Files @ r28510:44c3f063764d
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/gfx_layout.h

Peter Nelson
Codechange: Return vector references instead of pointer to first item.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file gfx_layout.h Functions related to laying out the texts. */

#ifndef GFX_LAYOUT_H
#define GFX_LAYOUT_H

#include "fontcache.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "core/math_func.hpp"

#include <stack>
#include <string_view>

 * Text drawing parameters, which can change while drawing a line, but are kept between multiple parts
 * of the same text, e.g. on line breaks.
struct FontState {
	FontSize fontsize;       ///< Current font size.
	TextColour cur_colour;   ///< Current text colour.

	std::stack<TextColour, std::vector<TextColour>> colour_stack; ///< Stack of colours to assist with colour switching.

	FontState() : fontsize(FS_END), cur_colour(TC_INVALID) {}
	FontState(TextColour colour, FontSize fontsize) : fontsize(fontsize), cur_colour(colour) {}

	 * Switch to new colour \a c.
	 * @param c New colour to use.
	inline void SetColour(TextColour c)
		assert((c & TC_COLOUR_MASK) >= TC_BLUE && (c & TC_COLOUR_MASK) <= TC_BLACK);
		assert((c & (TC_COLOUR_MASK | TC_FLAGS_MASK)) == c);
		if ((this->cur_colour & TC_FORCED) == 0) this->cur_colour = c;

	 * Switch to and pop the last saved colour on the stack.
	inline void PopColour()
		if (colour_stack.empty()) return;

	 * Push the current colour on to the stack.
	inline void PushColour()

	 * Switch to using a new font \a f.
	 * @param f New font to use.
	inline void SetFontSize(FontSize f)
		this->fontsize = f;

 * Container with information about a font.
class Font {
	FontCache *fc;     ///< The font we are using.
	TextColour colour; ///< The colour this font has to be.

	Font(FontSize size, TextColour colour);

/** Mapping from index to font. The pointer is owned by FontColourMap. */
using FontMap = std::map<int, Font *>;

 * Interface to glue fallback and normal layouter into one.
class ParagraphLayouter {
	virtual ~ParagraphLayouter() = default;

	/** Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font. */
	class VisualRun {
		virtual ~VisualRun() = default;
		virtual const Font *GetFont() const = 0;
		virtual int GetGlyphCount() const = 0;
		virtual const std::vector<GlyphID> &GetGlyphs() const = 0;
		virtual const std::vector<float> &GetPositions() const = 0;
		virtual int GetLeading() const = 0;
		virtual const std::vector<int> &GetGlyphToCharMap() const = 0;

	/** A single line worth of VisualRuns. */
	class Line {
		virtual ~Line() = default;
		virtual int GetLeading() const = 0;
		virtual int GetWidth() const = 0;
		virtual int CountRuns() const = 0;
		virtual const VisualRun &GetVisualRun(int run) const = 0;
		virtual int GetInternalCharLength(char32_t c) const = 0;

	virtual void Reflow() = 0;
	virtual std::unique_ptr<const Line> NextLine(int max_width) = 0;

 * The layouter performs all the layout work.
 * It also accounts for the memory allocations and frees.
class Layouter : public std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const ParagraphLayouter::Line>> {
	std::string_view string; ///< Pointer to the original string.

	/** Key into the linecache */
	struct LineCacheKey {
		FontState state_before;  ///< Font state at the beginning of the line.
		std::string str;         ///< Source string of the line (including colour and font size codes).

	struct LineCacheQuery {
		FontState state_before;  ///< Font state at the beginning of the line.
		std::string_view str;    ///< Source string of the line (including colour and font size codes).

	/** Comparator for std::map */
	struct LineCacheCompare {
		using is_transparent = void; ///< Enable map queries with various key types

		/** Comparison operator for LineCacheKey and LineCacheQuery */
		template<typename Key1, typename Key2>
		bool operator()(const Key1 &lhs, const Key2 &rhs) const
			if (lhs.state_before.fontsize != rhs.state_before.fontsize) return lhs.state_before.fontsize < rhs.state_before.fontsize;
			if (lhs.state_before.cur_colour != rhs.state_before.cur_colour) return lhs.state_before.cur_colour < rhs.state_before.cur_colour;
			if (lhs.state_before.colour_stack != rhs.state_before.colour_stack) return lhs.state_before.colour_stack < rhs.state_before.colour_stack;
			return lhs.str < rhs.str;
	/** Item in the linecache */
	struct LineCacheItem {
		/* Stuff that cannot be freed until the ParagraphLayout is freed */
		void *buffer;              ///< Accessed by our ParagraphLayout::nextLine.
		FontMap runs;              ///< Accessed by our ParagraphLayout::nextLine.

		FontState state_after;     ///< Font state after the line.
		ParagraphLayouter *layout; ///< Layout of the line.

		LineCacheItem() : buffer(nullptr), layout(nullptr) {}
		~LineCacheItem() { delete layout; free(buffer); }
	typedef std::map<LineCacheKey, LineCacheItem, LineCacheCompare> LineCache;
	static LineCache *linecache;

	static LineCacheItem &GetCachedParagraphLayout(std::string_view str, const FontState &state);

	using FontColourMap = std::map<TextColour, std::unique_ptr<Font>>;
	static FontColourMap fonts[FS_END];
	static Font *GetFont(FontSize size, TextColour colour);

	Layouter(std::string_view str, int maxw = INT32_MAX, TextColour colour = TC_FROMSTRING, FontSize fontsize = FS_NORMAL);
	Dimension GetBounds();
	Point GetCharPosition(std::string_view::const_iterator ch) const;
	ptrdiff_t GetCharAtPosition(int x, size_t line_index) const;

	static void ResetFontCache(FontSize size);
	static void ResetLineCache();
	static void ReduceLineCache();

#endif /* GFX_LAYOUT_H */