Files @ r5944:2c68b22d94bf
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/engine.h

(svn r8610) -Codechange/Feature: rewrote the list handling in the autoreplace window
-The user will notice the following changes:
All vehicle types behaves in the same way
Adding/removing an engine (new design and so on) can no longer result in the window selecting a new engine
All valid replacements will be displayed since it looks at refitting options as well (this solves the missing ships with the newships GRF)
Since you can't replace an engine into itself, the engine selected in the left list will no longer appear in the right list

-The code changes:
Instead of looping all engines all the time, each list generates a list like the build windows
This ensures consistent list generation since only one function can loop all engines
Unified code for all vehicle types
It now use the lists to call the drawing code in the build vehicle window
Works on selected EngineIDs instead of selected index in the list
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef ENGINE_H
#define ENGINE_H

/** @file engine.h */

#include "oldpool.h"
#include "rail.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "vehicle.h"

enum RailVehicleTypes {

typedef struct RailVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	RailVehicleTypes railveh_type;
	byte base_cost;
	RailTypeByte railtype;
	uint16 max_speed;
	uint16 power;
	uint16 weight;
	byte running_cost_base;
	byte running_cost_class;
	byte engclass; // 0: steam, 1: diesel, 2: electric
	byte capacity;
	CargoID cargo_type;
	byte ai_rank;
	uint16 pow_wag_power;
	byte pow_wag_weight;
	byte visual_effect; // NOTE: this is not 100% implemented yet, at the moment it is only used as a 'fallback' value
	                    //       for when the 'powered wagon' callback fails. But it should really also determine what
	                    //       kind of visual effect to generate for a vehicle (default, steam, diesel, electric).
	                    //       Same goes for the callback result, which atm is only used to check if a wagon is powered.
	byte shorten_factor; // length on main map for this type is 8 - shorten_factor
	byte tractive_effort; ///< Tractive effort coefficient
	byte user_def_data; ///! Property 0x25: "User-defined bit mask" Used only for (very few) NewGRF vehicles
} RailVehicleInfo;

typedef struct ShipVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	byte base_cost;
	uint16 max_speed;
	CargoID cargo_type;
	uint16 capacity;
	byte running_cost;
	SoundFxByte sfx;
	bool refittable;
} ShipVehicleInfo;

/* AircraftVehicleInfo subtypes, bitmask type.
 * If bit 0 is 0 then it is a helicopter, otherwise it is a plane
 * in which case bit 1 tells us whether it's a big(fast) plane or not */
enum {
	AIR_HELI = 0,
	AIR_CTOL = 1, // Conventional Take Off and Landing, i.e. planes

typedef struct AircraftVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	byte base_cost;
	byte running_cost;
	byte subtype;
	SoundFxByte sfx;
	byte acceleration;
	byte max_speed;
	byte mail_capacity;
	uint16 passenger_capacity;
} AircraftVehicleInfo;

typedef struct RoadVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	byte base_cost;
	byte running_cost;
	SoundFxByte sfx;
	byte max_speed;
	byte capacity;
	CargoID cargo_type;
} RoadVehicleInfo;

/** Information about a vehicle
 *  @see table/engines.h
typedef struct EngineInfo {
	Date base_intro;
	Year lifelength;
	Year base_life;
	byte unk2;         ///< Carriages have the highest bit set in this one
	byte load_amount;
	byte climates;
	uint32 refit_mask;
	byte refit_cost;
	byte misc_flags;
	byte callbackmask;
} EngineInfo;

typedef struct Engine {
	Date intro_date;
	Date age;
	uint16 reliability;
	uint16 reliability_spd_dec;
	uint16 reliability_start, reliability_max, reliability_final;
	uint16 duration_phase_1, duration_phase_2, duration_phase_3;
	byte lifelength;
	byte flags;
	PlayerByte preview_player;
	byte preview_wait;
	byte player_avail;
	byte type; // type, ie VEH_Road, VEH_Train, etc. Same as in vehicle.h
} Engine;

 * EngineInfo.misc_flags is a bitmask, with the following values
enum {
	EF_RAIL_TILTS = 0, ///< Rail vehicle tilts in curves (unsupported)
	EF_ROAD_TRAM  = 0, ///< Road vehicle is a tram/light rail vehicle (unsup)
	EF_USES_2CC   = 1, ///< Vehicle uses two company colours
	EF_RAIL_IS_MU = 2, ///< Rail vehicle is a multiple-unit (DMU/EMU)

enum {

static const EngineID INVALID_ENGINE = 0xFFFF;

void AddTypeToEngines(void);
void StartupEngines(void);

void DrawTrainEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal);
void DrawRoadVehEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal);
void DrawShipEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal);
void DrawAircraftEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal);

void LoadCustomEngineNames(void);
void DeleteCustomEngineNames(void);

bool IsEngineBuildable(EngineID engine, byte type, PlayerID player);

enum {
	NUM_ROAD_ENGINES        = 88,
	NUM_SHIP_ENGINES        = 11,

static inline EngineID GetFirstEngineOfType(byte type)

	return start[VehTypeToIndex(type)];

static inline EngineID GetLastEngineOfType(byte type)
	const EngineID end[] = {

	return end[VehTypeToIndex(type)];

#define FOR_ALL_ENGINES(e) for (e = _engines; e != endof(_engines); e++)
#define FOR_ALL_ENGINEIDS_OF_TYPE(e, type) for (e = GetFirstEngineOfType(type); e != GetLastEngineOfType(type); e++)

static inline Engine* GetEngine(EngineID i)
	assert(i < lengthof(_engines));
	return &_engines[i];

VARDEF StringID _engine_name_strings[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES];

static inline bool IsEngineIndex(uint index)
	return index < TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES;

/* Access Vehicle Data */
//#include "table/engines.h"
extern const EngineInfo orig_engine_info[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES];
extern const RailVehicleInfo orig_rail_vehicle_info[NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES];
extern const ShipVehicleInfo orig_ship_vehicle_info[NUM_SHIP_ENGINES];
extern const AircraftVehicleInfo orig_aircraft_vehicle_info[NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES];
extern const RoadVehicleInfo orig_road_vehicle_info[NUM_ROAD_ENGINES];

extern EngineInfo _engine_info[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES];
extern RailVehicleInfo _rail_vehicle_info[NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES];
extern ShipVehicleInfo _ship_vehicle_info[NUM_SHIP_ENGINES];
extern AircraftVehicleInfo _aircraft_vehicle_info[NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES];
extern RoadVehicleInfo _road_vehicle_info[NUM_ROAD_ENGINES];

static inline const EngineInfo *EngInfo(EngineID e)
	assert(e < lengthof(_engine_info));
	return &_engine_info[e];

static inline const RailVehicleInfo* RailVehInfo(EngineID e)
	assert(e < lengthof(_rail_vehicle_info));
	return &_rail_vehicle_info[e];

static inline const ShipVehicleInfo* ShipVehInfo(EngineID e)
	assert(e >= SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX && e < SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_ship_vehicle_info));
	return &_ship_vehicle_info[e - SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX];

static inline const AircraftVehicleInfo* AircraftVehInfo(EngineID e)
	assert(e >= AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX && e < AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_aircraft_vehicle_info));
	return &_aircraft_vehicle_info[e - AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX];

static inline const RoadVehicleInfo* RoadVehInfo(EngineID e)
	assert(e >= ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX && e < ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_road_vehicle_info));
	return &_road_vehicle_info[e - ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX];

 * Engine Replacement stuff

 * Struct to store engine replacements. DO NOT USE outside of engine.c. Is
 * placed here so the only exception to this rule, the saveload code, can use
 * it.
struct EngineRenew {
	EngineRenewID index;
	EngineID from;
	EngineID to;
	struct EngineRenew *next;

typedef struct EngineRenew EngineRenew;

 * Memory pool for engine renew elements. DO NOT USE outside of engine.c. Is
 * placed here so the only exception to this rule, the saveload code, can use
 * it.
DECLARE_OLD_POOL(EngineRenew, EngineRenew, 3, 8000)

 * Check if a EngineRenew really exists.
static inline bool IsValidEngineRenew(const EngineRenew *er)
	return er->from != INVALID_ENGINE;

static inline void DeleteEngineRenew(EngineRenew *er)
	er->from = INVALID_ENGINE;

#define FOR_ALL_ENGINE_RENEWS_FROM(er, start) for (er = GetEngineRenew(start); er != NULL; er = (er->index + 1U < GetEngineRenewPoolSize()) ? GetEngineRenew(er->index + 1U) : NULL) if (er->from != INVALID_ENGINE) if (IsValidEngineRenew(er))

 * A list to group EngineRenew directives together (such as per-player).
typedef EngineRenew* EngineRenewList;

 * Remove all engine replacement settings for the player.
 * @param  er The renewlist for a given player.
 * @return The new renewlist for the player.
void RemoveAllEngineReplacement(EngineRenewList* erl);

 * Retrieve the engine replacement in a given renewlist for an original engine type.
 * @param  erl The renewlist to search in.
 * @param  engine Engine type to be replaced.
 * @return The engine type to replace with, or INVALID_ENGINE if no
 * replacement is in the list.
EngineID EngineReplacement(EngineRenewList erl, EngineID engine);

 * Add an engine replacement to the given renewlist.
 * @param erl The renewlist to add to.
 * @param old_engine The original engine type.
 * @param new_engine The replacement engine type.
 * @param flags The calling command flags.
 * @return 0 on success, CMD_ERROR on failure.
int32 AddEngineReplacement(EngineRenewList* erl, EngineID old_engine, EngineID new_engine, uint32 flags);

 * Remove an engine replacement from a given renewlist.
 * @param erl The renewlist from which to remove the replacement
 * @param engine The original engine type.
 * @param flags The calling command flags.
 * @return 0 on success, CMD_ERROR on failure.
int32 RemoveEngineReplacement(EngineRenewList* erl, EngineID engine, uint32 flags);

/** When an engine is made buildable or is removed from being buildable, add/remove it from the build/autoreplace lists
 * @param type The type of engine
void AddRemoveEngineFromAutoreplaceAndBuildWindows(byte type);

/* Engine list manipulators - current implementation is only C wrapper of CBlobT<EngineID> class (helpers.cpp) */
void EngList_Create(EngineList *el);            ///< Creates engine list
void EngList_Destroy(EngineList *el);           ///< Deallocate and destroy engine list
uint EngList_Count(const EngineList *el);       ///< Returns number of items in the engine list
void EngList_Add(EngineList *el, EngineID eid); ///< Append one item at the end of engine list
EngineID* EngList_Items(EngineList *el);        ///< Returns engine list items as C array
void EngList_RemoveAll(EngineList *el);         ///< Removes all items from engine list
typedef int CDECL EngList_SortTypeFunction(const void*, const void*); ///< argument type for EngList_Sort()
void EngList_Sort(EngineList *el, EngList_SortTypeFunction compare); ///< qsort of the engine list
void EngList_SortPartial(EngineList *el, EngList_SortTypeFunction compare, uint begin, uint num_items); ///< qsort of specified portion of the engine list

#endif /* ENGINE_H */