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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/docs/openttd.6

(svn r17776) -Codechange: [SDL] make "update the video card"-process asynchronious. Profiling with gprof etc. hasn't shown us that DrawSurfaceToScreen takes a significant amount of CPU; only using TIC/TOC it became apparant that it was a heavy CPU-cycle user or that it was waiting for something.
The benefit of making this function asynchronious ranges from 2%-25% (real time) during fast forward on dual core/hyperthreading-enabled CPUs; 8bpp improvements are, in my test cases, significantly smaller than 32bpp improvements.
On single core non-hyperthreading-enabled CPUs the extra locking/scheduling costs up to 1% extra realtime in fast forward. You can use -v sdl:no_threads to disable threading and undo this loss.
During normal non-fast-forwarded games the benefit/costs are negligable except when the gameloop takes more than about 90% of the time of a tick.
Note that allegro's performance does not improve with this system, likely due to their way of getting data to the video card. It is not implemented for the OS X/Windows video backends, unless (ofcourse) SDL is used there.
Funny is that the performance of the 32bpp(-anim) blitter is, at least in some test cases, significantly faster (more than 10%) than the 8bpp(-optimized) blitter when looking at real time in fast forward on a dual core CPU; it was slower.
The idea comes from a paper/report by Idar Borlaug and Knut Imar Hagen.
.\"                                      Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
.Dd Jun 10, 2009
.Nm openttd
.Nd An open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe"
.Op Fl efhx
.Op Fl a Ar ai
.Op Fl b Ar blitter
.Op Fl c Ar config_file
.Op Fl d Ar [level | cat=lvl[,...]]
.Op Fl D Ar [host][:port]
.Op Fl g Ar [savegame]
.Op Fl G Ar seed
.Op Fl i Ar palette
.Op Fl I Ar graphicsset
.Op Fl l Ar host[:port]
.Op Fl m Ar driver
.Op Fl n Ar host[:port][#player]
.Op Fl p Ar password
.Op Fl P Ar password
.Op Fl r Ar widthxheight
.Op Fl s Ar driver
.Op Fl S Ar soundset
.Op Fl t Ar year
.Op Fl v Ar driver
.Bl -tag -width ".Fl n Ar host[:port][#player]"
.It Fl a Ar ai
Set the AI, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl b Ar blitter
Set the blitter, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl c Ar config_file
Use 'config_file' instead of 'openttd.cfg'
.It Fl d Ar [level]
Set debug verbosity for all categories to
.Ar level
or 1 if omitted
.It Fl d Ar cat=level[,...]
Set debug verbosity for a specific category
.It Fl D Ar [host][:port]
Start a dedicated server. Sets network debug level to 6. If you want to change this, use
.Fl d
.Fl D
.It Fl G Ar seed
Seed the pseudo random number generator
.It Fl e
Start in world editor mode
.It Fl f
Fork into background (dedicated server only, see
.Fl D )
.It Fl g Ar [savegame]
.Ar savegame
at start or start a new game if omitted. The
.Ar savegame
must be either absolute or relative to the current path or one of the search paths.
.It Fl h
Display a summary of all options and lists all the available AIs, blitters, sound, music and video drivers, graphics sets and sound sets.
.It Fl i Ar palette
Set the palette. '0' for the DOS palette, '1' for the Windows palette and '2' to autodetect (default).

The palette depends where the base graphics set originated from. If it came from the Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS it has the DOS palette, if it came from the Windows version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe it has the Windows palette. All others likely have the Windows palette as that is the most used palette.
.It Fl I Ar graphicsset
Set the graphics set, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl l Ar host[:port]
Redirect DEBUG(), See
.Fl D
.It Fl m Ar driver
Set the music driver, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl n Ar host[:port][#player]
Join a network game, optionally specify a port to connect to and player to play as
.It Fl p Ar password
Password used to join server. Only useful with
.Fl n
.It Fl P Ar password
Password used to join company. Only useful with
.Fl n
.It Fl r Ar widthxheight
Set the resolution
.It Fl s Ar driver
Set the sound driver, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl S Ar soundset
Set the sound set, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl t Ar year
Set the starting year
.It Fl v Ar driver
Set the video driver, see
.Fl h
for a full list
.It Fl x
Do not automatically save to config file on exit
Transport Tycoon Deluxe was written by Chris Sawyer and published by Microprose.
is a free reimplementation.