Files @ r13257:4c5b8120be59
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/

(svn r17776) -Codechange: [SDL] make "update the video card"-process asynchronious. Profiling with gprof etc. hasn't shown us that DrawSurfaceToScreen takes a significant amount of CPU; only using TIC/TOC it became apparant that it was a heavy CPU-cycle user or that it was waiting for something.
The benefit of making this function asynchronious ranges from 2%-25% (real time) during fast forward on dual core/hyperthreading-enabled CPUs; 8bpp improvements are, in my test cases, significantly smaller than 32bpp improvements.
On single core non-hyperthreading-enabled CPUs the extra locking/scheduling costs up to 1% extra realtime in fast forward. You can use -v sdl:no_threads to disable threading and undo this loss.
During normal non-fast-forwarded games the benefit/costs are negligable except when the gameloop takes more than about 90% of the time of a tick.
Note that allegro's performance does not improve with this system, likely due to their way of getting data to the video card. It is not implemented for the OS X/Windows video backends, unless (ofcourse) SDL is used there.
Funny is that the performance of the 32bpp(-anim) blitter is, at least in some test cases, significantly faster (more than 10%) than the 8bpp(-optimized) blitter when looking at real time in fast forward on a dual core CPU; it was slower.
The idea comes from a paper/report by Idar Borlaug and Knut Imar Hagen.

# $Id$

# This file is part of OpenTTD.
# OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

# Arguments given? Show help text.
if [ "$#" != "0" ]; then
	cat <<EOF
Usage: ./
Finds the current revision and if the code is modified.

    a string describing what version of the code the current checkout is
    based on. The exact format of this string depends on the version
    control system in use, but it tries to identify the revision used as
    close as possible (using the svn revision number or hg/git hash).
    This also includes an indication of whether the checkout was
    modified and which branch was checked out. This value is not
    guaranteed to be sortable, but is mainly meant for identifying the
    revision and user display.

    If no revision identifier could be found, this is left empty.
    the revision number of the svn revision this checkout is based on.
    This can be used to determine which functionality is present in this
    checkout. For trunk svn checkouts and hg/git branches based upon it,
    this number should be accurate. For svn branch checkouts, this
    number is mostly meaningless, at least when comparing with the
    REV_NR from other branches or trunk.

    This number should be sortable. Within a given branch or trunk, a
    higher number means a newer version. However, when using git or hg,
    this number will not increase on new commits.

    If no revision number could be found, this is left empty.
    Whether (the src directory of) this checkout is modified or not. A
    value of 0 means not modified, a value of 2 means it was modified.
    Modification is determined in relation to the commit identified by
    REV, so not in relation to the svn revision identified by REV_NR.

    A value of 1 means that the modified status is unknown, because this
    is not an svn/git/hg checkout for example.

    the same as REV but without branch name

By setting the AWK environment variable, a caller can determine which
version of "awk" is used. If nothing is set, this script defaults to
exit 1;

# Allow awk to be provided by the caller.
if [ -z "$AWK" ]; then

# Find out some dirs
cd `dirname "$0"`

# Determine if we are using a modified version
# Assume the dir is not modified
if [ -d "$ROOT_DIR/.svn" ]; then
	# We are an svn checkout
	if [ -n "`svnversion \"$SRC_DIR\" | grep 'M'`" ]; then
	# Find the revision like: rXXXXM-branch
	BRANCH=`LC_ALL=C svn info "$SRC_DIR" | "$AWK" '/^URL:.*branches/ { split($2, a, "/"); for(i in a) if (a[i]=="branches") { print a[i+1]; break } }'`
	TAG=`LC_ALL=C svn info "$SRC_DIR" | "$AWK" '/^URL:.*tags/ { split($2, a, "/"); for(i in a) if (a[i]=="tags") { print a[i+1]; break } }'`
	REV_NR=`LC_ALL=C svn info "$SRC_DIR" | "$AWK" '/^Last Changed Rev:/ { print $4 }'`
	if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then
elif [ -d "$ROOT_DIR/.git" ]; then
	# We are a git checkout
	if [ -n "`git diff-index HEAD \"$SRC_DIR\"`" ]; then
	HASH=`LC_ALL=C git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null`
	REV="g`echo $HASH | cut -c1-8`"
	BRANCH=`git branch|grep '[*]' | sed 's@\* @@;s@^master$@@'`
	REV_NR=`LC_ALL=C git log --pretty=format:%s "$SRC_DIR" | grep "^(svn r[0-9]*)" | head -n 1 | sed "s@.*(svn r\([0-9]*\)).*@\1@"`
elif [ -d "$ROOT_DIR/.hg" ]; then
	# We are a hg checkout
	if [ -n "`hg status \"$SRC_DIR\" | grep -v '^?'`" ]; then
	HASH=`LC_ALL=C hg parents --template="{node}"`
	REV="h`echo $HASH | cut -c1-8`"
	BRANCH=`hg branch | sed 's@^default$@@'`
	REV_NR=`LC_ALL=C hg log -r $HASH:0 -k "svn" -l 1 --template "{desc}\n" "$SRC_DIR" | grep "^(svn r[0-9]*)" | head -n 1 | sed "s@.*(svn r\([0-9]*\)).*@\1@"`
	# We don't know

if [ "$MODIFIED" -eq "2" ]; then


if [ -n "$BRANCH" ]; then