Files @ r23483:3733e6b8ff17
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/network/core/tcp_content.h

Patric Stout
Remove: ENABLE_NETWORK switch

This switch has been a pain for years. Often disabling broke
compilation, as no developer compiles OpenTTD without, neither do
any of our official binaries.

Additionaly, it has grown so hugely in our codebase, that it
clearly shows that the current solution was a poor one. 350+
instances of "#ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK" were in the code, of which
only ~30 in the networking code itself. The rest were all around
the code to do the right thing, from GUI to NewGRF.

A more proper solution would be to stub all the functions, and
make sure the rest of the code can simply assume network is
available. This was also partially done, and most variables were
correct if networking was disabled. Despite that, often the #ifdefs
were still used.

With the recent removal of DOS, there is also no platform anymore
which we support where networking isn't working out-of-the-box.

All in all, it is time to remove the ENABLE_NETWORK switch. No
replacement is planned, but if you feel we really need this option,
we welcome any Pull Request which implements this in a way that
doesn't crawl through the code like this diff shows we used to.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file tcp_content.h Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the content server.


#include "os_abstraction.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "../../debug.h"

/** The values in the enum are important; they are used as database 'keys' */
enum ContentType {
	CONTENT_TYPE_BEGIN         = 1, ///< Helper to mark the begin of the types
	CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_GRAPHICS = 1, ///< The content consists of base graphics
	CONTENT_TYPE_NEWGRF        = 2, ///< The content consists of a NewGRF
	CONTENT_TYPE_AI            = 3, ///< The content consists of an AI
	CONTENT_TYPE_AI_LIBRARY    = 4, ///< The content consists of an AI library
	CONTENT_TYPE_SCENARIO      = 5, ///< The content consists of a scenario
	CONTENT_TYPE_HEIGHTMAP     = 6, ///< The content consists of a heightmap
	CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_SOUNDS   = 7, ///< The content consists of base sounds
	CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_MUSIC    = 8, ///< The content consists of base music
	CONTENT_TYPE_GAME          = 9, ///< The content consists of a game script
	CONTENT_TYPE_GAME_LIBRARY  = 10, ///< The content consists of a GS library
	CONTENT_TYPE_END,               ///< Helper to mark the end of the types

/** Enum with all types of TCP content packets. The order MUST not be changed **/
enum PacketContentType {
	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_LIST,      ///< Queries the content server for a list of info of a given content type
	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_ID,        ///< Queries the content server for information about a list of internal IDs
	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_EXTID,     ///< Queries the content server for information about a list of external IDs
	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_EXTID_MD5, ///< Queries the content server for information about a list of external IDs and MD5
	PACKET_CONTENT_SERVER_INFO,           ///< Reply of content server with information about content
	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_CONTENT,        ///< Request a content file given an internal ID
	PACKET_CONTENT_SERVER_CONTENT,        ///< Reply with the content of the given ID
	PACKET_CONTENT_END,                   ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)

/** Unique identifier for the content. */
enum ContentID {
	INVALID_CONTENT_ID = UINT32_MAX, ///< Sentinel for invalid content.

/** Container for all important information about a piece of content. */
struct ContentInfo {
	/** The state the content can be in. */
	enum State {
		UNSELECTED,     ///< The content has not been selected
		SELECTED,       ///< The content has been manually selected
		AUTOSELECTED,   ///< The content has been selected as dependency
		ALREADY_HERE,   ///< The content is already at the client side
		DOES_NOT_EXIST, ///< The content does not exist in the content system
		INVALID,        ///< The content's invalid

	ContentType type;        ///< Type of content
	ContentID id;            ///< Unique (server side) ID for the content
	uint32 filesize;         ///< Size of the file
	char filename[48];       ///< Filename (for the .tar.gz; only valid on download)
	char name[32];           ///< Name of the content
	char version[16];        ///< Version of the content
	char url[96];            ///< URL related to the content
	char description[512];   ///< Description of the content
	uint32 unique_id;        ///< Unique ID; either GRF ID or shortname
	byte md5sum[16];         ///< The MD5 checksum
	uint8 dependency_count;  ///< Number of dependencies
	ContentID *dependencies; ///< Malloced array of dependencies (unique server side ids)
	uint8 tag_count;         ///< Number of tags
	char (*tags)[32];        ///< Malloced array of tags (strings)
	State state;             ///< Whether the content info is selected (for download)
	bool upgrade;            ///< This item is an upgrade


	void TransferFrom(ContentInfo *other);

	size_t Size() const;
	bool IsSelected() const;
	bool IsValid() const;
	const char *GetTextfile(TextfileType type) const;
#endif /* OPENTTD_MSU */

/** Base socket handler for all Content TCP sockets */
class NetworkContentSocketHandler : public NetworkTCPSocketHandler {
	NetworkAddress client_addr; ///< The address we're connected to.
	virtual void Close();

	bool ReceiveInvalidPacket(PacketContentType type);

	 * Client requesting a list of content info:
	 *  byte    type
	 *  uint32  openttd version
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_CLIENT_INFO_LIST(Packet *p);

	 * Client requesting a list of content info:
	 *  uint16  count of ids
	 *  uint32  id (count times)
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_CLIENT_INFO_ID(Packet *p);

	 * Client requesting a list of content info based on an external
	 * 'unique' id; GRF ID for NewGRFS, shortname and for base
	 * graphics and AIs.
	 * Scenarios and AI libraries are not supported
	 *  uint8   count of requests
	 *  for each request:
	 *    uint8 type
	 *    unique id (uint32)
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_CLIENT_INFO_EXTID(Packet *p);

	 * Client requesting a list of content info based on an external
	 * 'unique' id; GRF ID + MD5 checksum for NewGRFS, shortname and
	 * xor-ed MD5 checksums for base graphics and AIs.
	 * Scenarios and AI libraries are not supported
	 *  uint8   count of requests
	 *  for each request:
	 *    uint8 type
	 *    unique id (uint32)
	 *    md5 (16 bytes)
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_CLIENT_INFO_EXTID_MD5(Packet *p);

	 * Server sending list of content info:
	 *  byte    type (invalid ID == does not exist)
	 *  uint32  id
	 *  uint32  file_size
	 *  string  name (max 32 characters)
	 *  string  version (max 16 characters)
	 *  uint32  unique id
	 *  uint8   md5sum (16 bytes)
	 *  uint8   dependency count
	 *  uint32  unique id of dependency (dependency count times)
	 *  uint8   tag count
	 *  string  tag (max 32 characters for tag count times)
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_SERVER_INFO(Packet *p);

	 * Client requesting the actual content:
	 *  uint16  count of unique ids
	 *  uint32  unique id (count times)
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_CLIENT_CONTENT(Packet *p);

	 * Server sending list of content info:
	 *  uint32  unique id
	 *  uint32  file size (0 == does not exist)
	 *  string  file name (max 48 characters)
	 * After this initial packet, packets with the actual data are send using
	 * the same packet type.
	 * @param p The packet that was just received.
	 * @return True upon success, otherwise false.
	virtual bool Receive_SERVER_CONTENT(Packet *p);

	bool HandlePacket(Packet *p);
	 * Create a new cs socket handler for a given cs
	 * @param s  the socket we are connected with
	 * @param address IP etc. of the client
	NetworkContentSocketHandler(SOCKET s = INVALID_SOCKET, const NetworkAddress &address = NetworkAddress()) :

	/** On destructing of this class, the socket needs to be closed */
	virtual ~NetworkContentSocketHandler() { this->Close(); }

	bool ReceivePackets();

Subdirectory GetContentInfoSubDir(ContentType type);
#endif /* OPENTTD_MSU */