Files @ r23483:3733e6b8ff17
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/script/api/script_list.hpp

Patric Stout
Remove: ENABLE_NETWORK switch

This switch has been a pain for years. Often disabling broke
compilation, as no developer compiles OpenTTD without, neither do
any of our official binaries.

Additionaly, it has grown so hugely in our codebase, that it
clearly shows that the current solution was a poor one. 350+
instances of "#ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK" were in the code, of which
only ~30 in the networking code itself. The rest were all around
the code to do the right thing, from GUI to NewGRF.

A more proper solution would be to stub all the functions, and
make sure the rest of the code can simply assume network is
available. This was also partially done, and most variables were
correct if networking was disabled. Despite that, often the #ifdefs
were still used.

With the recent removal of DOS, there is also no platform anymore
which we support where networking isn't working out-of-the-box.

All in all, it is time to remove the ENABLE_NETWORK switch. No
replacement is planned, but if you feel we really need this option,
we welcome any Pull Request which implements this in a way that
doesn't crawl through the code like this diff shows we used to.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file script_list.hpp A list which can keep item/value pairs, which you can walk. */
/** @defgroup ScriptList Classes that create a list of items. */


#include "script_object.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <set>

class ScriptListSorter;

 * Class that creates a list which can keep item/value pairs, which you can walk.
 * @api ai game
class ScriptList : public ScriptObject {
	/** Type of sorter */
	enum SorterType {
		SORT_BY_VALUE, ///< Sort the list based on the value of the item.
		SORT_BY_ITEM,  ///< Sort the list based on the item itself.

	/** Sort ascending */
	static const bool SORT_ASCENDING = true;
	/** Sort descending */
	static const bool SORT_DESCENDING = false;

	ScriptListSorter *sorter;     ///< Sorting algorithm
	SorterType sorter_type;       ///< Sorting type
	bool sort_ascending;          ///< Whether to sort ascending or descending
	bool initialized;             ///< Whether an iteration has been started
	int modifications;            ///< Number of modification that has been done. To prevent changing data while valuating.

	typedef std::set<int64> ScriptItemList;                   ///< The list of items inside the bucket
	typedef std::map<int64, ScriptItemList> ScriptListBucket; ///< The bucket list per value
	typedef std::map<int64, int64> ScriptListMap;             ///< List per item

	ScriptListMap items;           ///< The items in the list
	ScriptListBucket buckets;      ///< The items in the list, sorted by value


	 * Add a single item to the list.
	 * @param item the item to add. Should be unique, otherwise it is ignored.
	 * @param value the value to assign.
	void AddItem(int64 item, int64 value);
	void AddItem(int64 item, int64 value = 0);
#endif /* DOXYGEN_API */

	 * Remove a single item from the list.
	 * @param item the item to remove. If not existing, it is ignored.
	void RemoveItem(int64 item);

	 * Clear the list, making Count() returning 0 and IsEmpty() returning true.
	void Clear();

	 * Check if an item is in the list.
	 * @param item the item to check for.
	 * @return true if the item is in the list.
	bool HasItem(int64 item);

	 * Go to the beginning of the list and return the item. To get the value use list.GetValue(list.Begin()).
	 * @return the first item.
	 * @note returns 0 if beyond end-of-list. Use IsEnd() to check for end-of-list.
	int64 Begin();

	 * Go to the next item in the list and return the item. To get the value use list.GetValue(list.Next()).
	 * @return the next item.
	 * @note returns 0 if beyond end-of-list. Use IsEnd() to check for end-of-list.
	int64 Next();

	 * Check if a list is empty.
	 * @return true if the list is empty.
	bool IsEmpty();

	 * Check if there is a element left. In other words, if this is false,
	 * the last call to Begin() or Next() returned a valid item.
	 * @return true if the current item is beyond end-of-list.
	bool IsEnd();

	 * Returns the amount of items in the list.
	 * @return amount of items in the list.
	int32 Count();

	 * Get the value that belongs to this item.
	 * @param item the item to get the value from
	 * @return the value that belongs to this item.
	int64 GetValue(int64 item);

	 * Set a value of an item directly.
	 * @param item the item to set the value for.
	 * @param value the value to give to the item
	 * @return true if we could set the item to value, false otherwise.
	 * @note Changing values of items while looping through a list might cause
	 *  entries to be skipped. Be very careful with such operations.
	bool SetValue(int64 item, int64 value);

	 * Sort this list by the given sorter and direction.
	 * @param sorter    the type of sorter to use
	 * @param ascending if true, lowest value is on top, else at bottom.
	 * @note the current item stays at the same place.
	void Sort(SorterType sorter, bool ascending);

	 * Add one list to another one.
	 * @param list The list that will be added to the caller.
	 * @post The list to be added ('list') stays unmodified.
	 * @note All added items keep their value as it was in 'list'.
	 * @note If the item already exists inside the caller, the value of the
	 *  list that is added is set on the item.
	void AddList(ScriptList *list);

	 * Swap the contents of two lists.
	 * @param list The list that will be swapped with.
	void SwapList(ScriptList *list);

	 * Removes all items with a higher value than 'value'.
	 * @param value the value above which all items are removed.
	void RemoveAboveValue(int64 value);

	 * Removes all items with a lower value than 'value'.
	 * @param value the value below which all items are removed.
	void RemoveBelowValue(int64 value);

	 * Removes all items with a value above start and below end.
	 * @param start the lower bound of the to be removed values (exclusive).
	 * @param end   the upper bound of the to be removed values (exclusive).
	void RemoveBetweenValue(int64 start, int64 end);

	 * Remove all items with this value.
	 * @param value the value to remove.
	void RemoveValue(int64 value);

	 * Remove the first count items.
	 * @param count the amount of items to remove.
	void RemoveTop(int32 count);

	 * Remove the last count items.
	 * @param count the amount of items to remove.
	void RemoveBottom(int32 count);

	 * Remove everything that is in the given list from this list (same item index that is).
	 * @param list the list of items to remove.
	 * @pre list != NULL
	void RemoveList(ScriptList *list);

	 * Keep all items with a higher value than 'value'.
	 * @param value the value above which all items are kept.
	void KeepAboveValue(int64 value);

	 * Keep all items with a lower value than 'value'.
	 * @param value the value below which all items are kept.
	void KeepBelowValue(int64 value);

	 * Keep all items with a value above start and below end.
	 * @param start the lower bound of the to be kept values (exclusive).
	 * @param end   the upper bound of the to be kept values (exclusive).
	void KeepBetweenValue(int64 start, int64 end);

	 * Keep all items with this value.
	 * @param value the value to keep.
	void KeepValue(int64 value);

	 * Keep the first count items, i.e. remove everything except the first count items.
	 * @param count the amount of items to keep.
	void KeepTop(int32 count);

	 * Keep the last count items, i.e. remove everything except the last count items.
	 * @param count the amount of items to keep.
	void KeepBottom(int32 count);

	 * Keeps everything that is in the given list from this list (same item index that is).
	 * @param list the list of items to keep.
	 * @pre list != NULL
	void KeepList(ScriptList *list);

	 * Used for 'foreach()' and [] get from Squirrel.
	SQInteger _get(HSQUIRRELVM vm);

	 * Used for [] set from Squirrel.
	SQInteger _set(HSQUIRRELVM vm);

	 * Used for 'foreach()' from Squirrel.
	SQInteger _nexti(HSQUIRRELVM vm);

	 * The Valuate() wrapper from Squirrel.
	SQInteger Valuate(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
	 * Give all items a value defined by the valuator you give.
	 * @param valuator_function The function which will be doing the valuation.
	 * @param params The params to give to the valuators (minus the first param,
	 *  which is always the index-value we are valuating).
	 * @note You may not add, remove or change (setting the value of) items while
	 *  valuating. You may also not (re)sort while valuating.
	 * @note You can write your own valuators and use them. Just remember that
	 *  the first parameter should be the index-value, and it should return
	 *  an integer.
	 * @note Example:
	 *  list.Valuate(ScriptBridge.GetPrice, 5);
	 *  list.Valuate(ScriptBridge.GetMaxLength);
	 *  function MyVal(bridge_id, myparam)
	 *  {
	 *    return myparam * bridge_id; // This is silly
	 *  }
	 *  list.Valuate(MyVal, 12);
	void Valuate(void *valuator_function, int params, ...);
#endif /* DOXYGEN_API */

#endif /* SCRIPT_LIST_HPP */