Files @ r5376:226f4edfd4b1
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/thread.h

(svn r7561) -Fix (FS#431): core and (patches) GUI were not in-sync with respect to autorenew settings. This is only a temporary fix, as the definite fix needs to move the autorenew settings to a per-company settings window.
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef THREAD_H
#define THREAD_H

typedef struct OTTDThread OTTDThread;

typedef void* (*OTTDThreadFunc)(void*);

OTTDThread* OTTDCreateThread(OTTDThreadFunc, void*);
void*       OTTDJoinThread(OTTDThread*);
void        OTTDExitThread(void);

#endif /* THREAD_H */