Files @ r7939:523d421f9d0c
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/slope.h

(svn r11492) -Codechange: [OSX] Split the cocoa video driver into several files. The reason for this is that the fullscreen and windowed mode api are separate from each other in OS X and thus the driver actual is two drivers in one. This split is to make the code more readable and to prepare for replacing the Quickdraw windowed mode code which uses apis deprecated as of OS X 10.5 (and maybe earlier).
/* $Id$ */

/** @file slope.h Definitions of a slope.
 * This file defines the enumeration and helper functions for handling
 * the slope info of a tile.

#ifndef SLOPE_H
#define SLOPE_H

 * Enumeration of tile corners
enum Corner {
	CORNER_W = 0,
	CORNER_S = 1,
	CORNER_E = 2,
	CORNER_N = 3,

 * Enumeration for the slope-type.
 * This enumeration use the chars N,E,S,W corresponding the
 * direction north, east, south and west. The top corner of a tile
 * is the north-part of the tile. The whole slope is encoded with
 * 5 bits, 4 bits for each corner and 1 bit for a steep-flag.
 * For halftile slopes an extra 3 bits are used to represent this
 * properly; 1 bit for a halftile-flag and 2 bits to encode which
 * extra side (corner) is leveled when the slope of the first 5
 * bits is applied. This means that there can only be one leveled
 * slope for steep slopes, which is logical because two leveled
 * slopes would mean that it is not a steep slope as halftile
 * slopes only span one height level.
enum Slope {
	SLOPE_FLAT     = 0x00,                                  ///< a flat tile
	SLOPE_W        = 0x01,                                  ///< the west corner of the tile is raised
	SLOPE_S        = 0x02,                                  ///< the south corner of the tile is raised
	SLOPE_E        = 0x04,                                  ///< the east corner of the tile is raised
	SLOPE_N        = 0x08,                                  ///< the north corner of the tile is raised
	SLOPE_STEEP    = 0x10,                                  ///< indicates the slope is steep
	SLOPE_NW       = SLOPE_N | SLOPE_W,                     ///< north and west corner are raised
	SLOPE_SW       = SLOPE_S | SLOPE_W,                     ///< south and west corner are raised
	SLOPE_SE       = SLOPE_S | SLOPE_E,                     ///< south and east corner are raised
	SLOPE_NE       = SLOPE_N | SLOPE_E,                     ///< north and east corner are raised
	SLOPE_EW       = SLOPE_E | SLOPE_W,                     ///< east and west corner are raised
	SLOPE_NS       = SLOPE_N | SLOPE_S,                     ///< north and south corner are raised
	SLOPE_ELEVATED = SLOPE_N | SLOPE_E | SLOPE_S | SLOPE_W, ///< all corner are raised, similar to SLOPE_FLAT
	SLOPE_NWS      = SLOPE_N | SLOPE_W | SLOPE_S,           ///< north, west and south corner are raised
	SLOPE_WSE      = SLOPE_W | SLOPE_S | SLOPE_E,           ///< west, south and east corner are raised
	SLOPE_SEN      = SLOPE_S | SLOPE_E | SLOPE_N,           ///< south, east and north corner are raised
	SLOPE_ENW      = SLOPE_E | SLOPE_N | SLOPE_W,           ///< east, north and west corner are raised
	SLOPE_STEEP_W  = SLOPE_STEEP | SLOPE_NWS,               ///< a steep slope falling to east (from west)
	SLOPE_STEEP_S  = SLOPE_STEEP | SLOPE_WSE,               ///< a steep slope falling to north (from south)
	SLOPE_STEEP_E  = SLOPE_STEEP | SLOPE_SEN,               ///< a steep slope falling to west (from east)
	SLOPE_STEEP_N  = SLOPE_STEEP | SLOPE_ENW,               ///< a steep slope falling to south (from north)

	SLOPE_HALFTILE = 0x20,                                  ///< one halftile is leveled (non continuous slope)
	SLOPE_HALFTILE_MASK = 0xE0,                             ///< three bits used for halftile slopes
	SLOPE_HALFTILE_W = SLOPE_HALFTILE | (CORNER_W << 6),    ///< the west halftile is leveled (non continuous slope)
	SLOPE_HALFTILE_S = SLOPE_HALFTILE | (CORNER_S << 6),    ///< the south halftile is leveled (non continuous slope)
	SLOPE_HALFTILE_E = SLOPE_HALFTILE | (CORNER_E << 6),    ///< the east halftile is leveled (non continuous slope)
	SLOPE_HALFTILE_N = SLOPE_HALFTILE | (CORNER_N << 6),    ///< the north halftile is leveled (non continuous slope)

 * Rangecheck for Corner enumeration.
 * @param corner A #Corner.
 * @return true iff corner is in a valid range.
static inline bool IsValidCorner(Corner corner)
	return IS_INT_INSIDE(corner, 0, CORNER_END);

 * Checks if a slope is steep.
 * @param s The given #Slope.
 * @return True if the slope is steep, else false.
static inline bool IsSteepSlope(Slope s)
	return (s & SLOPE_STEEP) != 0;

 * Checks for non-continuous slope on halftile foundations.
 * @param s The given #Slope.
 * @return True if the slope is non-continuous, else false.
static inline bool IsHalftileSlope(Slope s)
	return (s & SLOPE_HALFTILE) != 0;

 * Return the complement of a slope.
 * This method returns the complement of a slope. The complement of a
 * slope is a slope with raised corner which aren't raised in the given
 * slope.
 * @pre The slope must neither be steep nor a halftile slope.
 * @param s The #Slope to get the complement.
 * @return a complement Slope of the given slope.
static inline Slope ComplementSlope(Slope s)
	assert(!IsSteepSlope(s) && !IsHalftileSlope(s));
	return (Slope)(0xF ^ s);

 * Tests if a slope has a highest corner (i.e. one corner raised or a steep slope).
 * Note: A halftile slope is ignored.
 * @param s The #Slope.
 * @return  true iff the slope has a highest corner.
static inline bool HasSlopeHighestCorner(Slope s)
	s = (Slope)(s & ~SLOPE_HALFTILE_MASK);
	return IsSteepSlope(s) || (s == SLOPE_W) || (s == SLOPE_S) || (s == SLOPE_E) || (s == SLOPE_N);

 * Returns the highest corner of a slope (one corner raised or a steep slope).
 * @pre      The slope must be a slope with one corner raised or a steep slope. A halftile slope is ignored.
 * @param s  The #Slope.
 * @return   Highest corner.
static inline Corner GetHighestSlopeCorner(Slope s)
	switch (s & ~SLOPE_HALFTILE_MASK) {
		case SLOPE_W:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_W: return CORNER_W;
		case SLOPE_S:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_S: return CORNER_S;
		case SLOPE_E:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_E: return CORNER_E;
		case SLOPE_N:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_N: return CORNER_N;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

 * Returns the leveled halftile of a halftile slope.
 * @pre     The slope must be a halftile slope.
 * @param s The #Slope.
 * @return  The corner of the leveled halftile.
static inline Corner GetHalftileSlopeCorner(Slope s)
	return (Corner)((s >> 6) & 3);

 * Returns the height of the highest corner of a slope relative to TileZ (= minimal height)
 * @param s The #Slope.
 * @return Relative height of highest corner.
static inline uint GetSlopeMaxZ(Slope s)
	if (s == SLOPE_FLAT) return 0;
	if (IsSteepSlope(s)) return 2 * TILE_HEIGHT;
	return TILE_HEIGHT;

 * Returns the opposite corner.
 * @param corner A #Corner.
 * @return The opposite corner to "corner".
static inline Corner OppositeCorner(Corner corner)
	return (Corner)(corner ^ 2);

 * Returns the slope with a specific corner raised.
 * @param corner The #Corner.
 * @return The #Slope with corner "corner" raised.
static inline Slope SlopeWithOneCornerRaised(Corner corner)
	return (Slope)(1 << corner);

 * Returns the slope with all except one corner raised.
 * @param corner The #Corner.
 * @return The #Slope with all corners but "corner" raised.
static inline Slope SlopeWithThreeCornersRaised(Corner corner)
	return ComplementSlope(SlopeWithOneCornerRaised(corner));

 * Adds a halftile slope to a slope.
 * @param s #Slope without a halftile slope.
 * @param corner The #Corner of the halftile.
 * @return The #Slope s with the halftile slope added.
static inline Slope HalftileSlope(Slope s, Corner corner)
	return (Slope)(s | SLOPE_HALFTILE | (corner << 6));

 * Enumeration for Foundations.
enum Foundation {
	FOUNDATION_NONE,             ///< The tile has no foundation, the slope remains unchanged.
	FOUNDATION_LEVELED,          ///< The tile is leveled up to a flat slope.
	FOUNDATION_INCLINED_X,       ///< The tile has an along X-axis inclined foundation.
	FOUNDATION_INCLINED_Y,       ///< The tile has an along Y-axis inclined foundation.
	FOUNDATION_STEEP_LOWER,      ///< The tile has a steep slope. The lowest corner is raised by a foundation to allow building railroad on the lower halftile.

/* Halftile foundations */
	FOUNDATION_STEEP_BOTH,       ///< The tile has a steep slope. The lowest corner is raised by a foundation and the upper halftile is leveled.
	FOUNDATION_HALFTILE_W,       ///< Level west halftile non-continuously.
	FOUNDATION_HALFTILE_S,       ///< Level south halftile non-continuously.
	FOUNDATION_HALFTILE_E,       ///< Level east halftile non-continuously.
	FOUNDATION_HALFTILE_N,       ///< Level north halftile non-continuously.

/* Special anti-zig-zag foundations for single horizontal/vertical track */
	FOUNDATION_RAIL_W,           ///< Foundation for TRACK_BIT_LEFT, but not a leveled foundation.
	FOUNDATION_RAIL_S,           ///< Foundation for TRACK_BIT_LOWER, but not a leveled foundation.
	FOUNDATION_RAIL_E,           ///< Foundation for TRACK_BIT_RIGHT, but not a leveled foundation.
	FOUNDATION_RAIL_N,           ///< Foundation for TRACK_BIT_UPPER, but not a leveled foundation.

	FOUNDATION_INVALID = 0xFF    ///< Used inside "rail_cmd.cpp" to indicate invalid slope/track combination.

 * @param f  Maybe a #Foundation.
 * @return   true iff f is a foundation.
static inline bool IsFoundation(Foundation f)
	return f != FOUNDATION_NONE;

 * Tests if the foundation is a leveled foundation.
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @return   true iff f is a leveled foundation.
static inline bool IsLeveledFoundation(Foundation f)

 * Tests if the foundation is an inclined foundation.
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @return   true iff f is an inclined foundation.
static inline bool IsInclinedFoundation(Foundation f)

 * Tests if a foundation is a non-continuous foundation, i.e. halftile-foundation or FOUNDATION_STEEP_BOTH.
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @return   true iff f is a non-continuous foundation
static inline bool IsNonContinuousFoundation(Foundation f)

 * Returns the halftile corner of a halftile-foundation
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @return   The #Corner with track.
static inline Corner GetHalftileFoundationCorner(Foundation f)
	return (Corner)(f - FOUNDATION_HALFTILE_W);

 * Tests if a foundation is a special rail foundation for single horizontal/vertical track.
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @return   true iff f is a special rail foundation for single horizontal/vertical track.
static inline bool IsSpecialRailFoundation(Foundation f)

 * Returns the track corner of a special rail foundation
 * @param f  The #Foundation.
 * @return   The #Corner with track.
static inline Corner GetRailFoundationCorner(Foundation f)
	return (Corner)(f - FOUNDATION_RAIL_W);

 * Returns the foundation needed to flatten a slope.
 * The returned foundation is either FOUNDATION_NONE if the tile was already flat, or FOUNDATION_LEVELED.
 * @pre      The slope must not be steep.
 * @param s  The current #Slope.
 * @return   The needed #Foundation.
static inline Foundation FlatteningFoundation(Slope s)

 * Returns the along a specific axis inclined foundation.
 * @param axis  The #Axis.
 * @return      The needed #Foundation.
static inline Foundation InclinedFoundation(Axis axis)

 * Returns the halftile foundation for single horizontal/vertical track.
 * @param corner The #Corner with the track.
 * @return       The wanted #Foundation.
static inline Foundation HalftileFoundation(Corner corner)
	return (Foundation)(FOUNDATION_HALFTILE_W + corner);

 * Returns the special rail foundation for single horizontal/vertical track.
 * @param corner The #Corner with the track.
 * @return       The wanted #Foundation.
static inline Foundation SpecialRailFoundation(Corner corner)
	return (Foundation)(FOUNDATION_RAIL_W + corner);

#endif /* SLOPE_H */