Files @ r12648:24c912bd53f6
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/subsidy_base.h

(svn r17113) -Change [FS#265][FS#2094][FS#2589]: apply the subsidy when subsidy's destination is in station's catchment area and cargo packets originate from subsidy's source
-Change [FS#1134]: subsidies aren't bound to stations after awarding anymore, they still apply to town or industry, no matter what station is used for loading and unloading. Awarded subsidies from older savegames are lost
-Change [NoAI]: due to these changes, AISubsidy::GetSource and AISubsidy::GetDestination now return STATION_INVALID for awarded subsidies
/* $Id$ */

/** @file subsidy_base.h Subsidy base class. */


#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"
#include "subsidy_type.h"

/** Struct about subsidies, offered and awarded */
struct Subsidy {
	CargoID cargo_type;      ///< Cargo type involved in this subsidy, CT_INVALID for invalid subsidy
	byte remaining;          ///< Remaining months when this subsidy is valid
	CompanyByte awarded;     ///< Subsidy is awarded to this company; INVALID_COMPANY if it's not awarded to anyone
	SourceTypeByte src_type; ///< Source of subsidised path (ST_INDUSTRY or ST_TOWN)
	SourceTypeByte dst_type; ///< Destination of subsidised path (ST_INDUSTRY or ST_TOWN)
	SourceID src;            ///< Index of source. Either TownID or IndustryID
	SourceID dst;            ///< Index of destination. Either TownID or IndustryID

	 * Tests whether this subsidy has been awarded to someone
	 * @return is this subsidy awarded?
	FORCEINLINE bool IsAwarded() const
		return this->awarded != INVALID_COMPANY;

	void AwardTo(CompanyID company);

	 * Determines index of this subsidy
	 * @return index (in the Subsidy::array array)
	FORCEINLINE SubsidyID Index() const
		return this - Subsidy::array;

	 * Tests for validity of this subsidy
	 * @return is this subsidy valid?
	FORCEINLINE bool IsValid() const
		return this->cargo_type != CT_INVALID;

	static Subsidy array[MAX_COMPANIES]; ///< Array holding all subsidies

	 * Total number of subsidies, both valid and invalid
	 * @return length of Subsidy::array
	static FORCEINLINE size_t GetArraySize()
		return lengthof(Subsidy::array);

	 * Tests whether given index is an index of valid subsidy
	 * @param index index to check
	 * @return can this index be used to access a valid subsidy?
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
		return index < Subsidy::GetArraySize() && Subsidy::Get(index)->IsValid();

	 * Returns pointer to subsidy with given index
	 * @param index index of subsidy
	 * @return pointer to subsidy with given index
	static FORCEINLINE Subsidy *Get(size_t index)
		assert(index < Subsidy::GetArraySize());
		return &Subsidy::array[index];

	static Subsidy *AllocateItem();
	static void Clean();

#define FOR_ALL_SUBSIDIES_FROM(var, start) for (size_t subsidy_index = start; var = NULL, subsidy_index < Subsidy::GetArraySize(); subsidy_index++) \
		if ((var = Subsidy::Get(subsidy_index))->IsValid())

#endif /* SUBSIDY_BASE_H */