric Stout
Codechange: remove the special station/vehicle code from SaveLoad

With the new SLEG_STRUCT it is much easier to embed a struct
in a struct, where the sub-struct has limitations on when it is
being used.
This makes both the code easier to read (less magic) and avoids
the SaveLoad needing to know all these things about Stations
and Vehicles.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file town_sl.cpp Code handling saving and loading of towns and houses */

#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../newgrf_house.h"
#include "../town.h"
#include "../landscape.h"
#include "../subsidy_func.h"
#include "../strings_func.h"
#include "../tilematrix_type.hpp"

#include "saveload.h"
#include "newgrf_sl.h"

#include "../safeguards.h"

typedef TileMatrix<CargoTypes, 4> AcceptanceMatrix;

 * Rebuild all the cached variables of towns.
void RebuildTownCaches()

	/* Reset town population and num_houses */
	for (Town *town : Town::Iterate()) {
		town->cache.population = 0;
		town->cache.num_houses = 0;

	for (TileIndex t = 0; t < MapSize(); t++) {
		if (!IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE)) continue;

		HouseID house_id = GetHouseType(t);
		Town *town = Town::GetByTile(t);
		IncreaseBuildingCount(town, house_id);
		if (IsHouseCompleted(t)) town->cache.population += HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->population;

		/* Increase the number of houses for every house, but only once. */
		if (GetHouseNorthPart(house_id) == 0) town->cache.num_houses++;

	/* Update the population and num_house dependent values */
	for (Town *town : Town::Iterate()) {

 * Check and update town and house values.
 * Checked are the HouseIDs. Updated are the
 * town population the number of houses per
 * town, the town radius and the max passengers
 * of the town.
void UpdateHousesAndTowns()
	for (TileIndex t = 0; t < MapSize(); t++) {
		if (!IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE)) continue;

		HouseID house_id = GetCleanHouseType(t);
		if (!HouseSpec::Get(house_id)->enabled && house_id >= NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET) {
			/* The specs for this type of house are not available any more, so
			 * replace it with the substitute original house type. */
			house_id = _house_mngr.GetSubstituteID(house_id);
			SetHouseType(t, house_id);

	/* Check for cases when a NewGRF has set a wrong house substitute type. */
	for (TileIndex t = 0; t < MapSize(); t++) {
		if (!IsTileType(t, MP_HOUSE)) continue;

		HouseID house_type = GetCleanHouseType(t);
		TileIndex north_tile = t + GetHouseNorthPart(house_type); // modifies 'house_type'!
		if (t == north_tile) {
			const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(house_type);
			bool valid_house = true;
			if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x1) {
				TileIndex tile = t + TileDiffXY(1, 0);
				if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE) || GetCleanHouseType(tile) != house_type + 1) valid_house = false;
			} else if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_1x2) {
				TileIndex tile = t + TileDiffXY(0, 1);
				if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE) || GetCleanHouseType(tile) != house_type + 1) valid_house = false;
			} else if (hs->building_flags & TILE_SIZE_2x2) {
				TileIndex tile = t + TileDiffXY(0, 1);
				if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE) || GetCleanHouseType(tile) != house_type + 1) valid_house = false;
				tile = t + TileDiffXY(1, 0);
				if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE) || GetCleanHouseType(tile) != house_type + 2) valid_house = false;
				tile = t + TileDiffXY(1, 1);
				if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE) || GetCleanHouseType(tile) != house_type + 3) valid_house = false;
			/* If not all tiles of this house are present remove the house.
			 * The other tiles will get removed later in this loop because
			 * their north tile is not the correct type anymore. */
			if (!valid_house) DoClearSquare(t);
		} else if (!IsTileType(north_tile, MP_HOUSE) || GetCleanHouseType(north_tile) != house_type) {
			/* This tile should be part of a multi-tile building but the
			 * north tile of this house isn't on the map. */


/** Save and load of towns. */
static const SaveLoad _town_desc[] = {
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, xy,                    SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_6),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, xy,                    SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_6, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDNULL(2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_3),                   ///< population, no longer in use
	SLE_CONDNULL(4, SLV_3, SLV_85),                  ///< population, no longer in use
	SLE_CONDNULL(2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_92),                  ///< num_houses, no longer in use

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, townnamegrfid,         SLE_UINT32, SLV_66, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	    SLE_VAR(Town, townnametype,          SLE_UINT16),
	    SLE_VAR(Town, townnameparts,         SLE_UINT32),

	    SLE_VAR(Town, flags,                 SLE_UINT8),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, statues,               SLE_FILE_U8  | SLE_VAR_U16, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_104),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, statues,               SLE_UINT16,               SLV_104, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDNULL(1, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_2),                   ///< sort_index, no longer in use

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, have_ratings,          SLE_FILE_U8  | SLE_VAR_U16, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_104),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, have_ratings,          SLE_UINT16,               SLV_104, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Town, ratings,               SLE_INT16, 8,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_104),
	SLE_CONDARR(Town, ratings,               SLE_INT16, MAX_COMPANIES, SLV_104, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	/* failed bribe attempts are stored since savegame format 4 */
	SLE_CONDARR(Town, unwanted,              SLE_INT8,  8,               SLV_4, SLV_104),
	SLE_CONDARR(Town, unwanted,              SLE_INT8,  MAX_COMPANIES, SLV_104, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max,       SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_9),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].new_max,       SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_9),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].old_act,       SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_9),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].new_act,       SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_9),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max, SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max,       SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_max, SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].new_max,       SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_act, SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].old_act,       SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_act, SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, supplied[CT_MAIL].new_act,       SLE_UINT32,                 SLV_9, SLV_165),

	SLE_CONDNULL(2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_164),                 ///< pct_pass_transported / pct_mail_transported, now computed on the fly

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, received[TE_FOOD].old_act,       SLE_UINT16,                 SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, received[TE_WATER].old_act,      SLE_UINT16,                 SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, received[TE_FOOD].new_act,       SLE_UINT16,                 SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, received[TE_WATER].new_act,      SLE_UINT16,                 SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_165),


	SLE_CONDSSTR(Town, text,                 SLE_STR | SLF_ALLOW_CONTROL, SLV_168, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, time_until_rebuild,    SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16,  SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_54),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, grow_counter,          SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16,  SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_54),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, growth_rate,           SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_I16,  SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_54),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, time_until_rebuild,    SLE_UINT16,                SLV_54, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, grow_counter,          SLE_UINT16,                SLV_54, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, growth_rate,           SLE_FILE_I16 | SLE_VAR_U16, SLV_54, SLV_165),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, growth_rate,           SLE_UINT16,                 SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	    SLE_VAR(Town, fund_buildings_months, SLE_UINT8),
	    SLE_VAR(Town, road_build_months,     SLE_UINT8),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, exclusivity,           SLE_UINT8,                  SLV_2, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, exclusive_counter,     SLE_UINT8,                  SLV_2, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, larger_town,           SLE_BOOL,                  SLV_56, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Town, layout,                SLE_UINT8,                SLV_113, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDREFLIST(Town, psa_list,          REF_STORAGE,              SLV_161, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDNULL(4, SLV_166, SLV_EXTEND_CARGOTYPES),  ///< cargo_produced, no longer in use
	SLE_CONDNULL(8, SLV_EXTEND_CARGOTYPES, SLV_REMOVE_TOWN_CARGO_CACHE),  ///< cargo_produced, no longer in use
	SLE_CONDNULL(30, SLV_2, SLV_REMOVE_TOWN_CARGO_CACHE), ///< old reserved space

static const SaveLoad _town_supplied_desc[] = {
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint32>, old_max, SLE_UINT32, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint32>, new_max, SLE_UINT32, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint32>, old_act, SLE_UINT32, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint32>, new_act, SLE_UINT32, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),

static const SaveLoad _town_received_desc[] = {
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint16>, old_max, SLE_UINT16, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint16>, new_max, SLE_UINT16, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint16>, old_act, SLE_UINT16, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(TransportedCargoStat<uint16>, new_act, SLE_UINT16, SLV_165, SL_MAX_VERSION),

static void Save_HIDS()

static void Load_HIDS()

SaveLoadTable GetTileMatrixDesc()
	/* Here due to private member vars. */
	static const SaveLoad _tilematrix_desc[] = {
		SLE_VAR(AcceptanceMatrix, area.tile, SLE_UINT32),
		SLE_VAR(AcceptanceMatrix, area.w,    SLE_UINT16),
		SLE_VAR(AcceptanceMatrix, area.h,    SLE_UINT16),

	return _tilematrix_desc;

static void RealSave_Town(Town *t)
	SlObject(t, _town_desc);

	for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
		SlObject(&t->supplied[i], _town_supplied_desc);
	for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < NUM_TE; i++) {
		SlObject(&t->received[i], _town_received_desc);

static void Save_TOWN()
	for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
		SlAutolength((AutolengthProc*)RealSave_Town, t);

static void Load_TOWN()
	int index;
	uint num_cargo = IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_EXTEND_CARGOTYPES) ? 32 : NUM_CARGO;

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		Town *t = new (index) Town();
		SlObject(t, _town_desc);

		for (CargoID i = 0; i < num_cargo; i++) {
			SlObject(&t->supplied[i], _town_supplied_desc);
		for (int i = TE_BEGIN; i < TE_END; i++) {
			SlObject(&t->received[i], _town_received_desc);

		if (t->townnamegrfid == 0 && !IsInsideMM(t->townnametype, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_START, SPECSTR_TOWNNAME_LAST + 1) && GetStringTab(t->townnametype) != TEXT_TAB_OLD_CUSTOM) {
			SlErrorCorrupt("Invalid town name generator");

		if (!IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_166) && IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_REMOVE_TOWN_CARGO_CACHE)) {
			/* Discard now unused acceptance matrix. */
			AcceptanceMatrix dummy;
			SlObject(&dummy, GetTileMatrixDesc());
			if (dummy.area.w != 0) {
				uint arr_len = dummy.area.w / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID * dummy.area.h / AcceptanceMatrix::GRID;
				SlSkipBytes(4 * arr_len);

/** Fix pointers when loading town data. */
static void Ptrs_TOWN()
	/* Don't run when savegame version lower than 161. */
	if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_161)) return;

	for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) {
		SlObject(t, _town_desc);

/** Chunk handler for towns. */
static const ChunkHandler town_chunk_handlers[] = {
	{ 'HIDS', Save_HIDS, Load_HIDS, nullptr,   nullptr, CH_ARRAY },
	{ 'CITY', Save_TOWN, Load_TOWN, Ptrs_TOWN, nullptr, CH_ARRAY },

extern const ChunkHandlerTable _town_chunk_handlers(town_chunk_handlers);