Files @ r7939:523d421f9d0c
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/helpers.hpp

(svn r11492) -Codechange: [OSX] Split the cocoa video driver into several files. The reason for this is that the fullscreen and windowed mode api are separate from each other in OS X and thus the driver actual is two drivers in one. This split is to make the code more readable and to prepare for replacing the Quickdraw windowed mode code which uses apis deprecated as of OS X 10.5 (and maybe earlier).
/* $Id$ */

/** @file helpers.hpp */


#include "macros.h"

/** When allocating using malloc/calloc in C++ it is usually needed to cast the return value
*  from void* to the proper pointer type. Another alternative would be MallocT<> as follows */
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE T* MallocT(size_t num_elements)
	T *t_ptr = (T*)malloc(num_elements * sizeof(T));
	return t_ptr;
/** When allocating using malloc/calloc in C++ it is usually needed to cast the return value
*  from void* to the proper pointer type. Another alternative would be MallocT<> as follows */
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE T* CallocT(size_t num_elements)
	T *t_ptr = (T*)calloc(num_elements, sizeof(T));
	return t_ptr;
/** When allocating using malloc/calloc in C++ it is usually needed to cast the return value
*  from void* to the proper pointer type. Another alternative would be MallocT<> as follows */
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE T* ReallocT(T* t_ptr, size_t num_elements)
	t_ptr = (T*)realloc(t_ptr, num_elements * sizeof(T));
	return t_ptr;

/** type safe swap operation */
template<typename T> void Swap(T& a, T& b)
	T t = a;
	a = b;
	b = t;

/** Some enums need to have allowed incrementing (i.e. StationClassID) */
	FORCEINLINE type operator ++(type& e, int) \
	{ \
		type e_org = e; \
		e = (type)((int)e + 1); \
		return e_org; \
	} \
	FORCEINLINE type operator --(type& e, int) \
	{ \
		type e_org = e; \
		e = (type)((int)e - 1); \
		return e_org; \

/** Operators to allow to work with enum as with type safe bit set in C++ */
# define DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(mask_t) \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator | (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 | m2);} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator & (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 & m2);} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator ^ (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 ^ m2);} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t& operator |= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 | m2; return m1;} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t& operator &= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 & m2; return m1;} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t& operator ^= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 ^ m2; return m1;} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator ~(mask_t m) {return (mask_t)(~(int)m);}

/** Informative template class exposing basic enumeration properties used by several
 *  other templates below. Here we have only forward declaration. For each enum type
 *  we will create specialization derived from MakeEnumPropsT<>.
 *  i.e.:
 *    template <> struct EnumPropsT<Track> : MakeEnumPropsT<Track, byte, TRACK_BEGIN, TRACK_END, INVALID_TRACK> {};
 *  followed by:
 *    typedef TinyEnumT<Track> TrackByte;
template <typename Tenum_t> struct EnumPropsT;

/** Helper template class that makes basic properties of given enumeration type visible
 *  from outsize. It is used as base class of several EnumPropsT specializations each
 *  dedicated to one of commonly used enumeration types.
 *  @param Tenum_t enumeration type that you want to describe
 *  @param Tstorage_t what storage type would be sufficient (i.e. byte)
 *  @param Tbegin first valid value from the contiguous range (i.e. TRACK_BEGIN)
 *  @param Tend one past the last valid value from the contiguous range (i.e. TRACK_END)
 *  @param Tinvalid value used as invalid value marker (i.e. INVALID_TRACK)
template <typename Tenum_t, typename Tstorage_t, Tenum_t Tbegin, Tenum_t Tend, Tenum_t Tinvalid>
struct MakeEnumPropsT {
	typedef Tenum_t type;                     ///< enum type (i.e. Trackdir)
	typedef Tstorage_t storage;               ///< storage type (i.e. byte)
	static const Tenum_t begin = Tbegin;      ///< lowest valid value (i.e. TRACKDIR_BEGIN)
	static const Tenum_t end = Tend;          ///< one after the last valid value (i.e. TRACKDIR_END)
	static const Tenum_t invalid = Tinvalid;  ///< what value is used as invalid value (i.e. INVALID_TRACKDIR)

/** In some cases we use byte or uint16 to store values that are defined as enum. It is
	*  necessary in order to control the sizeof() such values. Some compilers make enum
	*  the same size as int (4 or 8 bytes instead of 1 or 2). As a consequence the strict
	*  compiler type-checking causes errors like:
	*     'HasPowerOnRail' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'byte' to 'RailType' when
	*  u->u.rail.railtype is passed as argument or type RailType. In such cases it is better
	*  to teach the compiler that u->u.rail.railtype is to be treated as RailType. */
template <typename Tenum_t> struct TinyEnumT;

/** The general declaration of TinyEnumT<> (above) */
template <typename Tenum_t> struct TinyEnumT
	typedef Tenum_t enum_type;                      ///< expose our enumeration type (i.e. Trackdir) to outside
	typedef EnumPropsT<Tenum_t> Props;              ///< make easier access to our enumeration propeties
	typedef typename Props::storage storage_type;   ///< small storage type
	static const enum_type begin = Props::begin;    ///< enum beginning (i.e. TRACKDIR_BEGIN)
	static const enum_type end = Props::end;        ///< enum end (i.e. TRACKDIR_END)
	static const enum_type invalid = Props::invalid;///< invalid value (i.e. INVALID_TRACKDIR)

	storage_type m_val;  ///< here we hold the actual value in small (i.e. byte) form

	/** Cast operator - invoked then the value is assigned to the Tenum_t type */
	FORCEINLINE operator enum_type () const
		return (enum_type)m_val;

	/** Assignment operator (from Tenum_t type) */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT& operator = (enum_type e)
		m_val = (storage_type)e; return *this;

	/** postfix ++ operator on tiny type */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT operator ++ (int)
		TinyEnumT org = *this;
		if (++m_val >= end) m_val -= (storage_type)(end - begin);
		return org;

	/** prefix ++ operator on tiny type */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT& operator ++ ()
		if (++m_val >= end) m_val -= (storage_type)(end - begin);
		return *this;

 * Overflow safe template for integers, i.e. integers that will never overflow
 * you multiply the maximum value with 2, or add 2, or substract somethng from
 * the minimum value, etc.
 * @param T     the type these integers are stored with.
 * @param T_MAX the maximum value for the integers.
 * @param T_MIN the minimum value for the integers.
template <class T, T T_MAX, T T_MIN>
class OverflowSafeInt
	/** The non-overflow safe backend to store the value in. */
	T m_value;
	OverflowSafeInt() : m_value(0) { }

	OverflowSafeInt(const OverflowSafeInt& other) { this->m_value = other.m_value; }
	OverflowSafeInt(const int64 int_)             { this->m_value = int_; }

	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator = (const OverflowSafeInt& other) { this->m_value = other.m_value; return *this; }

	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator - () const { return OverflowSafeInt(-this->m_value); }

	 * Safe implementation of addition.
	 * @param other the amount to add
	 * @note when the addition would yield more than T_MAX (or less than T_MIN),
	 *       it will be T_MAX (respectively T_MIN).
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator += (const OverflowSafeInt& other)
		if ((T_MAX - abs(other.m_value)) < abs(this->m_value) &&
				(this->m_value < 0) == (other.m_value < 0)) {
			this->m_value = (this->m_value < 0) ? T_MIN : T_MAX ;
		} else {
			this->m_value += other.m_value;
		return *this;

	/* Operators for addition and substraction */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const int              other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += (int64)other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const uint             other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += (int64)other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator -= (const OverflowSafeInt& other)       { return *this += (-other); }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const int              other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= (int64)other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const uint             other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= (int64)other; return result; }

	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator ++ () { return *this += 1; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator -- () { return *this += -1; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator ++ (int) { OverflowSafeInt org = *this; *this += 1; return org; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator -- (int) { OverflowSafeInt org = *this; *this += -1; return org; }

	 * Safe implementation of multiplication.
	 * @param factor the factor to multiply this with.
	 * @note when the multiplication would yield more than T_MAX (or less than T_MIN),
	 *       it will be T_MAX (respectively T_MIN).
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator *= (const int factor)
		if (factor != 0 && (T_MAX / abs(factor)) < abs(this->m_value)) {
			 this->m_value = ((this->m_value < 0) == (factor < 0)) ? T_MAX : T_MIN ;
		} else {
			this->m_value *= factor ;
		return *this;

	/* Operators for multiplication */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const int64  factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const int    factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const uint   factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const uint16 factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const byte   factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }

	/* Operators for division */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator /= (const int              divisor)       { this->m_value /= divisor; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const OverflowSafeInt& divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= divisor.m_value; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const int              divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= divisor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const uint             divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= (int)divisor; return result; }

	/* Operators for modulo */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator %= (const int  divisor)       { this->m_value %= divisor; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator %  (const int  divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result %= divisor; return result; }

	/* Operators for shifting */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator <<= (const int shift)       { this->m_value <<= shift; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator <<  (const int shift) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result <<= shift; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator >>= (const int shift)       { this->m_value >>= shift; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator >>  (const int shift) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result >>= shift; return result; }

	/* Operators for (in)equality when comparing overflow safe ints */
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value == other.m_value; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value > other.m_value; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >= (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value >= other.m_value; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this >= other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <= (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this > other); }

	/* Operators for (in)equality when comparing non-overflow safe ints */
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const int other) const { return this->m_value == other; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const int other) const { return !(*this == other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >  (const int other) const { return this->m_value > other; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >= (const int other) const { return this->m_value >= other; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <  (const int other) const { return !(*this >= other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <= (const int other) const { return !(*this > other); }

	FORCEINLINE operator int64 () const { return this->m_value; }

/* Sometimes we got int64 operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

/* Sometimes we got int operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

/* Sometimes we got uint operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

/* Sometimes we got byte operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

#endif /* HELPERS_HPP */