Files @ r27008:1819ba4d5c84
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/script/api/script_text.cpp

Fix: crashes to desktop from game scripts when companies disappear

When a game script is in company mode, it pretends to be another company. When
that company disappear (bankruptcy/merger), the game script still uses that
company and it keeps calling functions as if it is that company.

For example, ScriptEngine::IsBuildable internally dereferences Company without
checks, causing a null dereference for any ScriptEngine function when called
from a company scope of a company that has disappeared.

Guard against this by extending the ScriptCompanyScope::IsValid check to also
check for the company still being active.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file script_text.cpp Implementation of ScriptText. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../string_func.h"
#include "../../strings_func.h"
#include "../../game/game_text.hpp"
#include "script_text.hpp"
#include "../script_fatalerror.hpp"
#include "../../table/control_codes.h"

#include "table/strings.h"

#include "../../safeguards.h"

RawText::RawText(const char *text) : text(text)

ScriptText::ScriptText(HSQUIRRELVM vm) :
	int nparam = sq_gettop(vm) - 1;
	if (nparam < 1) {
		throw sq_throwerror(vm, "You need to pass at least a StringID to the constructor");

	/* First resolve the StringID. */
	SQInteger sqstring;
	if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, 2, &sqstring))) {
		throw sq_throwerror(vm, "First argument must be a valid StringID");
	this->string = sqstring;

	/* The rest of the parameters must be arguments. */
	for (int i = 0; i < nparam - 1; i++) {
		/* Push the parameter to the top of the stack. */
		sq_push(vm, i + 3);

		if (SQ_FAILED(this->_SetParam(i, vm))) {
			throw sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid parameter");

		/* Pop the parameter again. */
		sq_pop(vm, 1);

SQInteger ScriptText::_SetParam(int parameter, HSQUIRRELVM vm)
	if (parameter >= SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_PARAMETERS) return SQ_ERROR;

	switch (sq_gettype(vm, -1)) {
		case OT_STRING: {
			const SQChar *value;
			sq_getstring(vm, -1, &value);

			this->param[parameter] = StrMakeValid(value);

		case OT_INTEGER: {
			SQInteger value;
			sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &value);

			this->param[parameter] = value;

		case OT_INSTANCE: {
			SQUserPointer real_instance = nullptr;
			HSQOBJECT instance;

			sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &instance);

			/* Validate if it is a GSText instance */
			sq_pushstring(vm, "GSText", -1);
			sq_get(vm, -2);
			sq_pushobject(vm, instance);
			if (sq_instanceof(vm) != SQTrue) return SQ_ERROR;
			sq_pop(vm, 3);

			/* Get the 'real' instance of this class */
			sq_getinstanceup(vm, -1, &real_instance, nullptr);
			if (real_instance == nullptr) return SQ_ERROR;

			ScriptText *value = static_cast<ScriptText *>(real_instance);
			this->param[parameter] = ScriptTextRef(value);

		default: return SQ_ERROR;

	if (this->paramc <= parameter) this->paramc = parameter + 1;
	return 0;

SQInteger ScriptText::SetParam(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
	if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) != OT_INTEGER) return SQ_ERROR;

	SQInteger k;
	sq_getinteger(vm, 2, &k);

	if (k < 1) return SQ_ERROR;

	return this->_SetParam(k, vm);

SQInteger ScriptText::AddParam(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
	SQInteger res;
	res = this->_SetParam(this->paramc, vm);
	if (res != 0) return res;

	/* Push our own instance back on top of the stack */
	sq_push(vm, 1);
	return 1;

SQInteger ScriptText::_set(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
	int32 k;

	if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) == OT_STRING) {
		const SQChar *key_string;
		sq_getstring(vm, 2, &key_string);
		StrMakeValidInPlace(const_cast<char *>(key_string));

		if (strncmp(key_string, "param_", 6) != 0 || strlen(key_string) > 8) return SQ_ERROR;
		k = atoi(key_string + 6);
	} else if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) == OT_INTEGER) {
		SQInteger key;
		sq_getinteger(vm, 2, &key);
		k = (int32)key;
	} else {
		return SQ_ERROR;

	if (k < 1) return SQ_ERROR;

	return this->_SetParam(k, vm);

const std::string ScriptText::GetEncodedText()
	static char buf[1024];
	static StringIDList seen_ids;
	int param_count = 0;
	this->_GetEncodedText(buf, lastof(buf), param_count, seen_ids);
	if (param_count > SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_PARAMETERS) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Too many parameters", GetGameStringName(this->string)));
	return buf;

char *ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(char *p, char *lastofp, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids)
	const std::string &name = GetGameStringName(this->string);

	if (std::find(seen_ids.begin(), seen_ids.end(), this->string) != seen_ids.end()) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Circular reference detected", name));

	p += Utf8Encode(p, SCC_ENCODED);
	p += seprintf(p, lastofp, "%X", this->string);

	const StringParams &params = GetGameStringParams(this->string);
	int cur_idx = 0;

	for (const StringParam &cur_param : params) {
		if (cur_idx >= this->paramc) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Not enough parameters", name));

		switch (cur_param.type) {
			case StringParam::RAW_STRING:
				if (!std::holds_alternative<std::string>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects a raw string", name, cur_idx));
				p += seprintf(p, lastofp, ":\"%s\"", std::get<std::string>(this->param[cur_idx++]).c_str());

			case StringParam::STRING: {
				if (!std::holds_alternative<ScriptTextRef>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects a substring", name, cur_idx));
				int count = 1; // 1 because the string id is included in consumed parameters
				p += seprintf(p, lastofp, ":");
				p = std::get<ScriptTextRef>(this->param[cur_idx++])->_GetEncodedText(p, lastofp, count, seen_ids);
				if (count != cur_param.consumes) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} substring consumes {}, but expected {} to be consumed", name, cur_idx, count - 1, cur_param.consumes - 1));

				if (cur_idx + cur_param.consumes > this->paramc) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Not enough parameters", name));
				for (int i = 0; i < cur_param.consumes; i++) {
					if (!std::holds_alternative<SQInteger>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects an integer", name, cur_idx));
					p += seprintf(p, lastofp,":" OTTD_PRINTFHEX64, std::get<SQInteger>(this->param[cur_idx++]));

		param_count += cur_param.consumes;


	return p;

const std::string Text::GetDecodedText()
	const std::string &encoded_text = this->GetEncodedText();

	static char buf[1024];
	::SetDParamStr(0, encoded_text);
	::GetString(buf, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, lastof(buf));
	return buf;